SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Anyway, if you Yun/Yang/Akuma(lol) army really feel you got robbed then how about bringing up more feedbacks to capcom rather than insulting other people as “whiny lazy scrubs using low tier characters”? Seriously I don’t care how “high level” some guys here claim to be but at the end of the day you are just one person who paid 50 dollars for this game among millions of others. This iteration of balance changes is based on the voice of the majority not the voice of some self-claim elites. You don’t like how this game developing industry works you can always stop playing.

WTF am I reading here?

that akuma is going from arguable #1 to arguable top 6 or 7. gasp

In the meantime sonic “hurricane” is still a joke. from 420 to 300 dmg in AE. wtf.

Guile still does NO DAMAGE.

I’m not real thrilled about the super-safe do-almost-nothing approach to tweaking Oni. I assume E.Ryu, Yun, and Yang all have large change lists so they can see from the loc-test which ones should stay and which ones should go. At least try giving Oni a few changes and see what happens. Oh well, at least I know he won’t be getting any worse.

Yun/Yang: I can’t believe they have those giant change lists and didn’t nerf the palm hitbox or give it less active frames so you don’t accidentally get hit for punishing a whiffed one. LOL! Yang players, do realize that they’re doing what sounds like multiple loc-tests. All those nerfs aren’t locked in yet, so chin up!

The real WTF to me is the Juri, Cody, and Hakan changes. Everyone seems to be focusing on Cody, but Juri and Hakan’s changes sound just as crazy to me. I sure hope they get some solid testing in with these characters.

nerfing yuns divekick and dragon kicks is pretty much overkill imho, the nerfs to lunge is reasonable(although i think it will be useless) and i couldnt care less about the nerf to command grab and palm active frames so the babies stop cryin but they took away his chance at oki after the dragon kicks and his divekick pressure is probably ass if it needs to be as high as yang…i cant really see yun being good with these changes alone

thats not even beginning to talk about all the stupid changes that were done jus to destroy him it seems…tc4 is now super absolutely useless, genei jin is worse, even fake palm was nerfed lol…who thought fake palm needed to be nerfed? yun an yang got nerfed way too hard imo, i hope the players at the location test make capcom realize this.

Agreed. The man needs to hit harder, it’s pitiful how weak he is now.

seriously, artificial bad match ups piss me off so much.

AS to why anyone would want bad match ups on purpose is beyond me. Its like it don’t matter as long as its not your character.

but he is perfectly balanced as is, clearly giving him anything of real value would make him OP, and not be fair.

oh wow, that sounds really familiar.

I was all hype for 3so, but these changes make me want to keep playing sf4!!! Sorry 3S.

4 out of 5 characters that I like playing got buffs. It’s cool if Yun gets nerfed, he was too good.

It has to do with character diversity. If a character isn’t presented problems by a playstyle achetype (grappler, zoner, rushdown, footsies, mixups) then something’s wrong. I’m not saying that buffs and nerfs be handed out to target specific matchups in order to bring Yun down or anything, just saying that if you’ve got a character that performs well in all situations you’re going to have some imbalance. At least in SF4’s system.

I know the pain of getting dominated by any form of playstyle thanks to my inability to not play anybody of real value, but the way I look at it,

character Z’s ability to not be weak to certian archetype is becasue character’s E,T, M, P, and Y, who specialize in whatever, aren’t really good at it, even though if character Z in theory is supposed to lose to them. They lack the real tools to do said job. They however can achive this against other characters because those characters lack what they really need. So balance in this game, is achieved through a very cut and paste artificial system that robs characters of what I would call completeness.

At least in the SF4 system.

As much as people think it will, 2012 aint going to solve this.

youde think that after, How many SF’s overall?, would get this. You can only do so much with balance.

A character should always have a few bad matchups. Just in theory alone. If that character doesn’t then you have a broken character on your hands. Hopefully AE 2012 doesn’t have any broken characters. :slight_smile:

On paper Cody sounds like he is a bit broken. But he will most likely be toned down on release.

I dunno, Cody will be good…I doubt broken. The walk speed was a nice buff, the invincible wakeup to FADC ultra is a big deal too…but a lot of those buffs were to knife hitboxes too, something not used very much. Eh, we’ll see about Cody. Its hard to imagine he won’t be atleast high tier now, though.

Sombody said Cody can block now during picking up the knife now but can he throw tech?

Bad spray isn’t invincible though. (right?)

People always talk about bad matchups, but no one talks about a character having good ones.

Which is stupider? A character who is 5/5 with everyone, or a character who only has 1 4/6 and decisively beats everyone else? That’s easy for me to answer.

You know what was broke as fuck? The Psychic Type in the original Red/Blue/Yellow Pokemon games. Like 8-2 matchups across the board. The two types it was supposed to be weak to (Bug and Ghost) were a joke. Ghost’s most powerful move was Lick at 20 power (LOL) and Bug types were so abysmally awful that nothing would ever pack any move of that type ever.

Game Freak rebalanced that shit ASAP in Gold/Silver/Crystal by giving it a 0/10 matchup against Dark types and splitting Special Attack/Defense.

If you think the changes in the blog are going to make cody broken, or even top tier, I have some things to sell you.