SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Don’t worry Seth Killian will tell you he is still a good character like he did Gen user in Super :wink:

lol and we all know how that turned out.

C’mon man, quit teasing us Dudley users like this. Dudley didn’t get any meaningful changes. His best change was re-instating counterhit traps on st.HK that he had in Super. We’re yet to see what the U1 change means, it could be a buff or a nerf. Everything else is just… random ass buffs to jumping normals, because we all know how much Dudley likes to stay in the air.

Mean-fuckin’-while, Cody, who was always a better character, gets this whole dream list of changes that will easily make him top 10.

I think it’s a bad idea to try and base character balance off tournaments, since tournaments are one-shot events featuring the best players around and almost anything can happen. The Poongko/Daigo match is a great example of this. Not even just fighting games - in football, were the 08 Giants (14-6) a better team overall than the Patriots (18-1) because they beat them in the Super Bowl?

For consistent character performance, the best resource we have right now is the Japanese point ranking, which as of today reads like this.

  1. Yun (Daigo)
  2. Yun (Kazunoko)
  3. Fei Long (Mago)
  4. Yang (Nemo)
  5. Yun (MDR)
  6. Ken (Michael-tan)
  7. Ibuki (Iyo)
  8. Fei Long (Fuu)
  9. Yang (Ojisan)
  10. Yun (Hachigara-san)
  11. Yun (Banbaban)
  12. Blanka (Taku@Reshio 4)
  13. Abel (Nekojita)
  14. Yun (Maakun)
  15. Sagat (RF)
  16. Viper (Kyabetsu)
  17. Bison (Ikoma Devil)
  18. Yun (FU*K YUN)
  19. Sagat (Hisshou)
  20. Ryu (Akaganryu)

Even this isn’t accurate - what does it tell us? Blanka is a top 20 character? The Japanese love to tier whore?

True tier lists take time. In a lot of ways I don’t think the tier list for original SF4 was completely set in stone, and we don’t even have a concrete one for Super. It’s hard to say where AE falls in the balance department because we’re still trying to figure that out. 8 months since the Japanese arcade release, Yun/Fei/Yang are still dominant, Hakan still struggles - maybe these are things we can say are static. The rest is highly variable.

People don’t care about logic. Most people regurgitate crap they hear anyways. But yeah, even those Japanese rankings are pretty skewed, there’s definitely good players using obscure characters that aren’t represented.

People will not learn here that quantity equates quality. They’ll just argue that Blanka still sucks and that guy is just good. Same argument for Seth when Poongko was blowing people up. but when Daigo uses Yun, Yun’s amazing, not just the fact that he’s Daigo.

After a careful analysis of that list I came to the conclusion that…Akuma needs a major nerf ASAP.

With the loc test starting tomorrow, I can’t imagine the uproar here if most of japanese top players say that Yun, Yang, Feilong are still Top tiers and fine.

That would be hilarious.

After a careful analysis of your comment…your sarcasm needs a major nerf ASAP.

Crying about the Akuma nerfs was so 48hrs ago.

so wont there be some sort of blog continuation tonight? i thought i saw friday listed as the final day

Hope some Dudley players turn up and let them know that he’s getting left behind.

Could be a feedback blog that would be neat but it would be heavily edited.

We’ll find out what it is, if anything in an hour or so.

Though Ayano’s blog included Friday, I don’t think there’s going to be a post today.

The end of yesterday’s blog says -

"And that’s the balance adjustments for all 39 characters. What do you think?

The results of this loketest will be very important for the next loketest. We will take your opinions in mind, so please stop by, try it out, and leave us your thoughts in the surveys and here on the blog in the comments! Well then, hope to see you all at the loketests!"

It is Friday afternoon here in Japan, so Japanese reports should start surfacing in the next few hours.

Will Arcade 2012 edition reset my battle points again!? Cuz really…that would suck lol

Also, any word on if it will be the normal SF IV engine or have the Tekken x Street fighter filter laid overtop of it? (which i doubt but would love)

Haha…would go nicely along with some new characters like Elena Urien and Sean, especially Sean! Maybe 4 characters again…lol would make sense since theyre revamping characters anyway so it will be like a brand new cast of 44, two 4’s…looks nice >.>

thanks for the indepth translations. hopefully if there are any unspoken nerfs / changes, word will filter down from 2ch and the like.

Normal SF IV 4 sure

the dudley community aren’t vocal at all so it’ll go unnoticed like everytime, not to mention that the playerbase is small as it is so no one will care.

and for whatever reason half the dudley forum thinks dudley is fine as it is and dudley somehow dominates 3/4 of the cast (bunch of masochists). just let them dwell in their delusion and change your main. you’re seriously not thinking of sticking with dudley hoping that the next patch after 2012 (if there’ll be any) will somehow make him viable are you? because my gut tells me THAT patch won’t do shit for dudley either.

^you’ll find those kind of people everywhere my friend. Even in the hakan boards. I love the oil man, but I’m gonna be honest when I say he needed a little help. Glad he got it. :smiley:

I don’t think it actually means you can block and still continue picking up the knife, from what I can tell I think it works like canceling taunt into block.

Yun and Fei are still dominant. Yang on the other hand is absurdly overrated, besides Nemo and Ojisan how many good Yangs are there in the world? When was the last time a Yang did well in a US tourney? Yet he is set to be nerfed worse than Yun. Akuma is used even less and yet they are giving him the Cammy treatment, which is stupid.