SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

To have fun in AE and win at a higher level you pretty much have to pick one of 5 or 6 characters and play one very specific rush down and mixup style. I admit fully whatever bad matchups I have are bad, and I work through them. But a good fighting game should never make me switch characters, and I feel AE 2012 just makes a whole lot more options and play styles viable. Not even just the “shitty characters” who you yun and yang mains all say we should drop, so Capcom doesn’t nerf your OP character, but everybody. Hopefully, its all theory fighting at this point. Also, I think you yun, yang, and fei players are overreacting a bit. They’ll still be fine.

Though its nice as a Hakan main since super to always be happy during these game updates. :tup:

Play who you have fun playing with. If the character matches your personality, none of this crap really matters and you will be at your best/most fun.

On the flip side you can now learn not to do second rekka in your matchups and to be more patient.

I gotta say during all of this hoopla that I’ve lost some respect for Akuma players. Bitching and moaning when you still have an invincible 3f reversal, ground AND air fireballs, the best defensive teleport in the game, amazing normals, free untech knockdowns with tatsu-sweep, and still an intact vortex off of said knockdowns aside from off the forward throw, and you still can get decent pressure going even off that.

Seriously, what do you people want? Not saying he’s an easy character to play but he’s still gonna be really, really good. You’re acting like they totally destroyed him or something.

Evo Top 32 characters + Yang and Sakura (two characters that were in GG4 top 3 and not represented in Evo Top 32) is a lot more than “5-6” characters.

Dhalsim (snafoo)
Guy (Combofiend)


AE Balance was fine, better than Super imo and Yun/Yang/Fei probably would’ve stopped being strong when people decided to put time in and whine less. AE Upper/2012/Turbo or whatever this is called, will probably be even better once the the dust settles. Wipe you tears and put the time in to learn your changed character or learn a new character.

PS: People who pick top tier, why are you complaining? You have no character loyalty and just pick whoever is the best. You should be use to learning a new character every patch by now. Not knocking you, just saying.

^ hey man, that’s not true. i actually liked yang alot. but you’re right, i’m gonna use the “learn a new character” route soon as the patch drop. ah well, it was fun while it lasted. at least he’s fun in 3s.

Excellent Cody changes. I particularly like the overhead being available while holding the knife.

I think Seth is gonna be tough as well as Abel

Lol the salt I’m drowning in the salt from most of you guys.

But seriously I see most changes sticking except for Yang.

The irony.

I realize that people are sick of the Akuma topic…but I’m not :arazz:…

The palm nerf and the throw nerf actually work together to hurt Akuma’s vortex in its current state. The palm nerf increases the probability of Akuma ending up in a position where the best oki result is a frame trap/tick throw state instead of a combo…but then if you successfully get the throw, the pressure doesn’t continue like it did previously because of the throw nerf.

New setups will more than likely be found to compensate for the throw nerf (crossup tatsu is probably dead and gone though). I am not sure what the justification would be for not nerfing these setups as well if the throw setups that are already being used are considered a problem, but that’s another story I guess.

The new Akuma needs to find ways to force opponents to stand after a knockdown. I think there is some belief right now that opponents crouching on wakeup will limit what Akuma can do. If we assume that Akuma can do this (I think it is possible), does that need to be nerfed as well?

I agree with you that Akuma still has a lot of tools. The character is still good. If these changes remain, I don’t think that anyone can deny that the character is a bit different…what happens if the Akuma community ends up making him kinda the same? What was the point? Hard needs to be made harder?

I would agree that balance in AE is better than a lot of people in this thread are giving credit for.

Characters like Viper aren’t so far ahead that damage nerfs won’t bring them more in line. Changes to damage/stun are still significant, especially for a mixup character - if you don’t believe that, ask a Fuerte player what his risk/reward is like, or an Abel player about the Zangief matchup.

What if one of the unmentioned changes is a buff to the reach on demon flip throw so it hits crouching characters more reliably?

It’s entirely possible. I don’t think the entire Akuma community has raised the white flag. The current frustration level is somewhat justifiable but you are right that we should all wait and see.

AE balance was not “fine”. I mean look at those characters, and again they all pretty much play an in your face style except for Sim and Sagat. Its the defensive style that was killed in AE. In was borderline useless against any of the better characters of the game.

Yun Yang Fei would not have just stopped being strong once people put time in. I think its safe to say a considerable amount of the players who play this game (yes even and especially the top players we like referencing so much as if Evo is the only example of game balance,) put the time in to learn the Yun, Yang, Fei, and Viper matchup but still find it an incredibly one sided fight that you have to get lucky to win.

is that all they did to yun? hes still going to be beast :slight_smile:
Except they need to give him his ex cmd throw invincibility back, otherwise the gief/t.hawk match is gonna be a real biatch

Good. Let him have a bad matchup or two.


Also, if Cody can block as he picks up his knife Hakan should be able to block when oiling. /Troll /sortof. Seriously, thats a really stupid buff. :confused:

yun will have more than 2 bad matchs up. you can count on that. ken, sagat, are gonna roflmao stomp twins now.

tbh, i think there’s no reason to play yun or yang anymore. these guys are looking gen ( ssf4 ) tier.

The genei jin and seiei enbu nerfs are stupid, also palm frame nerfs are excessive. Same with nerf their light kick hurtbox. Yang’s hitbox for his upkicks were solid, not broken…
Makoto’s ex karasuka range nerf is sttttupid. Yun’s shoulder nerfs are too much.
IT really is looking like overnerfing.