SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I can tell they’re giving Dudley the grappler treatment - scary when in close, so he’s got to work to get there. Only problem is that unlike grapplers, he still has to work up close as well.

I think Fei’s turtling ability was highly underrated in AE and Super because of how good his offense was. I imagine he will be much more defensive oriented now because of his huge rekka nerf which will probably be pwned quite often by focus attacks… I think he’ll still be very strong, just be played quite differently.

I honestly find it very hard to see how Yang can possibly be anything higher than B tier with his nerfs. He’d be more limited in his frame traps option. His 5-frame st.Lk and his nerfed jump Mk I think were the worst nerfs. Some very good Yangs barely even used the divekick. But I guess he still has his 3-frame Cr. LK amongst others to work with.

Bingo. Fei is still A tier even with the adjustments made to him.

His rekka nerf is overrated, as most good fei’s hit confirmed the first rekka anyhow. You just have to be extra careful on it, is all. Funny thing is, you could ALWAYS punish the second rekka if you were good, but the players who sucked bitch and moaned until they got what they wanted. Fei is still going to be an excellent character in a skilled players hands. It just appears the execution level of the user needs to be more on point, is all.

ok, let me rephrase myself.

the double ^^ means the 2 post’s above mine. So i was never refering to what you said, and was a comment aimed at Superlollo.

Second hit of rekka got punished 90 percent of the time by a skilled opponent. If someone couldnt punish that second rekka the fault lied in the other player. I am just glad I dont have to listen to idiots yelling tier whore or coming out with some bullshit excuse about something they didnt understand. Basically people who couldnt handle certain aspects of Feis game cried until they got their change, namely the shoto users. Rather than adjusting their playstyle, Capcom made their lives easier. So now, those Sagat users dont have to solve that aspect of the game.

So Fei users still have to navigate through all the goddamn fireballs people throw, without complaint, while some of these idiots cried becasuse they were too stupid to punish the second rekka before, which was already possible. Now they just got it handed to them lol.

of course you are. typical of the people around here - nerf the other characters and buff mine!

LOL. All the cody users who cried about other OP characters the entire time the last few years, now its cool when your character appears to have shot to the top.

I love the people around here. True colors ultimately do show through.

The fact he can block while picking up a knife is fucking idiotic. There is now no risk to picking it up. Some of these changes are bizarre lol.

Sometimes buffs are needed, sometimes nerfs are needed. I don’t play Abel or Dudley but I was glad to see them get buffs since I enjoy their fighting style and with Dudley he needs buffs.

JFC enough with the whining already.

Agreed but some of these buffs and nerfs are insanity or simply not needed. Does Capcom actually consult people who play the game at the highest level, or just ignore all information from those people out in the field.

I am just annoyed by the people on these forums bitching about so called S tier characters for months, but now that it appears their character is up there, it is ok. Thats my only complaint.

I for one dont get caught up too much in the tier business or this nerfing buffing shit. I have my characters, and thats who I will use.

Well, I don’t agree with some of the Fei Long nerfs, but to be honest, the 2nd hit of lp rekka was hardly punishable by 90% of the cast when spaced correctly. Only characters with very long range 3 and 4 frames normal could punish him, and even then, it had to be frame perfect for a lot of them.
Now, even if spaced well, it’ll still be easily punishable by almost anyone, which somewhat sucks. But I guess this was what capcom was aiming at: 38 mediocre albeit still usable characters and C. Viper to wreck all of them with safe ambiguous 50/50s and huge damage/stun output.
Time to learn that FFF I guess.

lol no.

Not all moves of characters are punishable by all member of the cast, regardless of who are you are discussing, that is the reason for learning your matchups. Instead people fucking bitched and moaned and now got it simplified for them

All they are doing is dumbing it down for people who were too stupid to learn their matchups in the first place, and were trying to punish something simply because another character did it. Fei longs nerfs are a by product of uninformed people crying because they hate to admit the fact they are average players, just like myself. They spout off frame data and thinks this makes them high level. Now, these average players are the ones who are the loudest and are now having the game altered to compensate for their lack of skill. Rather than taking their lumps and practicing to improve.

FYI there is also a video floating around that shows second rekkas being punished, consistently.Not to mention I see it, as a Fei user.

lol @ anyone who thinks yang will be good after these dumbass nerfs? did ya’ll even understand wtf happen this guy? i have no doubt in my mind that even shitty characters like juri might even be better than yang. this guy is finished if these nerfs stick.

I think a lot of people have missed this, I’ve seen it said a few times. EX has less range than LK, so that makes it a BUFF not a NERF if true

It’s going to be funny with Yun, Yang and Fei players find a heap of undocumented nerfs just like past nerfed characters. Did they list every nerf for Sagat in Super? For Cammy in AE? Nope, not even close.

be sure to thank everyone who whined and complained, rather than learning the matchups. Similar to the whole second rekka thing with Fei. As I said, rather than saying, HEY MY CHARACTER CANT PUNISH THE SECOND REKKA MAYBE I SHOULD BE PATIENT they would flail like jackasses and pay the price. So they cried, now everyone can punish the second rekka on block.

Bitches gonna bitch.

You must be one of the people who cried for nerfs that you didnt even understand.


Choose one.

And concerning the 2nd hit of Rekka, Viper’s only 3f attacks are her two grabs.