SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Im not hating on yun cause im a yun player but i did face lots of people who abused his ex lounge punch. Of course i know he’s going to be viable just alot of people are saying he’s dead and what not and that he’s nerfed to the point he wont be viable anymore. Scrubs abusing yun is not a concern now there going to drop him completly due to him being a lil harder to play in ae.2012 thus me being happy. Now we wont have people crying about how yun is overpowered and what not i believed he was hit pretty fair! As for jwong not being successful with yun i dont know man i heard him say he was just more comftarble playing rufus!

Yang pretty much got this treatment:

Just seen the shit on Yun lol.I’ll still use him along side Chun…just something about that hat man smh.

can someone plz watch that vid and legit tell me how yangs nerfs were overboard?

To me it seems as though people are overlooking yang because Yun had this giant bullseye on his back.

Jwong is Rufus. Always has, always will be.

You just bought 3s:OE didn’t you?

Lol nah…I aint bitching about nothing like some people cough Akuma mains

Yun still has the tools to compete and wreck shop when used right. Everyone does, even poor Yang(R.I.P).

Yes we Akuma mains are bitching about not being able to do the basic shoto safejump/x-up after EITHER throw now (back and now forward too).

Yeah, we’re really unreasonable for wanting our lower health shoto who was designed to be a setup beast to do a basic safejump/x-up jump-in after his normal throws lol.

@ surenio
But no one sees that well the scrubs who didnt bother to learn the match up believe hes been nerfed to death like yang lol But i know he still has tools to win.

I still dont get why akuma was hit that one still baffles me i believe his air tatsu nerf was more then enough in ae :confused:

lol yeah that is true.Yun’s still playable and as for Yang he got hit with that nerf bat pretty hard.SMH

You have air fireballs though. That alone justifies the lower health.

I had a very different reaction to Akuma’s nerfs than most Akuma mains seem to have…

Yeah I was disappointed about DF palm no longer being overhead, but I feel like at least 80% of the time that hits against good players, it’s because they were trying to jump away either in general or from the DF throw. When players see a character jump, what do they do first? They block high.

We will see how the extra throw recovery feels, but I’m not worried about it at this point… two frames is nothing, and I have never relied on canned set-ups before. Perhaps I should (should have) learned some, but that’s just not my top priority. I bait out tons of stuff with DF palm purely based on feel. I don’t need to whiff some move to make sure the frames are perfect. I don’t treat Akuma as a formula to be applied. I utilize his incredible normals, his blinding speed and mix-ups, one of the best Ultras in the game IMO in Raging Demon, his FADCable uppercut, and probably the best defensive teleport in the game and have had great results with that. I’ve sometimes lost to Akumas that had better knowledge of set-ups than I do. What happens next is that after a game or two, I realize that they’re only beating me with one or two stupid tricky set-ups, and once I stop falling for them, the facts that their footsies suck ass, they can’t demon worth a shit, they have no throw game and generally can’t zone or mix-up outside of a couple of these canned set-ups that they memorized from YouTube become readily apparent as I proceed to destroy them.

Again, we’ll see how it feels, but I’m not too worried. If a bunch of people who think they can win by MEMORIZING THE UNSTOPPABLE VORTEX quit Akuma and attempt the same doomed approach with another character, then I’m fine with that.

Maybe nothing now, but Ryu is now just a bit more a “refresher” character, where if you ever forget the basics (AND THAT IS A HUGE “IF”) you can go back to Ryu and refresh yourselves, either that or he is what some people call “the jack of all trades”. But I think it just comes down to playstyle, Evil Ryu is meant for more offensive players and yes, we do tend to go “in your face!!!” with him, still not rushdown though, he has some tools that gets him in but some of the tools he have is for zoning, a more offensive “jack of all trades” if you will.

Other than that, with him gaining some links, Evil Ryu can actually play some footsies game, unlike when he can just do 2 CR.MPs > LK. Tatsu> Shoryu combo which was one of the common B&B combos many E.Ryu players. So we might see more of interesting strategies that E.Ryu can come up with the changes he’s given. Can’t help though noticing that some of the changes like these:

-Target Combo’s standing Hard Punch will knock the opponent down and away on counter-hit. Also the damage on this move was buffed.

-Far Standing Hard Kick has a bigger hitbox…

… is making E.Ryu more like a zoning offensive character, am very happy of the changes though… I wanna get my hands on him and see if he’s really good to play as now.

And where’s the part for people to see that you’re an idiot?

Yun and Yang low tier, fei low mid. I always think i’ve heard them all, then some random guy pops up on srk and always manages to amaze me

See that’s the spirit !..I understand how yall feel but some people was on a fucking riot last night in this thread. That’s why I just threw that out there but let me stop cuz I dont wanna start trouble.

@grand ichi
yea i saw the akuma riots i rarely post in anything other than tech talk and imm. I felt i had to give my input on yun after reading all these claims of yun being hit hard and him sucking now and blah blah form here and event hubs. lol

yang def high low, yun and fei high mid, low high imo.

That said though, am not so happy about Makoto, The changes she got is sensible I think, because it would cut down a bit her dominace on a character after just ONE knockdown, but many people should be able to play her the same, abeit with less health and more damge in her normals… I take that back , she would STILL dominate in the hands of a very skilled player… I am going to have to a field day with Makoto when AE Upper Comes out… ugh…

As usual, they are talking out of their ass.

Did you read what they said about Vega.

Well we didn’t think he needed any changes because felt the players really didn’t want any.

1- What scrubs here don’t realize is that the forward throw nerf was NOT aimed to tone down Akuma’s vortex game, it was a lazy fix for his corner unblockable vs some characters (i.e Ryu, Ken), they didn’t want to work the hard way and adjust the hitboxes.

Sad thing is that we will still probably be able to do the corner unblockables by timing the jump-in via whiffed normals, so it doesn’t fix the problem anyway and it’s just a stupid and retarded fix that screws a crucial part of his game.

2- To the dude who says 2 frames is nothing, Akuma’s forward throw pushes the opponent very far away, the fastest way to get in position to go for a safejump/cross up is via x2 dashes, that only safejumps 5f reversals. Now add 2 recovery frames and Akuma won’t be able to safejump A LOT of the characters in the game (i.e Sagat, Fei, Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Adon, Chun…etc)

Only way Akuma will still be able to do normal safejumps/crossup is if Capcom reduced how far the opponent falls away from Akuma or speedup Akuma’s forward dash (never gonna happen lol).

I don’t mind the DF palm nerf btw and I know many don’t either, it’s the forward throw nerf that’s retarded.