SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

i might be delusional here but looking at the yun nerfs he might still be viable just wont be as powerful as he was at least no more scrubs abusing his shit :slight_smile:

Guile gets +10 put BACK on his backfist and others get a new house and a lexus. WTF.

I also noticed that Event Hubs has a considerble more amount of changes for Fei than the SRK page has. I thought Fei barely got touched, but they hit him with the nerf mobile too…

yeah… the thing with recording footage at arcades, besides that some players might not want their shit recorded (e.g. Iyo, Daigo etc), its a pain in the ass to do so and then people give us shit when we couldnt get the best angle etc… Kim1234 doesnt really uploads videos to his YT channel anymore, probably has to do with how people giving him shit, without considering how that shit aint easy. You gotta stand and hold the camera (and before any smartass gonna say use a tripod, have ya been to japanese arcades? not much space to place a tripod), and as a player, you want to play more at the arcades than just record other people play… so when people took their time and effort to capture arcade footage of Japanese players, the last thing you should do is give them shit. (not directing this at you really, just a rant, sorry lol)

AFAIK, SSB is unthrowable on startup, or at least the portion of startup where he’s in range.

They added more to his changes. The second hit of his rekka has less pushback and is -8, so yeah, that plus other character being buffed will make his low mid or low tier. Plus, I think he lost his combo and I know he lost jab into sweep.

I don’t see how he’ll still be good unless he does that much damage. I know people are salty about fei but damn…

I’ve read all those changes as well, and while he got nerfed for sure, I don’t see how anybody could claim that he’s going to be low tier now. For the most part he is still effective in the same way he was before, he just lost some stuff that was, frankly, a little stupid.
Plus, Fei at least got to keep his EX Rekkas from AE. So that’s something.


Doesn’t matter. I’ve been thrown on the return swing too many times. Dudley has better ways of beating throws anyway. None of this guy’s moves work except for EX MGB.

I’m done defending Dudley’s obvious deficiencies and bad design. Make thunderbolt work and worth using. Make rose throw actually worth existing. Make SSB break armour AT LEAST. Make not every one of his normals -1 at best. Speed up his and ffs. Reduce his whiff recoveries. Dudley needs help.

Wanna use cross counter? Whoops you just got counterhit/thrown/low hit. Wanna use jet upper? Whoops just got counterhit. Wanna use MGB? Whoops you missed a 1 frame link and just got DP FADC ultra’d. Wanna use st.fp? Whoops your ridiculous recovery just got punished. Wanna blockstring xx duck? Whoops you just got DP FADC ultra’d.

Ugghh so salty. So, so salty.

ok im done with this thread for now, gotta go out and explore the world lol

maybe go to the arcades and play Yang or something… lol

Do it while you can

Man, invest that time on Hakan or Cody.

Are they removing the oil concept of Hakkan or are they just starting him on event footing and it fades off over time?

Starting him oiled but it wears off.

Evil Ryu is sounding more than viable. Untechable knockdown opportunities out the ass, 900 health and stun, more U1 combo opportunities, 6 frame sweep, better mp DP, 370 damage super.

Yeah, I’m seriously starting to wonder if alot of Ryu mains might switch to him. Outside of 100 more health/stun, what does Ryu have that’s drastically better than Evil Ryu in Ver.2012?

There’s nothing to suggest Yun wouldn’t be viable, and I’m quite interested how scrubs abusing his shit was a concern when even Jwong couldn’t do it with success…

Ryu’s EX Fireball is much better, which combined with the slower hurt’s E.Ryu’s footsies more than people think. That’s pretty much all I can think of however.

I still think Ryu’s Shinku Super is better but Demon is pretty damn good.

Only thing I can think of is solar plexus. That and the braindeadness of his safe jumps. Edit: Completely agree on EX firebal…Ryu’s is much better.

His is faster, but not really comparable because E. Ryu’s has longer reach and is always a true blockstring to fireball. They’re just different.

If it’s true he can tatsu, sweep everyone Akuma can, he’s much better than Ryu. Better fireball game, a teleport, albeit ass it’s still a teleport, hop kick, demon kick, Ken like kara throw…