SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

There are some inaccuracies in there (example: it specifically says that Zangief cr.LP should work on all characters now, viper U2 is an increase from 380 not decrease.) I would just collect the separate posts that were already posted in here.

The “blowback” thing could mean knockdown, but I’m hesitant to say that definitively. It’s not really the usual word, I believe.

We’ll know when Capcom posts their version, anyway.

I’m not 100% sure but I think “blowback” is just knockdown. Maybe no tech?

Arc-rail and I are on the same wavelength. =P

I did a quick search and I found other instances of “blowback” damage…



This just talks about the changes to Gief’s EX Backfist in AE and Yang’s close forward kick. They say Gief’s Backfist used to do “blowback” damage and Yang’s close forward does “blowback” damage same as 3S.

it’s not likely recoil, then perfects would be impossible with those characters. Which is no big deal but why after all these years give those moves recoil?

Blanka’s buffs in super were great actually, but they’ve nerfed the things they buffed since then in other ways, which is sort of dumb.

blowback = knockdown?

Seems so obvious now lol

Thanks everyone for translating

This is making me cry, characters who needed no buffs are getting drastic buffs. Im incredibly nervous for Hakan, Rose, Seth, T.Hawk, and Gouken. Lets hope capcom doesn’t fuck us over again.

‘‘Tomorrow another 13 characters’ changes will be revealed.’’

Good stuff. Waiting for my characters : ] Wishes every overused easy mode char (Or Boring) would get nerfed and mixup chars would get even more buffs <3 (So far the opposite has happened though lol) dont-take-this-seriously-stop-reading-too

I do agree certain changes are kinda unneccesary. But eh, a buff is a buff I guess.

Makes sense, if it’s like those, they cause a techable knockdown now.

Which buffs are you referring to as “unnecessary”?

Where are these drastic buffs?
Im a new member and i miss people who knew what they were talking about.

Great work on the translation guys. Seems to be no major changes. I wonder if Ryu’s U2 is viable now or will most prolly stick with 1. The only change of the characters revealed I was looking for was a slight decrease to Viper’s U1 which I got soooooooo that means superstar 1 everybody else 0 :D.

Wow, Blanka and Claw with the knockdowns… I think that’s huge for both of them, really. Both of them have a ton of gimmicks with their respective hop moves and now they will have significantly more opportunities to get their gimmick games on. Also, that’s pretty cool IMO because those are buffs that think outside the box a little bit when compared to simply adding damage or health. Makes me more excited to see the rest of the changes.

I’m going to be refreshing the front page like a beast tomorrow hahaha

Edit - I’d also like to thank those who have translated. :slight_smile:

I think the “drastic buffs” are probably referring to Gief in particular. I don’t mind them, really, but I can see why people would be upset about his receiving a lot more stun on that SPD considering he already has that stupid headbutt that puts many characters close to stun in a single move.

Nothing drastic so far.

Poe22222 needs to stop posting. Demon Flip is fantastic in it’s many uses. It needs no recovery buff.

I hate to say it but if Sky high claw can knockdown it doesn’t make it any less awful. It’s still in most cases ultra punishable on block and impossible to combo into. Useless buff IMO.

Thank you to all those who translated. I’m happy knowing it’s mostly buffs so far, even to already solid characters. And the nerfs are very minor so far, surprised.

Things are looking up.

Yeah, I agree. Unless if they also adjusted it so that it’s no longer so unsafe on block, this move will still be not even worth using. Ever.
Oh well though, we still get our old Cosmic Heel back, which is pretty huge. That and the Ultra 1 buffs are enough for me.

That’s not what I said at all. What I said was that he has gotten a few nerfs, one of which being the added recovery to missed DF throw, but has remained largely unchanged and that I hope he stays the same because a few nerfs could turn Akuma into a much weaker character. I don’t feel bad for using half a post to say what almost every single person is thinking about his or her main and what 90% of people have already posted a dozen times over the last several months (I, for the record, haven’t).

True. Everytime i use sky high claw everyone crouches and it whiffs.

Huh that’s interesting, guessing that’s not all characters though