SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Well, if Gief is any indication of what they plan for the grapplers, then Hakan should be godlike.

I’m just waiting for them to reveal that all non-Viper/Ibuki/Chun females now have 1000 health. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t.

But, they won’t.

Since he compared it to Blanka, I’m guessing it means that either Vega or his opponent is pushed back after the attack is blocked. I’m also guessing this means it is harder to punish. Still, I’m the furthest thing from an authority on this subject so ultimately? Iono.

The characters I’m curious about

Evil Ryu

Good stufff. Ken is still the same. Waiting for Seth, Akuma, Dudley, Abel, hoping they all got buffs.

Yun will most likely stay around the same if they buff all the charge chars

Hope they nerf Fei, keep Honda/Gief/ the same due to boredom fighting them lol. Hoping they don’t make Sagat stronger due to overload on Online. Hoping they don’t make Ryu much better due to overload online

Just don’t nerf El Fuerte damn it.

Ultra 1 hitbox buff for viper is cool. Tk stuff isn’t that serious. At least they didn’t touch burn kick or seismo’s invincibility.

Gief gon be stunnin’ fools with ex green hand counterhit to headbutt.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think nerfing the charge characters means Yun stays the same? On a somewhat related note, it seems the charge characters mentioned so far were all buffed, if anything.

Oh my bad my bad, I meant ‘‘if they buff the charge characters’’ since they are/would be pretty good against the twins with some others as far as I know

Ohhhhh okay.

Full for Balrog (Claw)
We thought that Claw players would only want a few more improvements, so we change a couple of small things.
Crouching roundhouse’s damage was increased to 110, the same as in SFIV (Vanilla)
The blockstun from Cosmic Smart (Heel) was increased by 1F. The maximum advantage for this move has been shortened to -3F.
Sky High Claw will now juggle the opponent
If the knee hits in Bloody High Claw (U1), the hitbox of the subsequent hits will be larger, decreasing the changes of the opponent dropping out of the ultra combo.
Splendid Claw’s (U2) start up has been changed to 8F.

Oh, of course. The power of collaborating through forums. I was slow to see this thread, but I translated the whole thing on my end too. All the changes are probably out there now, but I tried to keep as much of what assistant producer Ayano said as possible.

-U2 Metsu Shoryuken hitbox increased, easier to lock-on for full animation (better as an anti-air in general)

-With a counter-hit Shakunetsu Hadouken (red fireball) you can combo into U2 Metsu Shoryuken with full animation. Try using it in combination with crouching MK (TL note: make your opponent block cr.MK, and if they try to focus absorb your regular fireball, if you do an EX it will hit as counter-hit). Does like 500+ damage, which is likely to lead to a comeback.

For this to combo in this particular scenario, you will need to EX/Red Fireball -> FADC -> U2 Metsu Shoryuken.
HOWEVER, if you score a counter-hit with EX fireball at close range, an FADC is not required for U2 to combo.

-Angular-jump (forward/back) Hurricane Kick’s “brake” frames are shortened by 3. I’m not exactly sure what Ayano is talking about here… but he says basically you can use this changed property to alter your jump trajectory.
Note: At first I thought this could be referring to vertical jump Hurricane Kick, but as it turns out the Japanese has another term for that is ***垂直ジャンプ. ***In any case we won’t know how it works till we try it.

-Solar Plexus: damage is now changed to 40+60 for a total of 100.

-Close standing HK on a crouching opponent, on counter-hit, is comboable into sweep. This works regardless of which character your opponent is.

He’s pretty good now, so there aren’t many changes here. Slight buffs.

-Target Combo: hitbox has been made bigger (towards the lower part) so that you can catch crouching opponents more easily. You can also now delay the second hit of the TC.

-EX Shoryuken’s damage is now 80+30+30 for a total of 190 damage. Should give you a better risk/reward return.

Chun Li
Minor changes here, done to make Chun a more stable character apparently.

-(In air) down+MK can now be down with down-forward+MK. However, down-back+MK will NOT work.

-Back+MK on counter-hit gives you +3 frame advantage (did it used to be +1, like with LP and LK on counter-hit??)

-After back+MK, the MK follow-up is easier to hit-confirm into (probably means the input window is extended).

-Crouching HK’s stun value has been increased to 150.

-U2 Kikousho’s start-up has been changed to 9 frames. It should be easier to anti-air/combo into now.

-Apparently in SSF4 AE, when you manage to land U1 against very specific characters there was some sort of bug that didn’t allow the whole UC1 to connect properly. This has been fixed.

-LP headbutts are back to the way they were in SSF4 console, which is to say invincibility (on the upper half of Honda’s body) has been restored. However, when you hit your opponent with LP headbutt during its invincibility frames, damage is reduced slightly, to 100.

-MP headbutt has been given lower-body invincibility in a way similar to SSF4 AE’s LP headbutt. Ayano notes that for players who’ve properly researched strategies on how to take advantage of AE’s LP headbutt lower-body invincibility, your efforts have not been in vain.

In general, Blanka’s Rolling Attacks (not sure what they’re called in English, but it’s the forward roll) have been given a brand new twist.

-Firstly, all Rolling Attacks have increased damage, by an additional 10. As a result,

Weak: 110
Medium: 120
Heavy: 130
EX: 120

-Furthermore, heavy and EX rolling attacks now knockdown if, and only if, you manage to land it within the first 2 attack frames (basically, the frames during which they are FADC-able).

So for instance, when you perform the following combo:
Crouching LK, crouching LK, standing LP, heavy Rolling Attack…
… You will score a knockdown.

-Furthermore, if you manage to land an EX Rolling Attack within the first 2 active frames, this will put your opponent in a juggle state to be hit by pursuit-property moves. So try and FADC out of that and add damage.
(EDIT: not sure what you might be able to combo with though. Not really a Blanka player here.)

-The charged version of Rock Crusher (Blanka’s overhead… I think you can hold down the button to delay the start-up) will give you a +5 frame advantage on hit.

So combos like Rock Crusher -> crouching MK -> heavy Rolling Attack are now possible.

The changes here revolve primarily around damage.

-Weak SPD’s stun value has been changed to 150.

-The damage for EX Banishing Fist (AKA green hand) has been changed to 90+50 for a total of 140. Stun has also been adjusted to 100+50 for a total of 150.

-Crouching LP’s hitbox six has been altered. Previously when you do a jump-in and follow-up with a crouching LP, sometimes it whiffs on certain crouching characters. This has now been fixed.
**Edit: **I mis-translated this part earlier.
Kudos to Arc-rail for spotting the error.

-Crouching HK now lowers the height of Zangief’s vulnerability hitbox (TL note: in a fashion similar to Akuma’s cr.MK). During this animation you WILL be able to dodge/go under certain attacks.
**Edit: **bloody typo.

Has to do with changes that were made from SSF4 console to AE. They’ve been redone over for the sake of better balance.

-In AE, when you hit after Guile throws out a Sonic Boom (but is still in his recovery frames) it was considered a counter-hit (whereas normally counter-hits require you to land an attack during your opponent’s move start-up frames). This has been abolished in the re-balance.
Kudos to Arc-rail for spotting and explaining the Sonic Boom counter-hit property.

-Air throws have been changed to 3-frame start-up (TL note: down from 4-frame).

-Spinning Backfist’s damage has been revised to 100.

-Reverse Spin Kick has throw-invulnerability.from the 6th frame to the last active frame.
**Edit: **Reverse Spin Kick info was previously mistranslated. Whoever translated it earlier was correct.

-Yoga Inferno’s damage is now 75x2+60x3 for a total of 330.

-EX Yoga Blast’s damage is now 90+50. So basically the first hit gives 20 more damage, while the second hit gives 20 less. So if you trade hits with your opponent this will give you slightly more damage.

-Standing LP now has 4 active frames instead of 3. However, the overall frame length for this move has not been changed. (TL note: this either means start-up has been reduced by 1 frame, or recovery has been reduced by 1 frame).

-Dhalsim’s vulnerability hitboxes on medium/heavy Yoga Blast has been made smaller, so he’s harder to hit during these moves now.

In addition, HK Yoga Blast will now put your opponent in a state of juggle.

In AE, Boxer’s changes mostly revolved around damage nerfs. This has been revised in the rebalance.

-Buffalo Head’s damage is now as follows,
Medium: 120
Heavy: 140
EX: 150
Which were the values for SSF4 console.

-U2 Dirty Bull’s damage has been increased to 399, up from 300.
**Edit: **“However, it takes longer to recover from the special U2 animation on hit” was wrong. I misunderstood what Ayano meant when he wrote “return”. He was referring to risk/reward return.

-This is a minor change but Dash Swing Blow’s properties on hit has been changed in a manner that ensures the following combo,
Dash Swing Blow -> crouching MP,
will connect on all characters on hit (TL note: did this whiff on certain characters in AE?)

-The lower part of Close standing HP’s hitbox has been enlarged, so that it will no longer whiff on certain crouching characters up-close.

Slight changes to make him easier to use.

-Crouching HK (slide)'s damage has been increased to 110, which was the value for SSF4 console version.

-Cosmic Heel’s frame disadvantage on block has been reduced by 1. So when blocked, the maximum frame disadvantage for Cosmis Heel is now shortened to -3.

-Sky High Claw now knocks down grounded opponents too.

-If U1 Bloody High Claw hits on the way up (flying towards the wall), the hitboxes for the remainder of the Ultra have been increased greatly so that they will always connect.

-U2 Splendid Claw’s start-up has been revised to 8 frames.

He’s already pretty good in AE. So there’s only one change here:

-After Angry Scar, the damage for Sagat’s weak, medium and EX (but not heavy) gets 10 additional damage on top of what it currently is in AE.

Ayano notes that they basically want to keep Dictator the same as it is now in AE. So only one change here.

-Double Knee Press’s stun value has been changed to 100+50 for a total of 150 - for all versions of this move.

Furthermore, the frame advantage for the first hit of Double Knee Press has been increased by 1. So if you do the move and FADC on the first hit, the maximum frame advantage possible is now +5.

Damage nerfs and some small changes.

-Medium Thunder Knuckle’s damage has been changed from 120 to 110.

-EX Thunder Knuckle’s start-up has been reduced to 25 frames. Also, on hit with this move the frame advantage is 2 frames longer than it currently is in AE. The changes here should make it easier for Viper players to catch backdashes with EX Thunder Knuckle and punish accordingly.

-EX Seismo Hammer’s damage has been decreased from 120 to 100.

-U1 Burst Time’s maximum damage has been reduced to 441. On the plus side, the hitbox for U1 has been increased such that it’s now easier to combo from (in-air) Burning Kick, HP Thunder Knuckle, etc.

-U2 Burning Dance’s maximum damage has been INCREASED to 410.
**Edit: **Made a mistake on this (originally wrote decreased).
Kudos to Theautophobia for catching the error and providing additional info: increased from 380 to 410.

Tomorrow another 13 characters’ changes will be revealed.

So far they haven’t buffed any of the charge characters enough to deal with him.

Correction: maybe Guile rolls eyes

Some of this stuff is golden…

“Alleviate the symptoms have not been hit in the character of the state when the concatenation of some crouching combo keeps jumping attacks and did not hit some of the characters crouch states.” …LOL


So raw ball remains the same but ball combo can land KD now. That’s huge.

cool ken is the same I wanna see what they are gonna do to yun/yang I dont think they will be hit with the nerf pipe that hard

Rolling can make a KD if hit in 2 first actives frames ?? Whaow.

I wish they would consider changing Psycho Punisher back to double QCF again.

Sky high claw results in a knockdown? Huh. I guess that’s cool. The move is probably still ass, though.

I think you typed decrease in U2 damage for viper. the max damage before was 380. 410 is higher.

Whoa wait, Blanka’s gonna be scoring knockdowns in close range balls?

That sounds…like a usefull buff. A useful buff, for Blanka? What is this madness? He never gets useful buffs!

I like the idea but it’s broken :tup: