SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Actually, the Viper player comments so far (mostly) haven’t complained much at all.

She didn’t get hit too bad. She got some nerfs AND some buffs. U2 might actually be…useful now. Compared to U1, at least.

I wonder what they mean by improving her U1 hitbox, though. Did they buff the first hit so that it’s easier to combo into? OR did they buff the subsequent flame hits, so that people don’t randomly fall out of it? I hope it’s the former…since they nerfed the damage.

Google’s translation is awful but the little I could make of, they didn’t buff Guile’s Ultra 2. LAME!!!

The blog post says 立ち弱パンチ so it should be standing jab.

Why would they complain? Those nerfs are not that much at all. In fact improving her U1 hitbox probably more than made up for it.

Claw changes are still untranslated

No knock down ball? Blanka is still ass.

Viper didn’t change at all and for some players she actually got buffed.


=> Nice, more damages, it’s cool.

I don’t unterstand, what is the “blow-back damage” ? And what mean this “buff” ?

So, they don’t understood this move is useless with 25 frames of start up ? Lol, +5 for what ??? Useless stuff.

I’m sitting on the edge of my seat scared that Makoto is gonna get hit upside the head with the nerf bat. God I hope not.

Looking forward to seeing Dudley and goukens changes.

I severely doubt it, she didn’t make enough noise to be nerfed. She went from “crap” to in with the crowd. It seems they are being fairly fair. I’m just curious as to what will happen with Hakan.

Anyone know when they will be releasing more character details? Will it be a daily thing, a weekly thing, or just random? I seem to recall a group of characters’ AE changes being released every few days, but I wasn’t following it that closely.

I’m sure more details will emerge from the people play testing it very soon.

Edit - just reread the original announcement and saw that they’ll be revealing stuff from Tuesday to Friday… not too long of a wait… God, I must admit I am nervous about Akuma. If they nerf him significantly, I will probably change to a different “post-2012” high tier character and I won’t bitch about it, but after only some damage nerfs (along with most of the case) and the removal of cowardcoptor (never used it to be honest) and a lot more recovery on missed demon flip grab (not awesome but not a huge deal), I would be sad to feel like he’s really not the same anymore or that I’m much worse off than I was for so long. Akuma has become my friend :frowning: lolz. I talked to Seth about it at an event once, and he said that Akuma is pretty safe from nerfs because the developers know that if you nerf him much he could become useless in a hurry, so we’ll see. Here’s to everyone being happy with the changes… (lol)

We should know everything by the end of the week.

The only real buffs to AE Ryu.

Okay, I guess, not great.


-cr.HK damage increased to 110, same as Super.
-+1 more frame of hitstun on the opponent after cosmic heel, making it -3 at worst.
-Sky High Claw causes blowback when it hits a grounded opponent (same words as the blanka ball change)
-U1 hitbox after it hits on the way up increased drastically so that it doesn’t unexpectedly miss.
-U2 startup changed to 8f.


-Scissors stun changed to 100/50 (150 total) on all strengths
-First hit causes 1f extra hitstun, so if you FADC the first hit you can have +5 advantage at best.

Sweep damage 110, back to Super damage.
Cosmic Heel does an extra 1 frame of block stun, Vega will be at worst 3F disadvantage.
Sky High Claw does “blowback” damage on a grounded opponent.
For U1, when he hits with the knee, the hitbox has been greatly expanded to prevent people from falling out.
Splendid Claw startup 8F.

I’m just always nervous when it comes to rebalancing time lol. You’re right though, the changes that have been listed so far all sound pretty good. Maybe they’ll get it right this time. Here’s hoping eh?

And Hakan…I had a radical idea a while back. I say ditch his current Super and change it to where he stays oiled up for the entire round. That’ll never happen though.

If blowback turns out to mean inflicting damage to themselves, my desk might have a face print in it.

Of course, these changes will be all for naught if they end up buffing Yun. I will reserve my judgement.

Can anyone clarify for me what “blowback” means?

A radical idea would be to make Hakan always oiled and take out the move for it…

I don’t use him, so I dunno if a oiled Hakan is S+ tier or not ayway… ^^