SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Spa = Super

Yeah, still super free on wakeup. On the other hand, maybe blow back damage means ball combos are now safer on hit? Still pretty worthless though cos if you’re at the range where you can combo into ball and FADC it, you might as well just end in electricity for more damage and a knockdown.

Yea Maybe so. She did need a damage nerf with her doing Vanilla damage still lol.

so i think blow back will make certain hit balls SAFE which should have been in the game years ago so that is better, but I dont think it is enough to make him tournament viable.

It looks like Dic is only getting a stun and frame change for Scissors?

Boxer is getting his Super damage back for Heabutt and his overhead into cr. strong hits all characters now?

Only for the first hit so after you extend with FADC you can follow up easier. Very slight if even necessary.

‘Blow-back’ damage for Blanka hori ball will be like recoil I presume. Like firing a shotgun butted against your shoulder. -20 health for when one hits close range, probably. The only move in the game that self-harms.

if you can do an fadc combo from,, st.lp xx hp ball FADC getting 450 damage with blanka is going to be easy for 2 meters. his punish damage is going to go up.

in some situations where you can punish with st.jab xx elec or into ball your options have increased because now you can take the 170 or you can take 160+whatever you can tack on with the 2 meters.

This is one of the buffs I wanted, so I’m kind of happy. I’m wondering how this will effect him comboing into crumples, as it should be possible now with the numbers they gave.

Balance adjustments centered around the changes made to him from Super to AE.
The frames in which Guile could be counter-hit after Sonic Boom have been eliminated? (Not 100% sure)
Air throws 3F startup.
Spinning backfist 100 damage.
Can’t be thrown out of upside down kick from the 6th frame until the last active frame.

Yoga Inferno damage 75 x 2, 60 x 3 for a total of 330 damage.
EX Yoga Blast damage 90 + 50. First hit gets 20 more damage, second hit 20 less, so if Sim only gets the first hit he gets the better damage.
C.jab active for 4F. But other frame info unaltered.
Hurtbox on Yoga Blast reduced.
Can follow up Yoga Blast with additional moves for combo.

Headbutt damage fixed back to Super, strong 120, Fierce 140, EX 150.
U2 damage 399.
Hit properties on Dash Overhead changed so that it can combo into c.strong on all characters.
Close stand fierce hitbox extended downwards so that it hits crouching characters that it used to whiff on.

I was working on it as well, but since it’s already almost done I think I have some corrections and I’ll post the stuff I jumped ahead to.

I think this is just neutral jump air tatsu.

This is cr.HK, not cr.LK.


  • Angry Scar Tiger Uppercut damage increased: LP, MP, and EX get +10


-MP Thunder Knuckle 120 -> 110 damage
-EX Thunder Knuckle startup reduced to 25f, but +2 recovery
-EX Seismo 120 -> 100 damage
-U1 -> 441 damage
-U1 hitbox improved so it’s easier to hit fully after air burnkick and HP Thunder Knuckle
-U2 damage increased to 410

At least buff viper’s cr.forward hitbox all the way to her toes. Her nerfs were unnecessary IMO. Too many people complaining about a character that takes too many risks to win. She has one of the worst normals and focus attack in the game.

If those are vipers changes they are hardly enough to say she got changed too dramatically. I’m a U2 supporter anyhow. Her normals didn’t get worse, 10 damage less in medium TK without changing the frames just means an lp difference. At least burn kicks weren’t changed. Ex Tk got a buff and so did the U1 hitbox, maybe now you won’t have to track a different height for each and every single area of the stage.
I’m starting to wonder if the naysayers use her.

Thanks for the translations so far guys.

for the record. im happy about the changes.

Those Viper nerfs are not character crushing at ALL…not a single nerf done to burn kicks, not even a damage nerf. And now Viper can connect U1 easier, as if it wasn’t easy enough.

Viper players: bawwww we’re actually being brought into line now, she got nerfed too much :frowning:

Good to see Viper wasn’t nerfed to uselessness.

I tried a full translation on Ryu’s entry. Let me know if more are required.
The biggest change is to his Metsu Shoryuken, we made it much easier to use.
First, we improved its function as an anti air. The vertical hitbox is larger and it is easy to get the lock (full ultra) hit.
Also, if you manage to get a good read on your opponent and land a counter hit Shakunetsu (EX) Hadouken, you can combo into U2. You will only get the full ultra if the EX hadouken counter hit the opponent. For example, if you threw out a crouching forward and it was focused you could then do EX Hadouken → FADC → Dash → U2. You could get upwards of 500 damage with this, giving you a change to make a heavy comeback in one shot. If you are very close to your opponent, you could combo U2 off an EX Hadouken without a focus cancel.

Other things:
The effective frames for the “brake” on a rising air Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (Tatsu) has been reduced by 3 frames (from the front of the “brake” frames). When you use it on these frames, the trajectory of your tatsu will change (larger window for a “normal” air tatsu).
Solar Plexus Strike is now 40+60, giving you 100 points of damage.
You can combo into crouching roundhouse no matter what your opponent’s character is from a counter hit close standing roundhouse if they are crouching.

Hopefully, Yun and Yang can still dominate Sim after the nerfs so we can hear Arturo whine about how AE 2012 sucks dick lol

damn viper. not looking good for yun/yang/fei

Ah, so an additional 5 frames after Scissors FADC.

Did they change anything about Guile’s meter gain from sonic booms?

I hope they buff Dee Jay a bit. Maybe make LK upkicks hit crouching opponents. :wink: