SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Overall most of the changes in AE 2012 seem like they’re on the right track. Someone just needs to convince Capcom to go a little easier on Yang and all will be well.

well…Yang was still technically top 3…

I didn’t see any mention of Yang’s wakeup invincibility.

Lets analyze the Makoto changes:

• From 1000 to 950 health (back to SSF4 value) : Definitely Nerf…

• Fukiage damage for LP, MP, HP from 100 to 90, EX from 140 to 120 : Unnecessary Nerf…

• EX Karakusa (Grab and Choke) has less range: Nerf… I’m okay as long as it has better range than the Lp version.

• Standing Hard Kick has a lower extended hitbox: Buff, meaning that it will hit crouching opponents more, might be a viable poking tool.

• Target Combo 1’s Standing Medium Kick can be cancelled, like the normal version.: Buff, can cancel into hayate or Ex-Oroshi.

• Tanden Renki (Super Combo) is 3 seconds longer: Buff, but very situational

• neutral j.MP has a forward extended hitbox: Buff, rarly used this one

• Hayate have improved properties on charge: Buff, but useless

• Hayate changes: Light Punch Lv3, Lv4 and Medium Punch Lv4 have further forward movement, all Lv4 strengths are -2 on guard

• All Lv5 strengths are armor break, further forward movement, from 170 to 190 damage

Overall, I was hoping for a faster startup on and f+lk (6 frames for both)… but oh well.
Makoto got slight nerfs, which is no big deal compared to the top 4 chars in the game. In exchange, she got some minor buffs. I expect her to be somewhere in the B tier now. The biggest nerf is her health nerf… It will be a nightmare once again vs the charge characters damnit…

Chris Hu is happy I can tell you that.

I honestly think Capcom is trolling. By them hitting Yang hard now, everyone will be far more accepting of a rebuff after the loketesting is complete. If he ends up better than Yun after all is said and done, people are more likely to say “I can live with that” than rage about him still being “too good”.

It’s either that, or someone at Capcom really, really prefers Yun. It must be the baseball cap…

man who is you telling. i was literally angry once i saw that long ass laundry list of nerfs. all i can hope for is after the loketest capcom ( they will ) gets feedback on how fucking terrible yang is and fix him up. this shit is unacceptable. wtf is yang gonna do now? sit there and look pretty in the 5$ alt i bought him? like fuck man, i haven’t been so wtf by character nerfs since blazblue cs one ragna to cs two ragna ( if any of ya’ll used him, ya’ll know he was shitted on just as hard as yang ).

Yea I wonder howmany will switch to Codman now. I dont see many, but I do think a lot tried him out at least or got him as an alt somewhere.
Ill start practicing with E.Ryu a bit, might learn Ibuki/Viper still lol, they didn’t get hit hard.

Untech knockdown on EX DP for Oni sounds fucking ridiculous. As someone who’s been subbing Oni, this pleases me greatly. Now he can completely change the course of a round with one well placed uppercut.

Ok to summarise:

:woot:Cody buffed the Fuck up
:wonder: Sagat untouched
:smokin:Yun slightly nerfed
:pleased: Viper relatively untouched
:wonder: Fei Long nerfed
:wtf: Ken buffed
:looney: Yang drastically nerfed
:sweat: Akuma deleted from game apparently

:pray:Hakan is oily

Not to sound salty, but why did the range on this needed to be nerfed? look at it, any shorter and she’ll be grabbing people with her face. As it is, even with the super armor, her hurtbox is incredibly close to her max range. O well, hopefully they decide to revert the changes after seeing how much she gets dominated by the newly buffed characters like Cody. If not, she’ll still be fun if frustrating.

There seems to be confusion about the changes to Yun’s dive kick. I’ve seen some translations saying that it got +2 hitstun/blockstun, but it’s actually that AND 2 more frames of landing recovery.

So if you make contact with the opponent, it should be the same as AE, but if you whiff, you’re 2 frames worse off than before.

Hope so and I was rooting for at least a health buff.

Yang has taken some ridiculous hits, i never found him to be that much of a problem unlike Yun.

However the small buffs Rose and Vega got compared to most other characters have left me really worried that my characters are now even worse than they are now.

Also Dan is gonna be the second best shoto in the game when this hits

Cody’s biggest buff is mowr newest avatar.

Not a yang player but damn capcom indeed hit the wrong twin. He didnt need all those nerfs i still believe the only nerf he needed was for his palm to be nerf. he was perfectly balanced in my opinion he wasnt as easy to play as yun he actually took work to learn. I dont feel like he was top 3 in the game id say definatly top 10 but i wouldn’t go as far and say top 3. As for yun i guess the nerfs he got were made to where scrubs won’t tier whore him and will be a lil harder to play.

I wish Bison received the one buff I really wanted for him, 120 damage on Sigh

I’m still missing how Yang’s nerfs are worse than Yun’s? He still has FADC, he still has Is it just the fact that he got the same amount of nerfs as Yun? or the fact that he wasn’t winning as many tournaments as Yun?

Or they could have given him the fireball from the alpha series.

I dont know, basically the same?


St.HK is now +7 on CH, making CH st.HK into light ducking, dudley will be at +4.

Neutral Jump LP - increased active frames and hitbox.

Neutral Jump HP - Startup 6F, increased active frames and hitbox.

Jump LP and Jump MP - increased active frames.

Focus Attack Level 1 - added 1F hit/block stun, on block if cancelled into forward dash, dudley will be at -3F.

MK and HK Short Swing Blow - reduced the hurtbox of half lower body, easier for opponent low attacks whiff against it.

Thunderbolt - all versions, does untechable knockdown even if hit airborne opponent (so dudley wont be at a disadvantage if it hit airborne). For the EX version, the yellow flash/special effects are delayed.

Rose Taunt can be super cancelled, fadcable.

U1 will lock even if hit airborne opponent.

Same as Ibuki,

If the opponent is in airborne state after getting hit by FA level 2, U1 will lock and get full hit.