SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

i hope you guys are fucking happy. seriously guys, you got what ya’ll wanted. ya’ll wanted yang to be an pos and that’s exactly what ono gave ya’ll. and another thing, you guys that were like “damn yang didn’t need to be hit like that” need to stfu because ya’ll was the same people bitching and moaning over this guy. and now you expect us to believe that ya’ll sympathetic over his overnerf? like gtfo of here with that bull.

Yea I don’t think Makoto changes are that horrible, especially since I’ve played her casually since Super unlike most I guess idk.

Hm yea E.Ryu is looking pretty good. He still got no Akuma Vortex/Demon Flip crazyness though towards all the ‘‘Akuma players switch noaw’’ but I guess thats semi-nerfed for Akuma too >.>. The reason I hate the nerfs more for Akuma Vs Mako, is that I just hate his low hp when I think about the type of players I mostly come-across, have to work way harder than I do with Mako for a win. (Doesn’t help that I blow with Akuma though :D)

95% complained about Yun though. It was always either people just saying Twins for the sake of it or Yun. But this is not final, things might still change.


Can someone provide an accurate translation of the Dudley changes? Some of the translation I see for it don’t make sense for the most part.

Exactly. We’re used to dealing with shit tier tools from the year we spent on Super so retaining our workable toolset is all we wanted.

lol @ charged Hayate buffs though. I have literally never, not once, used that shit since Super dropped. They take way too fucking long to charge to be of any use.

What the? Ridiculous.

Not that I really care, but I never thought Yang was too strong in AE. He was fine and I’m legit disappointed that Capcom hit him so hard. Bad move on their part.

When it rains, it pours

Guess I’ll cop the rest of the headers

For DJ, we tried to stress balance and alleviate his lack of damage. U1, which didn’t get much use, was also adjusted

Guy’s overall style was preserved while we make some of his moves stronger.

It was used very little before, so we put more thought into Cody’s Knife and made adjustments to his neutral spacing.

Within reason, we buffed Ibuki with her more disappointing areas and the performance of her moves in mind.

She became really strong in AE but we thought about her overall balance and gave her some changes.

This time we looked at the performance of his moves to strengthen his “total potential.”

For Adon, we looked over his things we didn’t like and his difficulty of use to give him slight buffs.

We tried to make her more solid while making adjustments to give her a more technical design in terms of attacking/rushing down.

We removed the ease (cheapness) from Yun to make him a more technical character that is still great for strong players.

Looking into his Risk&Return, we changed him into a more technical character who’s strength can be shown through strong players.

Evil Ryu
We increased the variety of ways that he can attack and buffed him in a way to set him apart from Ryu and Gouki (Akuma).

We made him more balanced (solid) and gave him slight buffs towards the parts that we were worried about to make him more stable.

Seriously, when I look at buffs like the Hayate or EX Slashes being a true blockstring (oooops -13 on block, sorry guys hahahaha) I can only think the reason is so they can say “Well, everyone got at least a buff!”.

i think there should be another option besides “like”, “reply”… maybe a “LOL”

Yang got it really bad, im one of those who thinks he is more fun, somehow better than Yun in the long run but can still be pretty broken at the right hands… meaning that I wont be surprised/can tolerate if he got nerfed, but only a little, not like whats happening now. but yeah, this is yet another one of the “wtf capcom” moments.

Have you checked EH’s version? They provided some extra explanation to go with some of the changes for him.


• Dudley’s standing Hard Kick is now +7 on counter-hit. The blog notes that if you land a counter-hit standing Hard Kick and cancel into Light Ducking, you’ll still be at +4.

• Dudley’s neutral jump Light Punch got a hitbox size buff.

• Neutral Jump Hard Punch startup changed to 6 frames, and the hitbox was extended in size.

• Angled jumping Light and Medium Punch have had their active times lengthened.

• Dudley’s Level 1 Focus Attack has an extra frame of blockstun, when it’s guarded. This means that if you dash forward after a Level 1 Focus Attack is guarded, Dudley is now at -3.

• Short Swing Blow has had its hurtbox on Dudley’s lower body reduced.

• EX Thunderbolt does not flash yellow until it comes down from the sky.

• Thunderbolts will now strike more hits on airborne opponents.

• You can now Super Cancel Dudley’s rose toss taunt. This also means that you can FADC it.

• Dudley’s Ultra 1 will now strike more hits against an airborne opponent. [Translator’s note: The blog might be talking about making Dudley’s Ultra 1 and Ibuki’s Ultra 2 so that they juggle non-cinematic like Yun and Yang’s do.][/details]

Yea as I mentioned, they could have at least used Lube Vs Yang

which part, ill check em out

Why is Yang nerfed harder than Yun?

Entire thing if you can please.

Dudley got nothing.

This is a very good question. They both needed SOME nerfs, but really…Yang just got completely destroyed by Capcom. GGs Yang users.

Also, surprised no one is mentioning the Pinwheel FADC Ultra and the EX Pinwheel buffs for Juri. That shit sounds legit.

1)Cody is sounding spooky.

2)Adon is creeping up higher yet again.

3)Ken and Sagat remain high.

4)Sakura was already strong and has been buffed.

5)Abel was always high even with AE nerfs and he has been rebuffed.

6)Gen remains a sleeper and gets stronger while he sleeps.

E Ryu and Oni are looking very fine as well.

poor yang, forever in his brothers shadows. hell, they didnt even give him a character select portrait in street fighter 3 new generation.

Yang didn’t get a nerf bat he got hit by a nerf car.

Options for me now are looking like go with Oni or Cody. I like the sound of being an Oni main. 1000 health Oni is good. I was actually looking for a health buff to 1050 to dampen the pain when his DP gets blocked, but this will do.