SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Shit, they definitely overdid the Yang nerfs. His standing MP wasn’t as good as Yun’s to begin with (Yun’s standing MP should be Yang’s current, IMO) and it got even worse? Also lol @ Seiei-Enbu nerf. What was once situationally useful at best isn’t even worth it now.

And Makoto gets raped, too. Why is every character I cared to train up in AE getting slammed?

Oh well, back to Chun-Li for me.

Longer Tanden Renki for Makoto (by 3 seconds). that useful?

Just look up the game intro, when he breaks through the wall he smiles.

You guys forget you can only Bad Spray on techable knockdowns. Change is nice, but doesn’t give him a LOL SRK FADC reversal.

ROFL. Stolen!

Yeah, this is all true. Still it’s better then anything Cody has had… well ever. Believe it or not Cody is a lot stronger defensively in AE then he was in Alpha 3.

So my question now is, will Daigo switch mains once more?

I personally think he wont but I know he considers Ken very highly.

and its not inv anyway. his offense is gonna be crazy now tho if he can play real footsies with the new walk speed

I’m kind of disappointed with the nerfs to the twins. Especially Yang, he needed to be adjusted, but he doesn’t even sound very good any more. And I *really *don’t see the point in nerfing Makoto like that. She’s fine in AE, they should’ve left her exactly as she was. Though, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hate that matchup…
However, most of the buffs to the other characters are sounding pretty sweet. Game is shaping up pretty good, overall.

Against Cody Akuma is still a thorn in his side. As I’ve been telling people the nerf only really effects characters with 4 frame reversals.


• Bonsho Kick (Toward + Hard Kick) is now +1 on hit, -3 on block and +5 on counter-hit.

• Hammer Kick (Toward + Kick) startup time reduced by one frame.

• Iffy translation: Tsujigoe (Command Jump) had its airborne properties on startup altered.

• Yoroi Toshi’s (Ultra 1) fireball release after a whiffed grab will now combo into full hits on an airborne opponent.

• Yoroi Toshi’s fireball will also fully connect against a backdashing opponent.

Ibuki changes so far.

Also Juri got some decent stuff:



• Faster dash during Feng Shui Engine (UC1), further reach

• cl.MK 2nd hit has a larger hitbox, less likely to whiff when the 1st hits

• Focus attack hitbox revised, will hit smaller characters (when crouching, etc.)

• Fuhajin (fireball) kick attack damage to 50

• Senpusha (pinwheel): LK is has 5F extra advantage on first hit; MK, HK have 5F extra advantage on 1st, 2nd hit; EX has 5F extra advantage on 2nd hit.

• Senpusha ? FADC ? Kaisen Dankairaku (UC2) now possible

• EX Senpusha has an extra frame of invincibility during Feng Shui Engine for the first hit

• EX Shikusen (dive kick) trajectory can be changed by the kick buttons used during Feng Shui

• LK+MK: same trajectory as before; MK+HK: same as normal MK version, LK+HK: same as normal HK version; LK+MK+HK has the same trajectory as before

• Juri now gains 1/3 meter during Feng Shui Engine, improved from no meter gain[/details]

makoto nerfs:clapdos:

bitch thinks shes a man in ae. still though, not as lol worthy as akuma nerfs. i dont think theres as much tears in the makoto forums.

I believe that is only if she activates ultra since currently her super still drains during the ultra animation. Not that it matters, Tanden Renki is arguably even more situational than Enbu since like Yang she relies heavily on super. But unlike Yang she doesn’t build it nearly as safely or quickly, and Tanden Renki is typically only going to net you an extra 180-200damage tops before it is used up since it doesn’t offer anything besides damage to help open up the opponent. Maybe if it did extra stun, or if it made all of her karakusas have armor for the duration of the super it might be worth it. But outside of a very small number of situations you will never see it.

Cody’s worst match ups in AE were Yun and Akuma. LoyalSol is right, Akuma is still gonna be problematic but Yun is gonna be just lol now.

I agree, but guessing between demon throw (which caries a risk) and left/right is aeons better than guessing between throw, left high, left low, right high, right low.

Between that and better walkspeed (though how much is yet to be seem) and 3 days active knife normals…I’m so fucking happy.

The Makoto nerfs aren’t really that bad. The only change that really matters is the health nerf, and the change to might end up being a big buff.

I’m not happy, but I can work with it. She’s not exactly going back to Super status here.

wtf at them adjusting charged hayates though. Why even bother?

lol at nerfs to mak (uh karakusa range is worse? oook), so weird. she’ll probably stll be alright in an absolute sense but with buffs to her bad matchup characters i figure she’s a good bet for low tier. the nerfs to yang are lol obviously, holy crap. buffs to cody and hakan might be dangerous, although luckily neither one is popular esp hakan so might not be too worrisome over all.

These Juri changes are delicious!

The Makoto changes aren’t THAT horrible right? Apart from her Ex-Grab though which sucks but im more salty about Akuma lol. TBH I stopped playing Makoto so much in AE since she became so much easier to win with for me (I know she wasn’t amazing to begin with…but does a gunkwakdongsi care? no). I like her to be imbetween her Super/AE tho just so i’ll enjoy it more lol /Selfish.

I do think they could have AT LEAST used Lube when fuc*ing Yang since I don’t think he was that crazy to begin with.

You sure about the Bonsho Kick? SRK frontpage has it listed as +1 block, +3 hit, +5 CH.

lol at nerfs to mak (uh karakusa range is worse? oook), so weird. she’ll probably stll be alright in an absolute sense but with buffs to her bad matchup characters i figure she’s a good bet for low tier. the nerfs to yang are lol obviously, holy crap. buffs to cody and hakan might be dangerous, although luckily neither one is popular esp hakan so might not be too worrisome over all.

its -3