SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

cody seems crazy good now.

bad spray fadc sounds legit.

yun looking pretty ass tier

Viper changes don’t look so bad now right?

Cody got waaay over-buffed. This is looking bad.

I think this is meant to prevent him from going under stuff like burn kicks, tiger knee, demon grab, etc.

Fuck I am trying to find a picture of Cody smiling to match the expression on my face right now but then I realized he never fucking smiles anymore

Yea Cody’s looking crazy. Lol @ Yang, he already had low DMG + no more projectile invinc. Dive kick worse? Etc, lol.

I love playing Cody, but tbh I dont wanna see more of him just cause people will actually combo me now since his combos are so easy to do lol. + he has some crazy good pressure with just a few normal presses. love him tho.

Dudley got some good stuff too, a crossup? SSB A bit better? Last but not least…A FADCABLE ROOOOSEE WOWOWOOWowo trollolo begin.

Momochi Cody Rape eminent in 1, 2, 3…

As a Juri mainer, I am very pleased with all these buffs!


Faster forward dash during FSE
Expanded hit box for 2nd hit of
Hitbox for FA repositioned to hit crouching/low position characters better.
+50 damage to Fuhajin rising kick
+5F advatage on hit for 1st hit of lk Senpusha
+5F advatage on hit for 1st & 2nd hit of mk/hk Senpusha
+5F advatage on hit for 2nd hit of EX Senpusha
As such, Senpusha -> FADC -> U2 combo is now possible
EX Senpusha is invincible until 1st hit during FSE

Changes in EX Shikusen trajectory:
lk+mk: same as before
mk+hk: same as mk shikusen
lk+hk: same as hk shikusen
3K: same as before

Super Meter increases at 1/3 of normal rate during FSE

cody seems pretty dope now. good thing he still has at least one glaring weak spot still

he looks like the next bandwagon target TBH

His backdash is still bad so there is that <.<

Missed the part where Bad Spray is FADC-able now?

This is Capcom, top tier of old game get raped in the new game.

Bingo! Ha! Ha!

yeah, everything he has on wake up is OS bait

did they make it invulnerable?

Dudley changes are disappointing. Crossup is good but SSB still doesn’t break armour, he still gets zoned out, he still had negative frames on everything.

Oh and xx MK Ruffian got even better for Cody… fml.

I’m baiting that shit out all day.

Both the twins took one up the ass, I’ll sleep like a baby tonight bwahahahahaha.

This is going to be the first SF game in over a decade in which Yun isn’t top tier.

I liked being one of the few Cody’s I’d meet online though :[ I’d hate for him to be the next bandwagon. Beginners will like him too cause his combos are so easy piez. Spray fadc sounds nasty too. Edit: Nvm I dont care if he will be, since ill abuse his SRK-less ness in general + on wake-up <3

Well at least Akuma didn’t ge- nvm

Most of his bad matchups that abused his poor wakeup were nerfed, like Akuma and Viper (possibly Ibuki, haven’t read her changes). Though I can see trouble arising from new changes like Gen’s and he still has a hard time against grapplers…Hakan is gonna be a pain.

Do,, cr.hp xx HP CU. Sets you apart from the bandwagoners and puts you up there with Momochi.

Adon (hope im not late with this one too lol)

Close St. MP is now -4 on block
Close St. MK is +2 on hit, +3 on block

Focus attack hitbox is tweaked to be able to hit crouching opponents too.

Rising Jaguar (LK, MK, HK) - at the start, horizontal hitbox is increased a little, so that after a Rising Jaguar FADC, its harder to accidentally crossover the opponent. Also, one extra frame is given to FADC a HK Rising Jaguar (easier to fadc), thus making it easier to connect an Avalanche Jaguar.

As for U1, even if you activated it at close range, it wont go over a standing opponent (will go over if crouching).