SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I’ll edit this post as I translate the other characters.

-Target Combo 2’s damage to 120.

-Target Combo 3’s damage to 120.

-Target Combo 4’s damage to 130.

-Target Combo 5’s damage to 70.

-Second hit of TC4 is -6 on block.

-Crouching LK’s hurtbox has increased in height.

-Crouching MP’s damage is down from 60 to 50.

-Dive kicks have a higher height restriction, and 2 extra frames of recovery.

-Also, on hit/block there’s an extra 2 frames of disadvantage.

-In Genei-Jin, forward+MK’s damage has been reduced from 85 to 80.

-(Not too sure) Command grab on light, medium and heavy is now 11 frames on start-up. EX is 8 frames.

-EX command grab no longer has throw invincibility.

-EX Lunge Punch’s active frames have been changed from 7/2 to 6/3 so there’s 1 less advantage frame when guarded at close range (yeah, no more +1 on block).

Medium and heavy give you +20 to super gauge.
Weak’s total animation frames has been changed to 25.
Medium’s total is now 45 frames.
Heavy’s total is also 45 frames.

For both medium and heavy versions, damage is down from 160 to 140, stun values 250 to 200, chip damage revised to 30, and start-up to 10 frames.

-Nisshou kyaku (dragon kicks)
Weak’s invincibility has been changed. From start-up to 2nd active frame.

All versions have more recovery.

Medium version’s damage has been changed from 130 to 110.

-Shoulder Ram
Heavy’s damage is changed from 140 to 100.
EX’s damage is changed from 80+70 to 90+40 for a total of 130. Hurtbox during projectile/throw-invulnerable frames have been adjusted in a way that makes it easier to hit.

-Genei-Jin’s duration is now shorter by 1 second, so it does less damage now.

Edit: corrected some previous errors.

-Stamina from 950 to 1000.

-First hit of EX Goshoryuken causes untechable knockdown.

-Previously for EX Hurricane there were situations where not every hit would connect. That has been fixed.

-LK Demon Slash now has an additional hitbox on the lower side, so it’s easier to hit thinner/crouching opponents.

-Raging Demon’s damage icreased from 350 to 370 regardless if it’s ground or air.

-With UC1, when you aim it upwards, it’s 9 frames on start-up. Full invincibility from start-up to the second active frame.

Evil Ryu
Made him more different from Akuma.

-Stamina from 850 to 900.

-Stun from 850 to 900.

-Far standing HK’s hitbox is bigger.

-Crouching HK’s start-up is now 6 frames.

-Far standing HP on counter-hit will knock down. However, if it’s the far standing HP from target combo (MP xx HP) it won’t knockdown so feel free to FADC after that for combos.

-Forward+MK can be cancelled into (in air) hurricane kick. (TL note: doesn’t say if it’s on whiff or on hit/block)

Yes, even the EX one.

So for instance, if you read your opponent and you predict he’s going to focus your forward+MK, instead of cancelling into Raging Demon you can also cancel into air Hurricane Kick. (Someone please check if this is accurate)

The following corner combo also works:
Forward+MK -> EX air Hurricane Kick -> Ultra 1 or medium Axe Kick.

-Medium Shoryuken has 1 extra invincibility frame.

-Axe Kicks

Light Axe Kick is now +1 on hit.

Heavy Axe Kick’s start-up is now 26 frames. Damage decreased from 140 to 130. Stun from 200 to 150. However, like the medium version you can now use it as a pursuit-property move (can combo into Heavy Axe Kick).

Also, if you hit a jumping opponent with the medium or heavy version, it’s an untechable knockdown.

EX version’s start-up is 21 frames now.

-Air hurricane kick has the same “brake” properties as Ryu (as described in the first report).

-Raging Demon’s damage changed from 350 to 370.

-UC1 Metsu Hadouken’s charge time is shorter. Such that if you hit your opponent with Focus Attack LV2, you can dash forward and punish with a fully charged UC1.

Any normal move -> EX Hadouken -> EX Focus Attack (Lv 2) -> Dash forward -> Fully charged UC1 Metsu Hadouken is now possible.

Think I’ll stop with these 3 unless somebody wants me to check something. Can’t stand all the folks who don’t bother checking if their translation is accurate or not for the sake of speed.

Yea that’s Yang, but I guess that means Yun’s divekick is like Yang;s now in that aspect. Idk I dont know much about them lol

Oni changes:

  • stamina from 950 - 1000
  • EX shoryuken first hit, is vulnerable to attack
  • EX tatsu now full hit
  • Ultra 1 the first 9f during animation and until 1f of the attack start is invicible
  • Super damage from 350 -370
  • light slash as Oni is body posture is low, easier to hit low or crouching opponent

If they didn’t add hitstun to the dive kick, he wouldn’t be able to follow up afterwards. Yang is ass now, Yun remains solid.

.Eventhubs has been translating most of the stuff. Not gonna copy/paste it here, just check it out.

Wow Yun looks like he got demolished but they still didn’t shrink the hitbox on his standing medium punch.

sucks they didnt fix yuns standing mp. thats the most bullshit move in the game.

Guy’s throw range is now the same as Ryu’s. That’s what I got from web translation. Why was the throw range below average to begin with???

Oh and apparently walk back speed increased - what’s the point if the walk forward speed ain’t good enough.

are you talking about standing forward mp?

edit: nvm I was thinking of forward heavy

Eh not really sure what’s up with the GJ nerf. That shit scaled like fuck anyway off a combo into shoulder. Just raw is a different story though.

It’s not very good right now.

Dudley got a crossup? Holy shit. This changes everything.

ooo Evil Ryu got 50 extra life and 50 extra stun.


•• Walk speed both forwards and backwards has been increased.

• Hammer Hook (Toward + Hard Punch) has been heavily revised in terms of frame advantage. If Hammer Hook lands on a standing opponent, then Cody is at +3 frame advantage. If he hits a crouching opponent with it he gets +1 frame advantage. If the move is guarded, Cody is at -4 frame disadvantage.

• This might be a typo in the blog, but they say: cr.LK xx MK Ruffian Kick is now possible. But that was already possible.

• Bad Spray is now Super cancelable — up to the first two hits. Because of this new property, you can now FADC Bad Spray.

• Bad Spray FADC into Final Destruction (Ultra 1) is now possible.

• Medium Ruffian Kick has had a hitbox size increase in the forward direction.

• EX Zonk Knuckle’s range on the first hit was increased.

• The blog notes that EX Zonk Knuckle -> FADC -> into Final Destruction (Ultra 1) is a little easier now.

• Cody can now block during his Knife Pickup animation.

• Knife Standing Light Punch active time increased to 6 frames.

• Knife Standing Medium Punch is now a two-hit move.

• Knife Standing Hard Punch has had its active frames increased by 3, making it a total of 6 active frames.

So this means he can combo from his overhead if it hits standing opponents (lol) but its a buff + 2 frames less punishable on block I think. Oh and hm knife buffs. Codys looking pretty goodd

Where are you guys watching for Translations? Im @ EH who mostly has things first, but I dont see some of the stuff. Nvm I see SRk has some stuff too

Yun Changes

TC2 damage 120
TC3 damage 120
TC4 damage 130
TC5 damage 70
TC4 if the 2nd move is blocked, yun will be at -6

Cr.LK - hurtbox increased upwards (easier to stuff now, maybe?)
Cr.MP - damage from 60 to 50

Divekicks - minimum heigh limit increased, +2 more recovery frames on empty landing. On hit/block though, +2F more hit/block stun.

The overhead kick damage in Genei Jin, 85 to 80

Command throw - normal version has 11F startup , ex version 8f and no throw invulnerability (not sure about the hitbox for both)

EX Lunge active frames went from 7・2 to 6・3, -1 on block

LP Palm - total frames 25F
MP/HP Palm - damage from 160 to 140, stun from 250 to 200, meter gain 20, total frames 45F, chip damage is set to 30, active frames is now 10F

LK upkick - something about its invicibility being gone after it enters its active frames
All upkicks - increased the recovery on landing
MK upkick damage from 130 to 110

HP shoulder damage from 140 to 100

EX shoulder damage from 80+70 to 90+40 aka from 150 to 130, its still can dodge fireballs but tweaked the hurtbox for normal attacks so its easier to get hit by them now.

Genei Jin time is reduced by about 1 second

edit: ah snap, too late lmao shouldve done yangs instead

Cody top 5 in the game now. He’s looking ridiculous.

Well. Unless I’m misreading this, Makoto is def going to drop from her precarious position as mid-low Atier down to a mid B tier. All of her good matchups got buffed, and she got a hefty nerf with the very definition of a useless buff. Say what you will about things like buff to damage on ultra 2 after teleport for akuma as a “useless buff”

Buffing hayate’s level 4 and level 5 is far more useless. Level 4 has a 44+ frame charge time and level 5 has a 64frame charge time. Potentially even Turn Punch Final is more likely to come out since at least Rog can still move and do shit while charging it up.

Still, I’ll continue to play her since she is fun and I love the character (unlike all of the Yun/Yang/Akuma players who are QQing and going to either ditch SF4 or switch characters.)

Also as I and others have said, there is probably going to be one more series of changes after this before patch goes live.

LOL at Yang. They nerfed his hitboxes and normals, which were already worse than Yun’s, and even nerfed his divekick further, while his brother got his buffed (changed at least).

At least they made Cody S-tier. Can’t wait to drink into the cries of imbalance.

PS.: I’d like to point that a lot of the Cody changes were requested by the Cody forums in a “official” change list. We rock.

So… Yang got over-nerfed?

Seems that way.

I doubt ALL of the nerfs the twins get is going to stick… thats just me though. Its just too much lol