SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

For a while Justin Wong and Rom. Justin swapped back to Rufus after losing with Yang at NCR. In Japan I believe Nemo was using him at GG just this last week.

May I also add that the Akuma forum’s tears are fucking delicious?

Honestly compare AE Guile, Super Gen,etc to the potential 2012 Akuma patch. Akuma isn’t getting raped as much as other character did in previous games. Just because your character got nerfed doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. Look at Poongko/Online Tony/etc’s Seth, they basically proven that the character still has viability despite some of Seth’s nerf. Seth was in a similar scenario like Akuma when Seth got nerfed. Seth is nowhere near as Akuma consistent was in tournaments. That didn’t people stop people from being creative proven that they are wrong. How can Akuma player say that there is no chance of their character being viable without getting the game?

TL: DR; Tiers are unpredictable, and wait until we see tournaments before we jump the shark, k?

LoyalSol, I get why you’re pissed and all about it, but why do you keep trying to drag things and prove that people are wrong? People have been going on for like 5+ pages, give it a rest dude. I’m not saying that you’re wrong or that you don’t have a right to be pissed, but you’re not going to convince many people much or anything, and even if you do who gives a shit?

Seth’s not going to be top tier in 2012 unless they give him back j.HP (putting this back on top of his existing changes would make him a very strong and scary character.) Assuming his Ultra 1 can now reliably beat fireballs, it will make a lot of his bad matches return to being even and make a few slightly better. The j.MK buff…well, that’s actually an interesting addition, so I’ll have to see how it works before I speculate on this. Chances are, he’ll move back to his Super positioning - maybe a little higher.

Seth has been not a viable alternative to Akuma since AE came around. Seth simply isn’t a jack of all trades character anymore and is a lot riskier. He has more stun than Akuma now, but he still has less health. Akuma players probably like their footsies anyway.

Yang is fucking amazing, he’s going to get nerfed and tbh he kind of needs to. Not blown into oblivion but stuff needs to change.

It’s cute that you think that nobody else could possibly understand your incredibly complex character. Two extra frames after forward throw means Akuma can’t do his usual midscreen safe jump setups that involve dashing forward twice after the throw. Horror of horrors, he’ll have to be content with finding different setups that accomplish the same thing. Maybe there won’t even be any that work, and he’ll have to rely upon his plethora of other amazingly good tools midscreen, and maybe even focus more on zoning and footsies with his incredible normals and walkspeed, instead of just learning oki setups and hoping your opponent screws up against them.

But no, clearly Tokido is not as knowledgeable as you; these changes basically remove the character from the game. It doesn’t matter either that his only actually bad matchups are going to get nerfed way harder than he is. Akuma is forever ruined.

Justin’s Yang was nowhere near as dominant as his Rufus, his Adon is even better than his Yang, hell his Fei Long is better.
Just because a character isn’t popular doesn’t mean they’re crap.
Honda in Super was largely unpopular but it’s obvious how good he was. Same thing about Fei in Super who was largely under-used until Mago showed everyone the power of the rekka. My point is your logic is flawed. Akuma is a great character, top tier without a doubt, Tokido, Eita, Infiltration, Fujino, Momochi are all great players.

Sure, If you found it amusing, then I am happy to have entertained you.:clapdos:

Look dude, you came at him way harder than anyone would reasonably address a stranger so I assumed you were just trying to be a big man on the internet. If it turns out you are actually just an ass to anyone who says something you disagree with, my apologies.

Let me just point out though that when he said nobody was really worse than B tier that still put Gouken at the absolute bottom tier, so he didn’t even really say anything you disagree with.

And where did I say that? I never did

I am saying that a lot of player don’t play him because he is difficult to use. So when there are easier characters to play many people tend to flock towards the ones

Most around here keeps proving they don’t know jack about Akuma. Not my fault they keep proving that.

Thanks for telling me something I’ve know for about a year and a half. I love it when you complain about pointless nerfs people treat you like you can’t play the game. It isn’t like you could actually be skilled at your character and still be pissed about stupid changes.

You have to get knock downs somehow and that is through throws, footsies, and counter hits.

Straw man fallacy. Try again. Putting words into someone else’s mouth is a poor tactic.

Tokido tweeted that Akuma is okay with these changes.

Crisis averted.

LOL at all the Akuma players salty tears !! Especially LoyalSol and Superlolol hahahah too funny !!

Akuma is dead in Version 2012 ?! Ahahahha Gimme a break !! He will need to work a bit harder this time around and rely on his other million tools instead of some 50/50 bullshit yomis !!

Guess what, Akuma will still be at least top 10 in this game in 2012… With the nerfs on Fei, Yun, C.Viper and Yang, Akuma’s nerfs are no big deal !!

LOL I even bet that Tokido will have no problems with theses minor nerfs !!

Now, I as my main, I expected a bit more for Blanka… Knockdown on hit VS grounded opponents Upball would’ve been perfect… His old Hop would’ve been appreciated too… but oh well… we’ll take what we can… Blanka still bottom tier IMO…

Can’t wait for Adon’s infos tonight… Dammnn tonight’s list will be so hype: Yun, Yang, Adon, Makoto, Oni, Evil Ryu, Ibuki, Dudley, Hakan, Juri, Guy, Cody and Dee Jay… Capcom kept the best list for last !!

i told those Akuma guys the same thing. They cry,cry and cry. What’s wrong with top 10, when you will beat 2 of the top 5. (Gief and Sagat)?

I think Capcom is gonna troll and not list the rest of the cast changes at 1 time. They will probably list 6 then 7.

Tokido has confidence.

Or he’s psychic/info-privy and has seen the rest of the characters’ buffs/nerfs.

Confident works too.

I was hoping that there wouldn’t be nerfs for existing characters that weren’t the four gods (Viper, Yun, Yang, Fei). I was wrong.

If Akuma, a character that most people forgot existed in their rage against the Hong Kong Three, got nerfed this hard, then Yun and Yang are fucked. That’s really too bad because they were fun to watch/play against. Oh well, I guess I’ll cross my fingers (hard to do for me, lol) and hope they don’t get nerfed to the bottom half of the roster.

Are you able to speak English? You literally just said “Well, why don’t you tell me what the nerf means for Akuma to prove you know about my incredibly DEEP character?” and this is what I was responding to.

And it isn’t a “pointless” or “stupid” change; it’s a necessary one. Akuma would dominate this game hard if he went unchanged into AE2012 while the twins got nerfed and his former (SSF4-era) more difficult matchups stayed nerfed.

Do you actually need me to start quoting from Akuma mains in this thread and in the Akuma boards?

Now do the stanky leg!

Considering the vast majority of Akuma’s current match ups are 5-5. I doubt it with all the buffs coming. And the worst part is this didn’t even fix many of his favorable match ups is the funny thing. It only nerfed match ups that were already even or worse than even. The only thing that helps the good match ups is the empty palm nerf, but frankly I can work around that one. It is the throw nerf that pisses me off.

No because I am talking about my words and my words alone. I never said Akuma was done. I’ve said this was a nerf that didn’t accomplish anything and in the end turns out to be a pointless handicap that does little to balance the overall game. It only serves to piss people off.

90% of akuma players are not real akuma players
they’re just a bunch of tierwhores who want to pick a random move, use it at a random time and get angry because it didn’t connect.

Some of them actually changed to Yun.
Akuma requires a knockdown to go random. Yun actually doesn’t.

Okay we get it, Akuma’s bottom tier. We all love it. You hate it. Cool. It’s over.