SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Won’t be Bison I can tell you that. His bad matchups got buffed majorly. He’ll still be good but he won’t be top.

Hey, guess what guys. I don’t play Akuma, but I understand what the nerfs do. I know the setups that he loses because one of my training partners uses them all the time. I know exactly what has been changed and I still think* it’s awesome. *I apologize in advance to all of the immature Akuma mains whose minds I just blew.

I am wondering if people would be viewing things differently if it was a buff to recovery instead of a nerf to recovery, like if it was 2f faster recovery or they made his forward dash 1f faster would everyone still be pissed? Same situation, a bunch of setups need to be completely redone but character got better instead of worse? Like when Makoto’s forward dash got buffed by 2 frames pretty much no one was worried about having to redo so many of her setups… (I know not the same because she has the best dash in the game and it is major for mobility but just curious)

The characters who were free to begin with were Juri, Balrog, Chun, Cody, Abel, Vega, and Rose. To a lesser extend Fei, Makoto, Rufus, and Guile.

The reason most of these characters were free was because they lacked any sort of reversal to be afraid of. A basic OS Sweep would keep them from trying to escape. Akuma will still have a 5 frame palm safe jump off a throw so for those character who had trouble against Akuma, their troubles have not gone away. The only thing they don’t have to worry about now is empty palm into low short (Which wasn’t unbeatable, it was unsafe to grabs.)

The match ups that instantly got harder because of this are the characters like Deejay, Blanka, Guile, Guy, Yun, Yang (Assuming they keep their 4 frame reversals), or anyone else with a 4 frame reversal. As it was many of those characters your options were limited against with the exception of Guile and this was one of the only 4 frame safe jump set ups off of forward throw. This nerf effects those match ups more than any of the people who actually needed the help.

The only logic that makes this nerf seem anywhere close to reasonable is that they wanted to get rid of the unblockables. You even look at the number of 2 frames and it makes perfect sense. 1 frame would only change the set up from dash x2 to dash s.MP. 2 frames changes it to dash s.LK c.MK which is much easier to screw up.

A better compromise would be to nerf the frame advantage, but at the same time make it so the throw doesn’t send the opponent as far away. That would solve the unblockable problem since it in the corner distance doesn’t matter, but outside of the corner it does.

I dont know why, but when people try to argue with these points, I feel like smacking them on the head, hard.

There could be plenty of other factors for akuma not being in top 32/16/8/winning majors – one of it being that there’s only a few of akuma players actually good enough with him to win tourneys. Whatever though, I guess akuma players will never be satisfied until their “character” is clearly the #1 spot aka top tier.

Well go ahead and please do tell what kind of set ups you think he loses. I want to see this.

Let’s take that logic chain to it’s natural conclusion. Why is that? Since he is so good why aren’t the pros flocking to him like they did with Yun?

You should try and check out their forums. They post there similarly as how they posted in this thread. Not kidding.

Ive read threads of two pages of the the same two posters arguing over stupid shit, each dont want to admit “defeat”, and that aint a one time thing, its a constant vicious circle.

Seth will be top tier in 2012 imo unless something very strange happens.

Why not turn the health bar into a number while you’re at it?

but yeah, i think people should save the rest of the salt until they hear reports from location tests, i’ll try to stick around for as long as i can and talk with as many “legit” players i know this weekend. hopefully they have like 20 setups or something since im sure there are gonna be a lot of people lol

Noooo, the health bar is fantastic just the way it is you silly goose!

Point of the edit was that something is better than nothing or how it is now :tup:

Did I tell you or DID I TELL YOU. Literally not even 24 hours later…

No you didn’t tell me because I said it way before anyone else did. In fact it was the first thing I figured out when I heard the nerf.

As I have stated before it wasn’t the unblockable or the corner set ups I was worried about. I knew we would still have those because the under lying game engine hasn’t changed. What has changed are the non corner set ups which are more important because you use those on a more regular basis.

As I keep trying to explain, Capcom nerfed the wrong thing!

this is a joke post right?

Now after your long rant of bitching it is understandable that you should feel defensive when all along you were wrong. It’s okay.

You should already get used by now. That’s Capcom for you.

ie, nerfing Phoenix’s health… when her health isn’t even the problematic issue, lol - etc.

I was never wrong, I can’t help none of you can read.

Name me ONE American Yang.

If i have to guess, besides that Yun is a new character(refreshing to play with), he’s also seemed significantly easier to play/win with. Maybe people think that Yun is much better than Akuma? And for some of them, they just want to win no matter what and pick one of the best(if not the best) character in the game. Also remember the game has been out in Japan a few months earlier, people saw how Daigo and friends tear everybody up with Yun. Why would they flock to akuma again?

Akuma is good, but not THAT good to make everyone flocks to him. You only hope that he is that good.

I noticed that your argument(and other akuma players as well) assumes that akuma is #1, he is the best of the best, he is at the top alone (different than being top tier, mind you) while I never said any of that. At most I’ll say he is up there, top tier, and has enough tools to compete at a high level and win tournaments. And the reasons for people not seeing him placing/winning majors can be up to a lot of factors, be it luck(running into bad matchups etc) or just the lack of players who are good enough with him(besides Tokido, who else is as good with akuma to use him at his maximum potential? I admit I lack the detailed knowledge but shouldnt be a lot) etc. I could be wrong but didnt Tokido placed at least top 8 in every tournaments he entered? Even won one iirc.

Is it me or Akuma forums is full of this kind of posts?

I linked to my post which was time stamped Half an hour after the news came out where I STATED

"You will still be able to do the unblockable, but you will need to change your set up. At the same time it might unlock more set ups.

** Still though seems like a lazy way to fix the unblockable problem."**

So when this guy is telling me I was wrong about “not having the unblockable set up” I am telling him if he would actually read my damn post he might see that isn’t what I am talking about. I knew before anyone else that corner mix ups would not suffer at all. Which is what Capcom was trying to nerf; however, what did get nerfed are his out of the corner safe jumps.

Those set ups will not recover in quite the same way because you have a distance issue.