SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Aside from your stupid generalizing and acting like everyone wanted Akuma to get nerfed, Yang is good but not to that level and even if he received a “buff” it would more than likely be just to his health. Also really your little Akuma pals and that one gouken fellow have been posting some pretty stupid bullshit so yeah.

I guess you can’t read to what I was responding too since he ask if they would fix his invincibility frames after a face down throw and that’s my response.

The holy trinity (Yun, Fei long, Yang) will be nerfed.

You honestly think that Yang will escape the nerf bat when they nerfed Akuma and (slightly) Viper ?

I honestly think you should prepare for the worst.

yang wake up glitch is gonna be fixed. that you can bet on. as for nerfs, i don’t even want to think about it. i would hope they only reduce palm damage and meter gain, but this is capcom we’re talking about. so i know yang is fucked.

I don’t even main him but outside of Yun & Fei he rarely places I mean of course he will get some nerfs but not at the level of Fei & maybe the level that bat is getting prepped up for Yun.

New top tier:

Sakura, Ken, Bison, Sagat, Makoto.

Abel+Rufus will also be very strong, so will Sim assuming Yun nerfs.

We haven’t even heard about Makoto yet.

To be honest I’d find it kind of depressing if Bison, even with the minor buffs he’s receiving in Ver. 2012, turns out to be top tier material. He’s really not that good a character, he’s fine, but not a character that should be top tier material in his current state. And him being top tier would speak very highly of how shitty most characters in this game really are.
Meh. We’ll see. At least most of the changes so far have been nothing but buffs.

Before I said that Yun and Yang would be nerfed into irrelevance. I’m finding that less and less likely now considering the trend of these changes.

from the looks of what they have done so far, there is going to be a very large group of “top tier” characters. probably a third of the cast.

Here’s hoping.

Ken might not be considered top tier. Three of his bad match ups got buffed. (blanka, zangief and T hawk)

Until the entire cast is done and the game is played for several months people wont know if this is as balanced as SSFIV was.

i dont think this has anything to do with akuma corner unblockables.

at this point i think capcom feels that akuma has a heavy advantage over a lot of the characters with sub par vortex escape tools.

id speculate that rather than pass out inv dps and whatnot, they felt like the only way to get them back to even ground, or some of them even beating akuma, was to lessen the amount of mixups he can get from hard knockdowns

nerfing any of his other hard knockdown tools, like his sweep, would have been to drastic, so they take away a bunch of shit from the forward throw for the greater good of helping shitty wake up characters have a chance

not gonna speculate right/wrong/fair/unfair, just my 0.02

That would be true if this nerf actually effected those matchups. It doesn’t. The characters who are free to the vortex haven’t been made any better by this with the exception of Guile.

It only hurts Akuma against characters who were not easy to vortex to brgin with.

You know what 2012 change would be cool?

A Stun Bar under your health bar, that turns red when you are close to a stun.

EDIT: Or even just display a stun number to make it easy programming for Capcom.

I dont know a ton about Seth, but wouldnt he be a good replacement for the Akuma players who cant live with these changes? He has the same health as Akuma now, right? He has good mix ups and he can stun you too. Akuma hasnt been able to stun effectively since vanilla.

Im sticking with Akuma and Juri. Until I can play with these changes myself in training, I cant call Akuma “dead”.

Im just waiting on those Juri changes…:sweat:

Looks like Capcom is continuing its proud tradition of never fixing any of Gouken’s real problems and instead making bizarre changes that won’t really affect his matches. Oh well, glad I gave up on him long ago. I just hope they hook Oni up.

The Akuma madness has been amusing to read. You guys do realize that they’re doing a LocTest, right? That means all these changes aren’t set in stone yet. If their main intention was to remove the unblockable and not to nerf him in general, then it’s possible the throw change won’t stick. So save your tears and cross your fingers!

Oh, and they made Breathless stupid again? WTF?

abel pro’s barely used breathless anyway. abel’s ultra 1 is still way better.

“My gadgets are cheating? How naive… Nothing in life is fair. Remember that.” - Crimson Viper

I play Guile and was wondering how/why this helps him more than others in this matchup? Thanks for any info u can provide. :tup:

you dont think this instantly makes a bunch of matches easier? like if i have to guess 4 different options in AE, in 2012 im only looking at 2. having to guess less about whats happening automaticlly makes the match easier.

maybe not enough to swing a win from a loss, but easier is easier