SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

All I hear out of you is when my character loses one of many options I cry and try to make it sound intelligent while also insulting others to try and make them angry like me.

Now back on topic - Dan is seriously not a joke anymore, and I think Gouken really has big potential with these buffs. These two may be game changers if people actually put the time and effort in. I mess with Gouken on the side and he DOES DAMAGE and has a great defensive game.

IMO - 2012 will be the best version with the most balance, no matter your play style of choice. It will be hard to find a more balanced fighter for a while after it drops.


Dude you’re a whiney terrible bitch.

Nothing changed for Gouken. His fastest reversal is 7 frames. Only change is i can crouch block palm. Still can’t do anything about it. Go back to crying and thinking you’re awesome cause you make videos.

I’m still laughing at the crybabies though. Oh my character takes so much skill, oh I invested so much time, omg canon says this!, oh noes it will take me months to recopy tokido!

Jesus christ, I wish some of you had an “I win” button just so you’d shut the fuck up. Some of you are crying ,ore than if you mom died.

got money says Yun members will be fine. Snap da condom on indeed.

I for one am Happy with Fuerte’s changes. getting back his Tortilla if it’s true it’s vanilla style then that means it’s damage goes back up too and it can again be used more as an anti air. EX Qbomb charging faster is great. he won’t be top tier but he’s a lot more solid now.

I agree that getting people to agree is not easy :rofl:.

I just want to make my point as clear to you as possible because I don’t think I succeeded in doing it in the past (obviously you don’t have to agree with me):

  1. I have absolutely no problem with things being removed from the game because they are stupid/easy mode/derp whatever you want to call it.

  2. I have no problem with suggestions to improve a character that do not result in a redefinition of the character or cheapen the game.

  3. I do not think that every matchup is 5-5. When I make the statement that the best player wins I am referring to the freedom of choice that exists at the character select screen. Bad matchups definitely exist. I recognize that there is some luck involved in tournament play due to the randomness of who your actual opponents (characters) are.

  4. I do have a problem with removing things from a character that are legitimate in order to make another character better. This isn’t fair to the people who have put effort into the character that got nerfed.

They have to fix his glitches still right? Especially the forward face down wake up.

I’m just curious whether Abel’s U2 is now hit INVULNERABLE, or do they mean it got its post rush hit ARMOR back…

If it’s straight up invincible…then, lol. I’m switching to U2 for all matchups.

…LMFAO really ? An IQ diss huh ? Like i said before baby back bitch. Nuff said

I gotta say so far this thread is really enforcing my old theory that 95% of people that main Akuma are “dark” and “edgy” 13 year old kids, with the 5% being Tokido and Infiltration.

Well alright, I don’t think I’ve been in the Akuma forums in a year at least. I apologize for singling out people who can be part of the solution. I was just talking generally and then replying generally to people trying to blow me up.

They can remove it from you, or give everyone a way to stop it, either way it won’t be useable and it breaks way less stuff to change one thing on one person then it does to change one thing on every othwr character.

How much time someone puts into something is irrrelevant. That’s an investment of your time that o one cares about to be honest. Think that isn’t “fair”? Life isn’t fair. Surprised your parents never told you that. Everyone has their own definition of fair anyway. Fair is whatever doesn’t negatively affect said person.

People are fond of saying you can choose your character at the select screen when people complain about a character not having an answer. Guess what? Akuma players have that option as well!

I am not trolling at all…seriously…that is a great post :tup:. So rare to see anyone on this forum admit that they might have been wrong about something.

I agree with what you were trying to say overall. Akuma is not dead.

Our opinions will always differ because your decision making is motivated by balance concerns and mine is not. It is what it is.

I still don’t see how you can expect people to not be upset about it.

I agree :).

a general consensus of the akuma forums is that a majority of them are too immature to accept change without an arguement and make claims of returning to SF3 (because that game is entirely balanced.)

its funny how most of them claim to have tokido as a role model, yet a majority of them are accepting the changes in poor fashion.

Oh, I didn’t even realize Dan had taunt hits before(never seen anyone do that, even accidentally.). So, it’s actually a meter building buff then. That makes jump taunt pretty useful, and I like that idea. T Hawk buffs are nice, because even though I don’t play him, I do enjoy watching Hawk players on the UYG stream.

This is a very entertaining thread, really it is. It’s like intelligence meets stupidity and the purpose is to find common ground. :slight_smile:

You guys have to talk like this: ‘I gon beet da shiz out of u SCRUB I’z a top 10 whirld pokemon playa, ya herd’ That would make the thread balanced, it is lopsided at the moment.

By the way, I think you guys are all scrubs. SCRUBS!!!

Here is the main problem with the nerf. We all know why it was done. They wanted to nerf corner unblockables. Ok fine I could live without those. The problem is they did not acheieve this. Already before the patch is released I have found the correction to get the unblockable working again. So in the end they failed in this area.

What creates problems is when you are outside of the corner you can’t cover that much distance in that much time and still get a frame perfect set up for one of the most critial safe jumps. It also ruins the best cross up tatsu set ups.

It ends up leaving the set up they wanted to fix (unblockables) and destroys legitimate and sometimes critial set ups. It is like try to blow up a terrorist compound with a bomber, but instead of actually hitting the target you were aiming for you blew up a hospital instead.

That us the reason I am pissed because I know exactly what Capcom was trying to do and I know it isn’t going to work the way they wanted

you’re missing my message genius. i’m not advocating imbalance. i’m saying the way capcom goes about it weak and lazy as fuck.

Please do me a favor and don’t talk about crap you don’t understand. For the last 2 game play changes most of us weren’t complaining.

S.HK nerf to remove loop? Ok it was broken.

Flip grab recovery so you can’t OS of it? Ok it was broken.

Hell the only nerf most of us still complained about was the stun nerf because Akuma doesn’t stun worth crap any more.

We have taken nerfs well for the most part and you can even fund my old posts where I told people to work around the nerfs. These nerfs take the cake and make little to no sense.

I can link you to the akuma forums if you’d like LoyalSol, they have tissues there.

Actually that would be a nerf I main Gief and they need every little bit of help in that match up lol.

I’ve read the most stupid things in the last 2 years on srk, but i really cannot believe you’re saying that yang doesn’t need any nerfs but he should even get buffed!
But i’m sure you think that yun has to be nerfed and so did akuma.

Yang is every little bit as strong as yun. Capcom is gonna nerf both of them, you can be sure of that