SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

You make too many assumptions about other people considering you should be a lawyer of some sorts.

Why are we still talking about Akuma? He’s washed up, let’s all play Ken! Everyone loves Ken!

People keep on saying Akuma is great, he’s top tier, he’s one of the best, etc. Please start naming how many Akumas you see at majors. Now how many make Top 32… Top 8? Actually win?


That post (#616) was a troll after you got exposed. Honestly I thought that it wasn’t a very good post or very fair to superlollo. He really hasn’t been complaining.

The content of what you wrote above is valid (the minor change comment is debatable).

I think that part of the frustration that people are feeling is the potential for the new setups to be nerfed in the future for what appears to be no legitimate reason. The culture that Capcom is creating is not a very good one.

Wow to the guy who called UltraDavid an ignorant… How about you actually use your brain fucking scrubs smh.

This is so… Ironic right now?

Not saying it’s ironic coming from you, it is just ironic considering some of the Akuma players crying on here. Remember, it’s always the player skill fault. Never the character. Learn the matchup xcopy Tokido friends!

Akuma health/stun/loss of setups/whatever other nerfs… Your fault cause you don’t have the skill.

It’s so easy to talk down to people when you’re on top.

Wow, way to vigorously defend your special snowflake status there. I’m sure never again will a fighting-games-community-celebrity denigrate the tireless dedication you’ve displayed handcuffed to your character by implying that Gouken was as likely to win a major tournament as, say, Dee Jay.

LOL at Gouken players acting high and mighty now that one of his worst match ups gets nerfed. This community is lul

UD - Half these people just enjoy arguing, especially that TEETH troll. You have already given more to the community than probably all of these others ever will combined.

I’d be embaressed if I was an Akuma player right now.

So much whining, it’s not even funny.

What are the odds that even the Yun mainers won’t bitch as much hmmm.

because top16 and top8 are filled with vegas, gens, chuns, hakans, dans, fuertes, juris, ibukis, dudleys, djs, guys (and of course these characters doesnt need perfect execution or specific set ups, just pure luck)… thats why you dont see akumas winning at majors

about yun mainers, they probably switch to akuma

No it’s just your fault for using a character that you think is bad.

I think the real issue is the removal of things that people put effort into. If something gets nerfed that is derpy/easy mode most players will accept that. When something gets removed that was a result of actual training/legitimate Street Fighter, to me it becomes a bit different.

Yeah alright buddy. Yes, he needs help. Sounds like he’s getting at least some of it; crouching fierce doing more hit stun is great, means he can combo more easily into fireball/rush punch without being right up close, means close mp cr hp xx moves always works. But he’s not bad obviously. Imo there were several worse characters in AE and none of them were actually bad either.

As for Akumas doing well, actually I don’t see many tournament Akumas and haven’t for a long time, not even during Super, and I travel quite a bit. But the players I do see playing him tend to do well, regularly getting top 8s. That doesn’t mean he’s bad.

Anyway thanks for thinking I don’t know stuff. I’ve seen backthrow into ambiguous cross up fireball and I’ve seen why players mostly dropped it. In fact even though I’ve never used Akuma myself more than a couple times I feel like I know a lot about the evolution of his setups just cause my comp often tested new tricks out in casuals at our meetups. I definitely don’t know anything close to everything about all or most of the cast, but I’m pretty familiar with this one. The point is just that if one setup leaves, you have to go back to other ones and find new value in them while you work on new ones.

I wasn’t in favor of having to find new Akuma setups, I don’t really see the need for it. But here we are, and it’s not that bad.

How on earth are we even arguing about this now? Sure changes are frightening, but if we keep everything the same, wouldn’t people complain that SFIV is getting a little stagnant in terms of its gameplay? Instead of “PATCH THIS!!! IT’S OP’D!!!”, we would get “PATCH THIS!!! IT’S TOO BORING!!!” and if we kept it that way, more and more people would lose interest in SFIV, and don’t say that SSFIV AE is boring as it is, because if it was boring, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE???

AE pretty much refreshened a lot of the gameplay aspect in that we become more and more adaptable to the playstyles of our opponent, which in Super was turtling like all hell was about to break loose if we moved an inch. AE with its rushdown as a main, forced us to play a bit more safer and would force us to utilise every tool we can use to fight back the rushing nature of the game.

And this pretty much summed up the fighting community as we see today. Too much do we rely on tiers just to decide what character to play without taking into consideration about the playstyle, the mindset on how the character is supposed to be played, the general understanding of the game and seperating what is true and not true. If a player spends enough time on a certain character with a friend, a sparring partner, then I think we would find that we wouldn’t mind the changes so much as we are today. I still remember people calling AE “Super Street Fighter IV: Yun Edition.” and look what has happened, it doesn’t hold so true right now. Just because people overexaggerate the negative on a character’s nerf, people will believe that the character is weakened and that we all lose hope in ever winning again. BOO HOO FREAKIN HOO.

C’mon guys, I’ve stuck with a character ever so basic ever since SF2. Tiers, buffs or nerfs WILL NOT change my perspective on a character… Only just the way I play that character.

My guess is that if the nerfs for Yun are similar to Fei it wont be nearly as loudly protested as Akuma’s nerfs. However I predict holy hell to break loose if Yang gets nerfed.


Dude you’re a whiney terrible bitch.

Nothing changed for Gouken. His fastest reversal is 7 frames. Only change is i can crouch block palm. Still can’t do anything about it. Go back to crying and thinking you’re awesome cause you make videos.

I’m still laughing at the crybabies though. Oh my character takes so much skill, oh I invested so much time, omg canon says this!, oh noes it will take me months to recopy tokido!

Jesus christ, I wish some of you had an “I win” button just so you’d shut the fuck up. Some of you are crying ,ore than if you mom died.

Yang should be the least change I predict small buffs in store.

Good then what’s all the crying about? Years of training which safe mixup to use next down the tube?

While players might accept easy herp/derp being removed, getting them to agree that it is indeed herp derp is another matter altogether.

Anyway cry more. Trolling back at ya!

Actually most of the whiners are the people who actually contribute to the Akuma forums and are the ones posting new technology. I dare you to look through the Akuma forums and tell me otherwise.

This is the first set of nerfs where every Akuma player is pissed. Because it was a pointless nerf that removes a key safe jump.