SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

anyway, i might get it wrong since my japanese aint perfect, but mago just tweeted something along the line of “so i saw the “buffs/nerfs list”, you sure thats all(the nerfs) for fei long? since if thats the case, im sure i can still beast with him just well”

so yeah, thats what mago thought. is he trolling? or maybe my japanese is off? aight ill just post it here so others with better skills(no, not google translate skills) can translate better

magotto3 マゴ


I don’t agree with all the Fei nerfs. Maybe nerf the frames a bit so that players actually need to be good with their spacing, but not the damage. Now some matches are going to drag out even longer (looking at you, Gief). I maintain that they should leave the top tier alone for the most part. When Ono said “we made certain characters intentionally strong” what he really meant was “we made 80% of the cast intentionally weak”.

Gouki nerfs are actually quite a big deal (f.throw nerf more than the DF one). I’m enjoying the rage though lol. But seriously, there’s no need to be salty. Come release date, Tokido will find new setups within 20mins and 90% of the rest of you Akuma players will still suck at the game, so nothing’s gonna change.

Well, probably because of all the Cammy players crying about the fact that HK Spiral arrow in AE didn’t hit twice if it’s too far. I liked it for one and for two, I hate ALL YOU CRYING ASSES FOR MAKING THIS CHANGE HAPPEN!!! Hopefully they’ll find a way to implement the cross under in the next loketest… if they’re doing one to begin with…

I can’t imagine the salt here if the top players at the loketest in japan are fine with Fei long and Akuma changes.

This will be some interesting weeks.

The Feilong nerfs are okay. It just took away a little bit of a silly thing. I didn’t think that rekka nerf was too bad, it made tech punishing kind of b.s. and punishing it seems fair.

It was natural that they nerf some of the flame kick FADC into HK CW damage. Note that it’s mostly a 10 to 30 damage difference for MK DP FADC HK CW cuz of the 2 hit and 3 hit shenanigans I think. The only gripe is that he’s -1 on flame kick FADC on block. Which is fine, Feilong should be less zealous on offense overall.

c.MP nerf is alright, it still has it’s frame properties so it’ll still be used the same way.

Chickenwing cross over stuff wasn’t a huge part of offense, just gimmicks.

Solid players will still win with key defense and offense.

You guys are still going to get slapped.

I dont think any Akuma players are “fine” with the nerfs, they are pretty significant (in ways that, akuma players might need to change some of their old setups and come up with new ones)… still it amuses me to no end seeing how ridiculous some people cry/rage like there’s no tomorrow. Everything is only on paper now, there are gonna be location tests, and if the nerfs are really THAT bad, it might not make it to the final version.

But one think I know for sure wont change, akuma is still going to be the hardest character to play. :lol:

All his changes are fine, just as long as players who played as him before can still play the same way as before, just a small change like not spamming his rekka. Same logic put to Ryu from super to AE. People like to spam his CR.MK, so they nerfed that as to stop the spam and force players to play much more safely than before. Reasonable, don’t you think?

Yah, there’s no doom and gloom. He’s still top tier. Depending on how the rest of the characters pan out, A+ tier will still include Feilong or the S tier pool will just widen up to 5-6 characters.

I, for one, like the fact that SA hits twice like it used to. Cammy might lose some set-ups(and maybe some unblockables, we’ll have to see) but now, she can FADC SA for safety from range like she could, and it increases her combo damage. So yeah, I don’t really care about the cross-under, because I feel more damage and safety outweigh the set-ups and mix-ups.

I agree and would add it’s about helping her fundamentals vs specific tactics.

Exactly. Other Cammy players and I asked for this buff. It’s going to make life easier for Cammy when she’s not in her ideal range. While she loses some set-ups, she’ll also most likely gain her old set-ups after SA as well as some new set-ups.

Think Viper and Seth gonna be in now that top players like Latif for Viper and Poongko for seth showed everyone at EVO how kickass they are compared to the Yuns and the Yangs? Seriously, I was thinking that maybe the standing for Seth’s and Viper’s positions had shot up a bit since their potential had been discovered bit by bit by phenomenal players and mabe there still finding out more and we don’t know it!!! So much for Yun and Yang being OP’d

Well I never thought of it that way, maybe I was getting used to the new SA and was learning of her cross unders, just a shame I might have to throw that all away after trying so hard to learn her new stuff.

Yeah, it does suck that you lose her AE set-ups, but with some adjustment, I think you’ll be alright. :wink:

Wow that Akuma crying was hard to believe lol. Like you guys wont immediately find good forward throw setups again? Come on. And like he doesnt still have good setups after backthrow and sweep, and other setups after techable knockdowns. Palm not being overhead isn’t that big of a deal either, still useful to beat focuses and whiff to block in getting in.

Fei changes too. I’m impressed with Capcom, these are among the slightest nerfs they’ve EVER given the best character in a game. Rekka change just shifted risk from 3rd rekka to 2nd, that’s all. Tiny damage nerfs, tiny limitations on combos. Good stuff.

Dan buffs are nice but weird, not really what we were looking for for the most part. He’s already good up close, does good damage already, builds meter well already. I wanted some close range buffs like close mp being 5 frames (yay frame trap buff), but what he really needed was mid range buffs. The #1 buff lots of us wanted was for ex Dan kick to have more advantage or untechable knockdown so we could get in. Didn’t get that, or safer Dan kicks, buffs to far normals, or buffs to ultras, etc. I’ll take buffs over nerfs obviously, but I don’t really know why Dan needs to do 400 damage bnbs or combo into sweep on counterhit instead of having any of his weaknesses addressed. Not like I wanted to him to have no weaknesses of course, but softening one of them would have been nice.

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So much noise for a guy who will still be top 10.

How about we talk about the fact that everyone is getting relatively equal buffs, so that low tier characters will still be low tier. I don’t see anything that el fuerte got that will take him from low low tier to even mid tier. Rose didn’t even return to her super form, and she was mid tier at best in that game, so with people getting buffs, she’ll only move a little. Things like the fully invincible reversal, reduced frames on fireball, reduce startup on U1 didn’t happen. Ultra 2 doesn’t have invincibility so it is only partially back, her damage still sucks. her regular soul throw is still top 10 most useless move in the game, and her sweep recommendation to be back to vanilla or somewhere in between didnt’ happen.

I haven’t see Hakan buffs yet, but I imagine they won’t move him much either, overall, charge characters haven’t received the kinda buffs they needed, Bison stayed the same while everyone around him is moving up, Balrog got a few buffs, but nothing major, Chun Li’s buffs were only minor, Guile is not back to super form.

The real top guys like Sagat, Fei, Akuma, Viper, Ken, Zangief, by tonight i can include Yun, Yang, will still be Tops, there may be some shuffling of the placements, but I don’t see major changes to the personnel in the top 10.

I don’t want major changes, much rather have slight nerfs to top few chars only & slight buffs to rest than risk anything stupid or unintended w/ major changes. Also lol at Gief in top tier, never been top tier in SF4 esp not now, but slight buffs are nice. Don’t want to risk many buffs to Hakan, too dangerous a char, too unexplored & too high a ceiling to get big buffs imo.

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raw mk flame kick fadc hk CW did 280 (140+140). Now it’ll do 220 (120+100). That’s 60 damage, it isn’t a 10 to 30 damage difference

I’d say Dan moved up a tier. Probably Solid C+ now, his bad match ups are still going to be REALLY bad and end up being what keeps him behind in the long run, but he is def moved up a notch. Depending on the rest of the changes and how players figure out how to incorporate his taunt meter building (there has to be something useful in there with jumping taunt.) I can see him being more than just “viable” but actually “pretty good”

Unless there is some MAJOR change tomorrow though, I’d say Fei is still going to be the highest tiered character, but he’ll be A or A+ instead of S.

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Abel and Balrog break top 10 though after their changes. They were already fairly solid characters with decently high placements. Especially Abel since Fei/Yun/Yang are some of his worst matchups and his buffs coupled with their nerfs will probably swing it to a near even or closer to even 4.5-5.5 match up.

Tiers won’t matter if they can make all the characters competitive.