SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Bring on the hate


^ 1000000000000000000000x this

clxjames i can understand about have to relearn setups since gen the same way with his throws and safejumps but you know nothing about gen hk gekiro. It only really meant for aa and even then using gen normal AA and ex gekiro works better then hk. there is only a few characters that gen can combo into hk gekiro on just like akuma tatsu sweep combos.

still i do agree akuma was really balance in ae and did not need these nerfs.

Hey this is a serious recommendation. Sagat of right now is very balanced. but he needs some serious minor tweeks.

  1. need original SF4 standing light kick back. 2. make St roundhouse more easily cancelable. or better hitbox on start up

right now standing roundhouse whiffs on many crouching characters. and no good way of getting damage off of cr. lk.

also because standing roundhouse start up cancelable frames is so bad. Angry scar is almost never used!

So instead of changing Angry scar damage, buff standing roundhouse start up but leave anti air hit box the same.

In this way, Sagat remains heavy execution while being able to deal out reasonable damage at close range.

standing lk needs change to either hitbox, or making it a 1 hit move. sagat cannot beat most pokes.

giving him this poke, means that he has a tool to use but will not be able to get damage off of it, which is good. like dhalsim standing lk

Yes, if you are talking about his offense.
His defense is completely different story.

Look how many versions of SF 2 came out.

Akuma overhead palm tears certain chars apart.

fwd throw nerf was unnecessary.

O looky at you… hmmm this username seems familiar… could you be this guy from EventScrubs?

Akuma hasnt been nerfed? lolwut? He has been the only character to receive nerfs in every iteration of SFIV since Vanilla. Has he had some slight buffs? Sure… MP SRK being as invincible as HP SRK… we still use HP SRK? U2 hitbox “buff” was really fixing the fucking thing so it worked like it should


  • DF Throw whiff recovery frames
  • Added start up frames to
  • Removed loop
  • Removed fireball FADC combos
  • Stun nerf on lk.Tatsu and Sweep
  • Stun and damage nerf on Shaku (rendering it useless in combos)


  • Ex Tatsu nerf
  • Tatsu Escape nerf

AE -> ver.2012

  • +2 frames on forward throw
  • DF Palm no longer an overhead

Aww you hurt my feelings just because I don’t have the time to make a butt hurt video. Stay salty big whoop Gief has been nerfed worse than that and his buffs make up for very little and rarely help in his bad MU.

Edit: just learn to take a joke jeez but I forget this is the Internet.

Edit2: I said least unchanged apparently that salt is in your eyes that you can’t read.

Confirmed: All Akuma players are Hitler.

I always suspected there was some anti-semite tech hidden in his gameplay. Someone needs to make the symbol on his back into a swastika for a PC mod.

I believe they werent fixing anything. They were making more monies!

Seriously, those videos are getting retarded and they aren’t even funny.

I think it’s funny when Akuma players start complaining how they have to work so hard because of their low life. Because I play Seth.

Am not too surprised that fei would get nerfs, as well as being pleased as well, damage nerfs and slight change to his mechanics is not too bad to be honest, at least they left a lot of his tools still intact and just changed which was easily spammed adn nerf some damage. Dunno if its gonna change his game or not but hopefully he’ll still be strong.

Still though… Dan, FREAKING DAN is getting buffs!!! Well, as expected, I like to fool around with him, but with these he might be a tournament viable character… maybe I should play him too…hmmmmm…

LOL, I thought they got retarded when he complained about MW2. Just sayin…

The command for Gouken’s 360 charge for Denjin is actually in AE already. They just didn’t activate it. You can see it in the PC version with Dantarian’s modding tool.

Haters will ALWAYS be haters…

It’s like they are constantly hesitant to give Gouken things. But hey we got good stuff. At first I was a bit disappointed since the biggest change was made to something that only needed a tiny bit improvement, the things that needed a lot of change only got a little bit. But I’m fairly optimistic as long as there no nerfs. Sadly I’m still cautious about that because for some reason Gouken has gotten nerfs through all the transitions. (besides the inherent damage nerf we already got from losing HP palm)

Location tests are useless if they don’t tweak it again after. Unless they decide that the changes they made were perfect on the first attempt then there will more than likely be changes after the location test. For all we know there may even be a 2nd location test before release!

Darn, Cammy’s changelist is … underwhelming. I actually didn’t want the hk arrow to lose it’s cross-under.