SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

True my bad, meanwhile I’m cool with that change too. Crossup CW looked unrealistic.

Well let’s simply say that with most of the characters in this game you can train 2 or 3 months and be decent (providing you got some FG experience at least). With Akuma after 2 or 3 months you’re probably still gonna eat shit left and right.

Hell I spent less than 2 hours total in training mode with Fei and I can get DECENT results when playing with him. Just by poking and doing his standard 2 rekka hit confirms ( c.lp xx rekka and OS s.lp c.lp xx rekka, can’t even do the crouching hit confirm reliably lol). If someone, even with FG experience tries using akuma without knowing all of his setups and combos he’s gonna get blown up really fast even by a mediocre player.

Akuma is (or was?) really strong but he definitely needs more effort to be played in a good way than 90% of the cast. Obviously if you’re playing Hakan and not getting wins even i you grind it out in the lab, you’re a masochistic fuck and you shouldn’t be complaining about top tier anyways.

Did I say that? No. Dont put words into my mouth. Yes, Fei was a top, or arguably the top player in the game, however there is always someone to fill that role.However Fei wasnt the problem, the problem was the nerfing done to the rest of the cast. People just started bitching up a storm when that occured, and rather than understanding why he improved, they just complain. It was relative to the cast.

The removal of the sweep combo is big as well (if this is being interpreted correctly). Every nerf Fei recieved, is from constant belly aching from the community. Same with what the twins will get. I have found it ironic people want THEIR character buffed and the others nerfed.

I dont care. I am going to continue to use him, however I wonder what the general people here will cry about next, since they cannot bitch about Fei any more.

With the way this community is, if someone won EVO with Dan, they would be enraged and calling him over powered.

I read carefully, I believe you are wrong.

I don’t see Daigo using Hakan.

Akuma obviously works harder than people who play any other character guys. Especially the characters without strong tools to take advantage of in the first place.

I like the idea that if you play a low tier character you have no right to complain about balancing or, pretty much have no say about anything at all. Thats real cool.

Akuma players are S Tier so far when it comes to salt.

I’m not co-signing your post or anything, but I do wish there was some way to non-intrusively ‘force’ everyone who’s serious about the game to play every character, against every character, consistently, for 2-4 weeks.

It’s impractical, because time is a factor and not everyone’s job is playing fighting games. But this would work wonders, in various ways. Including eliminating a helluva lot of drama. And we’d all be happier for it.

I love Gootecks, but he made me wanna bash my head against my desk when he said he’d never touched Vega before. Ever.
Like, srsly? These guys play, not only to win, but for that bike money. If nothing else, know thine enemy. I’m sure the character you’re loyal to would appreciate it - they’d tell you if they could.

Perfect example: Daigo’s got every character in his back pocket. Poongko doesn’t need a Seth to style on you. And Combofiend has a character for every day of the month. It seems like these people only really lose to each other. That’s a damn good look.

I wasn’t putting words in your mouth but when you said" Blah blah didn’t deserve nerfs" I interpreted you saying he wasn’t top tier and therefor not a problem. Don’t take it personally but I felt that’s what you were saying. I agree that the game would be better and/or happier if everyone got buffs but rebalance doesn’t work like that. There are 2 ways to fix the “Fei” problem. Nerf him. Buff everyone else or both.

I already mentioned earlier, Fei can still combo sweep.

How is that trolling? I was simply stating how it reminds me of those sour candies they sell at the convenience store. These posts are just making me hungry, that’s all dude.

Chill out bro. You make it sound as if Capcom killed your dog and left his decomposed remains on your doorstep. They didn’t do that, did they? PLEASE RESPOND AND SAY THEY DID NOT DO THAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I REALLY LOVE DOGS.

Offtopic: I love sour candy.

Lol. Sorry I just found this hilarious. In a game with raging demons, green electric monkeys and flame spitting rubber bands we’re talking about how unrealistic a crossup looks. Nothing against you bro but that just made me laugh.

You’d think a good player understands how tier works.


Can’t think of a more appropriate time for this.

yeah lol true, but taking damage from someone’s ass going in the opposite direction stretches it with me.

What I’ve learned from this thread:

  1. MY character is always harder to use than YOURS. You just don’t UNDERSTAND, man. You just don’t.

  2. No one likes it when their character gets nerfed.*

*Except Viper players. Dey cool.


^ ha you got a dislike :stuck_out_tongue:

My character works harder than anyone else.

Not a joke, I actually mean it. Come at me bros.