SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Lol like Fei got nerfed huge.

The Fei nerfs were a result of a community full of idiots who dont even know what they are talking about, crying that he was OP.Anyone with a functional brain knew Fei was fine. But the whining crying jackasses yelled until someone heard them.

We will have to see how many buffs come for everyone else. This nerf really hurts against characters like Guile, Deejay, Guy, and any others with a 4 frame reversal.

The palm nerf also really really hurts since the empty palm was probally the most solid/least gimmicky mix up Akuma had and was generally one of the best in top level competition. Flip mix ups are simply Safe palm/grab now. And with people just ducking the grab has even become harder to use.

I am glad I make you laugh, your double digit IQ does the same for me.

No, he was definitely NOT fine. But as they always do (see vanilla sagat) they went overboard with the nerfs to make scrubs happy.

I’m really scared to see what’ll happen to Yun and Yang.

Fei can still hit confirm his sweep bro.

Anyone who thinks Fei needs tinkered with any further, is flat out clueless as far as understanding what the hell they are talking about. He didnt need the changes they made as it is. The only reason they occured is because of all the stupid babies bitching and crying when they lose to a Fei, when reality is they are like - average playing the game at best.

Overboard with nerfs for Fei? How is damage changes going overboard?

Did you all forget that his EX Rekka can still do two safe hits? Spend that retarded amount of meter you build, people.

Fei was fine. It was the rest of the cast that was not, there is a tremendous difference there. Fei was largely the same as he was in vanilla, when they tweaked the cast, they screwed everything up. But no one understands that it seems like.

The Fei nerfs, as I said, were the by product of crying and whining by a majority clueless community who blame characters for their own in game faults.

And the Fe sweep combo is dead.

loooooooooooooooool all this rage

I’m awaiting some Dee Jay buffs

that is all

If you are average with Fei you are average. If you are average with Akuma you suck. That’s the difference.

Don’t believe me? Just try and pick him up.

I disagree completely. If you suck, you suck, and no character is going to change that.

Haha, this Noodie guy is pretty funny. GG Shoryuken, you win another round.

Oh well. Fei is still a good character. The community whined until they partially got their way. However as I said, Kudos to capcom for ignoring all the fucking garbage that you find on this site, from people who think they are good because they can spout off frame data.

Akuma players are the master race. Thanks for clearing that up, dude.

Fun fact: Akuma’s tears are the saltiest, yet sweetest tears of all.

Welcome to the mid tier with the rest of us bro.

Whoa Whoa Whoa!
You mean Fei Long isn’t one of if not the best character in SSFIV AE as unanimously agreed upon by several of the world’s top players and therefor is being unjustly nerfed?

The only nerf that matters is Fei’s Rekka (2nd hit) is 2 frames unsafer, chips half as much and creates less push back. Every other nerf is a damage a reduction or something he didn’t need anyway. Consider Fei lucky they didn’t do something relevent like change his hitboxes or something.

Please read carefully. You are using a strawman even if you didn’t intend to.

The hit box on his CW was changed to make it harder to do a cross up with if the other player ducks it. Not disagreeing with his nerfs were just about right just pointing out that he did have a hitbox change :wink:

Don’t worry salty Akuma mains. I’m sure Capcom is gonna buff the SHIT out of Evil Ryu and Oni so you can still get your Satsui no Hado fixes.

Strawman at its finest. Go troll somewhere else.