SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Yeah u have a point. I was watching a stream earlier and Gill was looking good but overall 3s have a strong character selection.

actually do you remember sean/ibuki in 2nd impact? what happen to them in 3s?

capcom is nerfing since 91 son


from tokido´s twitter

good shit tokido

I think U2 is underrated by a lot of Akuma players. If option selects bother you vs. Cammy, Yun/Yang, and such, give U2 a try. The ability to teleport more freely vs. those characters outweighs the more unreliable U1 for me, especially since those are also dive kick characters who eliminate part of U1’s usefulness.

If they actually try to read your teleport, good for them, but it removes the easy OS options.

serin disagrees with you arc-rail

Akuma is only top tier if you got the skills to make him top tier. Otherwise he is trash tier. I’m not the only one to say this, in fact many pro players have also said this and also Seth Killian has said this on stream before. Most people drop Akuma because they do nothing but lose with him.

If this wasn’t the case everyone and his mother would pick up Akuma.

Again this is where the people who don’t main Akuma don’t understand jack about Akuma. It’s because if you had half a clue how these set ups work (Which 98% of players don’t have a clue) you could actually see the changes before anything even happens. Hell half the players out there haven’t even played against Akuma in the hands of a competent player let alone understand these tools.

This will make unblockables/corner antics harder, but it won’t completely get rid of them. Hell it might change dash x2 into a couple interesting mix ups since delaying the first dash now can give interesting results at times.

It is outside of the corner that this just screws over Akuma. Anyone who plays Akuma knows how tight the timing is on this already is. Add in the fact that two dashes no longer is an option and your options dramatically decrease off a forward throw.

I know exactly what Capcom was hoping to do with this. Nerf unblockables. They failed miserably with their lazy attempt.

Trashing xbl randoms isn’t a very good argument.

LoyalSol, I will wait patiently.

It’s all preference.

Well, they didn’t change unblockables for anyone else from what I can tell, and the overhead doesn’t have anything to do with that part. Just seems like they wanted to straight-up nerf his mixup.

Ok how about trashing Akuma players in person and at Evo? Good enough? I was running the monitor next to Valle at Evo. Had 64 wins before Infiltration put a stop to that. And yes that also including playing Balrog against other Akuma players.

The funny thing is I’ve already found a set up for the Unblockable again. So much for the nerf capcom.

I gave up. You should, too. We get it. They don’t. Let’s just hope these changes don’t stick.

You heard it here first guys: Balance is overrated. Why would anyone want that in a fighting game of all things? Keep that out of my street fighter! You sir, are the smartest person alive and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Akuma main post combo!!!


Xbl randoms attend EVO?

I know if nothing else bitching at scrubs helps alleviate some of the frustration at this retarded nerf.

Pearls before Swine.

Troll much?

Well, I’m an Akuma player but from the looks of things Fei seems to have had it worse.

The damage nerf was pretty bad (especially dp fadc cw doing 220 down from 280) but the rekka nerfs is what’s bothering me the most. We’ll have to see how much the “reduced pushback on 2nd rekka hit” is. If it’s significant it’ll be really bad because less pushback and -8 on block will mean that almost every character in the game will be able to punish him.

Also why remove his s.lp > sweep link? That’s beyond stupid. It’s not like fei is a vortex character and giving him a comboable sweep was OP or anything.

Oh and btw, full of people who don’t have an idea on how Akuma works in this thread. His nerfs ARE significant. Losing empty palm OS mixups AND losing his f.throw safejumps is pretty bad actually. I think they should do either one OR the other, not both.

But anyways guys, keep acting like you know something, I’m really amused by all this ignorance. Makes me wonder what game people have been playing in the last 3 years.

ONI buff hurry I wanna see. I hope he turn into the new god of ssf4 AE.

Okay, let’s put it this way. In your educated opinions, where do you think Akuma will be on the tierlists now, then?

Been trying to resist but so much salt I couldn’t. As LoyalSol said, he has already found an unblockable set up. Just hit the labs when the patch comes and figure out a work around. More than likely Akuma still in top 8-10 chars, especially since his bad matchups got better.

Top 8 or top 10 still. Mid A tied with Ken for best shoto, still sh**ing bricks all over Gouken.

This is ironic, that Akuma is only top tier if you are good, but people acted like Fei was an automatic win. I am rolling my eyes over here.