SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Makoto is considered low A. There is no way that this one thing would drop Akuma all the way down to B. Low/Mid A? Maybe. But even in the worst possible scenario he’d be a B+++

Indeed you did. I totally wasn’t using sarcasm.

That’s actually pretty neat. Dash dancing in a smart way could let you get in with a counter hit. It’s a risky thing, but to take out at least 370 health with EX Quesadilla Bomb is truly a high reward, something we’ve been needing.

top tier sugar combo

Let’s forget Akuma, his brother Gouken looks like a beast now.

Maybe they want to make for other juggles involving the leg throw

There is maybe 1 or 2 people in the ENTIRE WORLD actually placing well in major tournaments with him as it stands. Tokido is the only person who put in the time and effort to maser the vortex enough to actually stand a chance against top competitors, and even then he never comes out on top because Akuma is only great on paper. Add the human factor and in my eyes he is far from the best character in the game.

Not gonna front, I kinda like that tip-of-the-hat there. It made me smile.

Just sayin’.

My favorite part about the akuma forums is how alot of them wanna play 3S now.

Yeah, my character got nerfed so i’m going to go play the perfectly balanced SF3.

Herp derp

me neither.


Any news on Ibuki ?..I bet she got nerf a bit too

Herp derp indeed.

I don’t really know 3S, soooo I’m just gonna sit on the fence about this whole thing.

Theres still hope.

Maybe they’ll make E.Ryu even better.

Don’t go to 3rd strike yet, akuma players!

Haha just kidding go ahead, that game hasnt been out for 12 years.

Yeah, because Ono is a little over 10 years late to update that game :rofl:

just know 3s isn’t afraid to have good characters unlike nerf fighter 4. this is possibly the only fighter i’ve ever played that hates complete characters.

to me 3sOE si meh, but once i saw that you can actually play with gill i told to myself “sirlin would be proud”

lol´ed, plz gtfo

Yeah, balanced games are overrated

It’s true, I miss the days when they released games and they were forced to play as is. Even if they could listen to customer complaints they couldn’t patch older games like they can now. Kinda gives developers an excuse to create partially done characters and the like. 15 years back I was satisfied with character designs. Nowadays not so much. It isn’t just Capcom either.

Actually most changes have been buffs so far.