SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Hardly any escape options are free of punish.

Because changes made by the person are nowhere close to permanent. Changes made to the character are.

Now you’re getting it.

Yeah so I have to be perfect every time you decide or don’t decide to teleport. Because if I’m wrong you’ve escaped my pressure.

Option selects.

“My character sucks ass and has a terrible , barely viable gameplay design. Therefore, your character’s nerfs are justifiable. Try walking in my shoes bro.”

I get it.

I find it humorous that you expect Akuma players to not be annoyed with these huge nerfs. “Deal with it” “Get creative”

I can’t speak for other other Akuma players, but I’m definitely still playing him. It just sucks, that’s all. It’s frustrating that Fei Long’s core gameplay remains the same, Viper barely got touched, Gief got buffed, but Akuma got nerfed hardcore.

Fei Long is factually stronger than Akuma, and it can be argued that Viper is slightly ahead of him(though IMO it goes Yun>Fei>Yang>Akuma>Viper), so the amount of nerfage is baffling to me and I hope they do not stick.

So, I would be SHOCKED if Dee Jay didn’t get his airborne lk rolling sobat back. And if he did…:smiley:

Grabbing another cereal bar.

Continue with concerns when I come back.

this is true. Anyone can obviously see this in matches involving any Akuma with a brain you’ll, see 2 teleports in a ft5 if you’re lucky. I’m pretty sure I can habenero dash xx calamari slide his teleport on a jump in for example.

Really. I don’t even use Akuma and even I know his teleport ain’t like that.

do you really know how akuma´s teleport works? and then “AKUMA IS SO HARD TO MASTER DERP”

anyways gg to al akuma players lots of laughs reading your posts, stay free

ps. if you dont want to play AE gouki just play 3s…with gill

@007 You can’t be serious the only characters on that list that give Akuma any trouble would be Yun & Viper.

@Serin Isn’t the purpose of U2 to stop OS.

Edit: @Serin forgot to add to your earlier response Zangief would like a word.

Hitler Downfall parody incoming, stay tuned

Great changes across the board so far. Not perfect, but definitely exceeding my expectations. Overall damage and stun slightly increased, many Super->AE nerfs revoked, and Capcom nerfing stupid vortex characters. Awesome.

akuma teleport definitely ain’t free, and it can lead to round over if the other player really sniffs it out. but conversely, ask youself: how much would akuma players complain if they took it away? it’s still a strong tool, doubly so on a character that you (usually) can’t safe jump anyways.

Hitler downfall meme is for shit that should be whined about.

I have to say the trouble viper gives can be negated by training against her and learning the math-up. When i fight akumas i can tell which just use the same tactics on everyone and which actually know that she isn’t nearly invincible and that he actually can give her more than a run for her money.
Unless it’s like latif, then its ggs lol

No, I don’t know how teleport works. I’m just a scrub ass Akuma who has been bitching over miniscule changes to my character. But tell me, when did I ever say pull the X character is harder to learn than Y character card? Please enlighten me.

In fact, since you are such an established player, please, tell me how teleport works so I won’t be so ignorant as to how it work.

You seem like the type of person I could learn something from.

No point trying to convince the mass of outraged people. I’m just gonna wait until people realize “Oh, so this is what it’s like not being top tier…hm…this ain’t that bad”…this isn’t the end of the world, even better how people say this is going to be a massive change to the playstyle of Akuma when they haven’t even played on the patch.

Some of these changes to fuerte is making me think they want him to really fish for counter hits more than anything else.

i knew it.

U2 isn’t anywhere as viable as U1 would be.

And what about Zangief?

I wanna see Ibuki get nerfed.