SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Teleport is nowhere close to a get-out-of-jail-free card.

You can say that about any character how about the ones that do everything right and still lose.

edit: because they still don’t have the options as the higher tiers.

and thats not true of any other character?
you think if rose whens against a high level anything they didn’t master every fundamental?

akumas please don’t act like they said
"ok akuma can’t use his fists in the fights anymore and he loses srk, tatsu and fireballs, wait he gets nothign but lp and we’ll nerf that"

Unless that was the ONLY thing that made you win it is NOT the end of the world.

you are out of your mind and have a what appears to be a persecution complex to boot. i know hakan players that work that lab 24/7 only to reap zero reward because their character is fundamentally flawed. it’s pretty insulting to assume that because your character has XYZ esoteric setups and low health no other players grind it out just as hard with their more limited characters.

Cl. mp being 1f faster is pretty nice, but it’s not like it’s going to shift any match-ups. Super change is irrelevant since no one is going to use it outside of a punish or crumple. He gets 10 more damage on hk. dan kick, but it’s still 20 damage weaker than it was in super. Basically business as usual. If they want to pump him up to like mid tier level, he needs a lot more fixes than that.

He’s still gonna be top 10. Could see him not being top 5 though.

I don’t know the specifics on set ups so if someone could tell me - would it still be possible to do the set ups off forward throw, just completely impractical to do so with the 2 extra frames?

yeah because every akuma player knows how to play 39 characters right?

Lack of adaptation to the person they’re playing.

He said it, not me.

if the throw is that bad, cant you just do back throw, TK fireball, and get the same free pressure against most characters. i mean i know it wont give the same mixup options, but he still has some shit thats good

Took the words right outta my mouth. I really can’t believe people would say something like that. FacePalm

I may have egg on my face for this in the future, but to all the Akuma players:

Oh, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!

Really, you’re complaining about a loss of some of your many tools. And you say you have to struggle for not getting DP FADC Ultra’d. BIG FUCKING WHOOP! Coming from someone that plays a character where the risk for that happens all the time AND the award isn’t always that great AND all the oki options are unsafe, you’re not convincing me that it’s the end of the world for Akuma. Like everyone else that’s dealt with nerfs in the past, get creative and find new things to exploit.

It’s still a better escape option than what the majority of the cast has.

Bootlegging a safe jump is more than likely going to have you eating a DP.

So yes, and no. Yeah, you can attempt the safejump. No, it’s not guaranteed in any way.

Nothing really for bison…wtf

unless akuma is nerfed to ssf4 gens level, they have no right to bitch.

but let them anyways since i know i’m not the only one enjoying them extra salty tears.

Backthrow puts Akuma in a very awkward position, and he can’t deal any pressure off of it.

Which is why I don’t get the bitching by some Akuma mains why not take that advice and adapt when the changes arrive.

So play him like a Ryu with shitter health and stun? lolwut?

“My characters sucks so your character sucking is justifiable. Try walking in my shoes.”

That’s not what I’m saying however, if the risk outweighs the reward then why go for it ? Of course you can always say fuck it and just do it.