SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I will make you a better player right now…try this for the next couple of months…

demon flip palm whiff…low short…

Depends on what it changes.

I’m waiting on a detailed list from the akuma players. I know it ffects setups but i want to know which ones specifically.

Once Gouken is knocked down vs akma it was game over cause of palm/flip throw. Hoping it affected that to be honest.

As someone who has played Akuma since vanilla, at first glance the changes did get a “…what?” from me, but after a little research, I’m not worried anymore. The one setup that is pretty much gone forever (empty palm into instant low) was something I tended to not use too often. If the frame data I was looking at earlier is correct, the corner unblockables involving foward throw and a dash or two are easily replicated with normals in place of dashes. And I believe a midscreen safejump off of forward throw will still be there using the demon flip palm. All of this combined with nerfs to the terrible twins? Yeah, I’ll take that.

So did Akuma lose his vortex altogether?
is 2 frames that bad on forward throw recovery?
Isn’t there a different safe jump setup?
Do Akuma players only use safe jumps?

I hardly play the character so enlighten me.

I suggest you wait till at least next week when people actually tested the stuff and gave their impressions. (loketests this week)

The thing people don’t realize is that


The only thing that will change is the set up for those unblockables. What it DOES nerf are important 4 frame safe jumps. This isn’t just an issue changing the timing. This is an issue of you can not cover that distance in this much time and still safe jump 4 frame reversals. So in the end all Capcom has accomplished is nerfed Akuma’s safe jumps outside of the corner WHICH DID NOT NEED TO BE NERFED. As it was it was still easy to botch even with the dash x2 trick. So this nerf is completely pointless. It doesn’t achieve what Capcom wants it to achieve (Get rid of unblockables) and instead nerfs the wrong set ups.

Also people don’t understand just how big was the palm nerf. It completely eliminates empty palm mix ups which was one of the few reliable mix ups against people who know how to play the game.

poast ploz.

Also. Lol akuma demon flip getting changed benefits Fuerte. Damn thing rapes fuerte for free

don’t worry akuma players. If this does send you to low tierdom just remember that since Akuma doesn’t have very many friend El Fuerte will be your friend.

Pasa la sal, Akuma.

So, I heard that Akuma players are lazy.

And they just proved my point now. lol

(also, can anyone link/post Fuerte’s changes? Thanks in advance).

Damn talk of the night is Akuma huh ? :rofl:

You people dont get it because you dont play Akuma. You dont know what its like as it is right now in AE to time his setups off a forward throw. As it stands, its already ridiculously tight timing to not eat a reversal FADC Ultra for half our health. These 2 frames mean we can no longer: whiff HK DF to stuff 4 frame reversals
double dash mk df to stuff shoto SRK
double dash xup tatsu
double dash safe jump on 4 frame or higher reversals
single dash HK DF palm to cross over safely and punish reversal or go for low short combo

the list goes on and on. The Exploding Heart Technique is finished

Palm is something Akuma players can live without.
Or at least I can.

I don’t want Gouken getting his back, and if Capcom wants to play “fair”, they’d have to do that if Akuma kept it.

So did Akuma lose his vortex altogether?
is 2 frames that bad on forward throw recovery?
Isn’t there a different safe jump setup?
Do Akuma players only use safe jumps?

I hardly play the character so enlighten me.

tokido or someone will develop new tech. you will be fine

dude did you really post WE WORK HARDER THAN EVERYONE BUT VIPER PLAYERS? you can’t be serious.

So if you don’t go for the forward throw shenanigans that means you don’t have to risk dp fadc ultra right ?

Tokido? Knowing him he prolly already did.

Um yea because if you actually played the character you might understand. Akuma is one of the hardest characters to master. If any of your fundamentals are screwed up you lose.

I just wish akuma players could sit on the other side of things and ya know not have that SRK or that teleport as a reversal option and then have to play a character who can mix them up to death and stay safe.

Okay, I have obtained some Fruit Punch and a Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal bar. Salt’s mostly gone.

I’m willing to address any questions about Akuma if asked.

People are downplaying the significance of these Akuma nerfs so badly it’s not even funny. Some of you guys really don’t know what you’re talking about, and the sad thing is you think you do. If you’re glad he’s getting nerfed then fine, but don’t act like he’s still going to be a monster with these nerfs because he more than likely won’t be a top 5 or possibly even top 10 character anymore. That palm nerf is real bad but that throw nerf could be even worse.

He’ll still be good if these changes stick but they are very big nerfs.

The only thing that makes me happy is a lot of these changes may not stick. Blazblue had locations tests and the results were several changes being made. They’re having location tests for that purpose I would imagine, so I STRONGLY doubt any of this is permanent.