SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I can´t believe there is actually people who think akuma is not going to be top tier in 2012 because of this.

Only the true dedicated akuma players, the ones that have reached the level of play to fully understand his potential are the ones that really know how important is the nerf of yun for the character.

He still has the best wakeup in the game, great footsies, best sweep in the game, good zoning, good damage. He keeps all his strenghts, he loses the retarded corner unblockables and maybe some safe jumps, big deal.

Few of the posters here really understand how powerful akuma can be, and the fact that the ONLY thing keeping him from doing well in tournaments in AE is the Yun plague. If you are bad enought to think akuma loses to bison, cammy, etc… Then yes, akuma is dead in 2012. If you are a good akuma player you are going to be happy tomorrow.

You really think there are gonna be new characters? That doesn’t sound very realistic for a free update, especially one that’s due to be released relatively soon. There are probably some extra buffs/nerfs/alterations that Capcom still hasn’t told us about yet, that players will have to find for themselves.

I’ve finished most of the fuerte changes to the best of my ability (5 years of japanese + a year and a half in Japan). Is anyone else close to posting them/finished with them? If not, I’ll post what I have.

Dear Akuma mains,

[INDENT=1]If Gouken doesn’t get an overhead out of demon flip,[/INDENT]
neither should you. Learn to deal with it as we have
done for 2 years now.

Eat a dick, Gouken mains.

…except for the fact that Ryu is now a bad matchup.

The Akuma forum has went up in flames. I’ve had a bad match up with both my characters since Super, so this is kind of nice. I know getting nerfed sucks but god damn, I don’t think I’ve seen reactions like this in a while.

Why the fuck should you get an overhead?

Oh wait, Gouken needs high low mixups! His health’s really low too! Not to mention he takes forever and a day to stun with him too, right?

Get the fuck outta here.

Like 90% of the changes are buffs. I REALLY like this. Only tippy top characters are getting any sort of effectiveness reduction, and even then it’s a softly approach.

EDIT: To Akuma whiners. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Top tier since vanilla and he’s STILL going to be top-near top tier. Just because you lost some goddamn fucking bullshit setups doesn’t mean he’s not going to be an effective character overall.

You knew it was going to happen. Oh well tried to talk reason with them and now I am just gonna watch the unwarranted tears and laugh.

You guys have to admit that you don’t really understand the character though.

lol @ Akuma players.

Actually no he didn’t lose it. You just have to learn different normals for timing, something we have been doing for a long time.

What got screwed over was his NOT SO BRAINLESS out of the corner set ups.

So in the end the throw nerf was a pointless pile of crap that only screwed up legit set ups.

I understand the character just fine; the nerfs are pretty significant (though I can’t say for anyone else.) My life has gotten shit tons easier now that I can effectively shut down his zoning game and downback a lot more.

oh noes, a bad matchup, what ever can he do?

It looks like the blog says 70 on hit/30 on block, and that’s only on his special crouch/jump taunts (which are extremely slow in terms of total frames, and you can’t cancel out of them like most taunts). Both of them are massively punishable on hit (like -30 or something) so yeah…

Even if they build some small amount on whiff, it will be less than gadouken, and less safe.

lol Akuma players

brb better demon flip
better setups
better moves overall
a real uppercut
highest damaging ultra 1
better match ups than gouken

im REALLY enjoying the rage of akuma players on srk right now

keep it up lmao

c’mon man

akuma didnt get hit half as hard as fei. we’re not talking about slitting our wrists or anything

I really love how 90% of the people are underestimating what’s been done to Akuma.

to be fair like 90% of the akuma players aren’t even trying to come up with new set ups and are just bitching mindlessly