SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

what is the other rufus change?

スパIV AE版で対空技として使うことのできなかった

I am very glad they are taking away the overhead on Akuma’s demon flip. He can still throw you, so I always thought that was kind of stupid. I mean, I’ve gotten blown up by some great Akuma players - I’m still going to, but that just annoyed me. The throw nerf is signifigant, but it’s not like you suddenly can’t do what you were doing before. You’ll very likely just have to change timing on your set ups (which is kind of bullshit, but hey, better than making it unusable I guess.)

But all his bad match ups are getting hit by the nerf bat so he’s probably fine…

What’s two frames to a safejump setup that’s hella important vs alot of characters.

Fuck Capcom.

MK Messiah on hit can be followed up by LK continuation.

Since you couldn’t use it as an AA in original AE, Big Bang Typhoon as an AA will hit a maximum of 10 times, for 236 damage.

edit: Also while I was translating the Fei stuff I hit that “half loop combo” thing and was equally confused. Good shit to us KIRBYSIM, lol.

I think it will come down to how badly the 2 frame lag on forward throw hinders his ability to safe jump, option select, and cross up out of it. It’s gonna take training mode sessions for sure to see what’s up since he has very specific timing and set ups vs different characters so this changes EVERYTHING. I’m not saying he won’t be able to win, I just don’t see him being a top character anymore without his pressure after throw and the palm nerf. His stun is low, his health is low, and he’s already a high execution character. The execution and difficulty aspect just seems like it isn’t worth it anymore.

With that said, I’m still using him if the changes are final, but I do hope they take another look at their decisions with the location tests.

annnnd still excited to see what they do with Oni :slight_smile:

With the decent buffs that Abel got, I’m pretty hype for Cody’s stuff. Also, from the goofy translation, it looks like Dan got taunt hits for some reason. That would be silly, but kinda cool.

no more empty palm insta low is big

Posted this in the other thread but, hey.

Spread the love!


Fixed the scaling issue with counterhit crouching Light Punch (Crane Stance).
Increase the active frames of crouching Hard Kick by 5 (Crane Stance).
There is now 3 versions of EX Jyasen. Not sure of the translation but it seems you activate them with Activated with LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP(LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP). Spacing and damage vary o_O.
When the EX Jyasen is in the dive animation, Gen is completely invincible.
The final hit of MK Gekiro builds 10 extra meter over AE.
Last hit of all Gekiros now a hard knockdown (Dayyyyyymn).

Thats what I have for now, there is more… Will update when I’ve got the rest.

Edit: Seems Shintenketsu’s start up has been reduced to 7f and regular Jyasen recovers 4f faster.

what do you think of the fai long changes?

Except it’s not his throw whiff that got changed. It’s 2 extra frames of recovery when he actually throws the opponent. Which wrecks a ton of his key setups.

You all got your wish. Akuma’s dead.

Whoever’s editing the front page, I made a change to my grammar in the Rufus post. I’m retarded, makes sense now.

Spiral arrow is going back to the repair shop, it’s not broken anymore! :smiley:

The only way that this night could get any better right now is if they added Felicia from Vsav.

Fail on.

Akuma dead?

Earlier Seth Killian tweeted this: “I think the SSFIV AE 2012 live location tests may have some surprises still in store”. So, maybe we can expect some changes that haven’t been mentioned in the dev blogs?

Before you go screaming Akuma is dead, you might want to wait for the changes to actually roll out.

I mean, the devs might undo certain changes. There may be new set ups available in place of the old ones. Or maybe Akuma is fucked (to be honest, you still have a really damn good character even if lots of his key set ups break…it would be a significant nerf to be sure, but Akuma would still be viable.)

Just have to wait and find out I guess.

I never said he’ll be Hakan tier. He has too many tools for that. I just said I don’t see him being a top tier character with these nerfs. B class.

Keep the palm nerf I guess, but I just hope the throw one is a temporary thing. Keep in mind with Blazblue location tests that they change stuff all throughout, so this could be the case with AE too.

Well considering they slipped in a ninja nerf to Bison when AE first came out with his SK stun that they are just now reverting…yeah its possible.

Some of the people speaking about Akuma’s supposed nerfs really don’t understand them. The palm mixup is essential to giving the palm a use other than as a safe-jump. Palm can now be blocked low no matter what. The forward throw nerf is also huge, it is needed to setup safe-jumps against Cammy, Dee-Jay, and others in order to bait reversals.

EDIT: He needs to keep all his options. He gets HERP-DERPED easier than anyone in this retarded game. And yes, he has some difficult matchups (Bison, Cammy, Rog, Honda, Twins, etc…).

looks like akuma lost his braindead unblockable setup in the corner. that’s pretty nice for the rest of us.