SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

yah I didn’t finish the post, but he beat me to it so I didn’t update. damage nerfs, CW cross up lessened, 2nd rekka to 3rd rekka more punishable if they don’t hit go straight into it. We’re still good, Feilong army.

It’s an indirect nerf of removing brain dead spacing 2 rekka hits for safety. The damage is still there, you’re just not allowed to pressure 2 rekkas on block for chip safely unless it’s EX now.

You can still mash one LP rekka.

I’m just thankful they didn’t change the distance of push stun on anything.

I can live with this, and I’ll continue to learn Feilong happily now :smiley:

looks like they took out jab sweep, rekkas are less safe with less push back so characters can punish the second, and theres more recovery on the second. and his damage got nerfed.

dammit. i was just getting used to using jab sweep combos

If this version of Akuma stays like this, he’s done being a top character. He now reeks of “B class character at best”

Wonder if Tokido, Eita, Infiltration, etc will drop him,



There’s two different interpretations for the Rekka nerfs. I’m seeing that the startup of the third rekka has been increased after the second is blocked, and I’m also seeing that on block the second rekka has more recovery. The differences are pretty significant.

bummer right there

Overhead palm was dumb anyways.

I’d go with the one I didn’t post. I think I was misunderstanding it.

Jesus christ shut the hell up

Do you disagree with anything I’ve said? Please elaborate rather than acting like a little kid. Those nerfs are very significant and I can’t see him being a top character anymore. The 2 frame lag on forward throw is a real bummer.

My point was that Fei is still really good. Honestly, if you’re a high level SF player, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be beastinf with Fei in a few hours. He’s like Akuma but with slightly worse mix ups and no teleport but with more health, a better ground game, and a much better DP (EX flame kick is ridiculous - if your opponent’s toe is within half a screen of you, you get 190 damage).

Akuma is already going to receive a HUGE buff when they announce the twin nerfs, you really expected to keep the same akuma from Super/AE once they nerfed his ONLY bad matchups in a game of 39 characters?

Lol, I don’t see how Akuma and Fei Long are like each other at all to be honest. That’s a weird comparison.

To me the character that plays most like Fei Long is Balrog.

The change to palm was slight, makes no difference either way since its safe as hell to begin with.

The forward throw nerf is a bit of a bummer for you but not a “OMG Akuma is Hakan tier now” change.

his throw whiff is too quick, you’re absolutely greedy and delirious if you think that’s going to ruin him.

I don’t think they’re that significant at all.

You still have lots of other mixup options open to you. At worst he went from from A+ to mid A tier. The character is still very dominate with high damage, lots of options, and both a strong ground and air game. The loss of the overhead palm is fairly significant but not going to stop good players from being good players. It’ll only affect those that are unable to figure out how to use his mirriad of other options.

Eh, this doesn’t take into account the buffs other character will get, or the characters who will essentially remain status quo such as C. Viper. I don’t agree with this way of thinking - that Akuma will still be top because twins are also getting nerfed.

I think you are confused about what they actually changed and why it matters so much.

You don’t understand the significance of that nerf either.

Demon flip palm losing overhead status is actually pretty huge. The Akuma player in me wants to cry about it, but I think Akuma will still be pretty solid. Palm will still have it’s uses as a safe jump. But, it loses its instant low mix up, which was a strong option for Akuma. Meh… :confused: