SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

If that’s all they did to Fei Long, than I am pleased. Glad they didn’t listen to whiners and go overboard. That all sounds very reasonable.

Fei Long will still be the best character in the game if that´s everything they did to him, but I´m so happy that they nerfed akuma that I don´t even care right now lol

You make me laugh…stop being a baby back bitch about it plz

Honestly, I’m surprised the damage nerfs were as light as it was. None of his insanely good pokes were touched. And the damage nerfs were relatively small. His Rekkas got nerfed pretty well though, very minor but will end up being noticeable.

Keep in mind folks, this is only the first iteration of the location tests, there is a fairly good chance that there will be 1 more set of changes after they get data back from the test so this isn’t final.

Akuma is still gonna rock you just the same, no reason to celebrate

I wouldn’t go that far. Fei is obviously very good. But he isn’t hurp durp easy to win with like say, Vanilla Sagat who had power, fireballs, and easy ways to bag ultra. You have to have execution for them 1-framers and space them rekkas right. You also don’t have an easy win with free ultras.

What did they nerf? I can’t understand any of the translations. My guess is you can’t do CH delayed rekkas anymore?

the rekka nerf is decent.

now you’ll get a free punish on 2 blocked as opposed to occasionally getting snuffed out by the 3rd. assuming your character has something that reaches and the fei player didnt space it correctly

somebody tell me whats up with gen

you can still do it on the first 2. just not the last

Chinese and Japanese are more abstract in meaning. That’s why Google translate goes bonkers.

How did no one notice this? HK Flame kick got buffed HARD. 160 to 150 BILLION damage.

Gen and Dan? Come onn, with Capcom being this generous, I’m praying for some Saikyo power.

So with Cammy, does that mean that the heavy arrow just doesn’t cross up during a combo or did they actually revert the hits back to Super?vanilla when the second hit was in the later frames?

Fei confirmed for Goku.

Yeah, they took some pages from the big book of MUGEN.

LMFAO, lookin’ like Marvel 3 in here.

wait theres more to the fei changes. kirbyism has a post @249 that he is updating as he goes

Fei Long

-Recovery frames for the second hit of Rekkas (weak, medium, and heavy… EX not affected) have been changed.

On block,
Weak = -8 frames
Medium = -10 frames
Heavy = -12 frames

Also, second-hit Rekkas have less pushback now, so it’s easier to punish on block.

Lastly, for weak and medium versions, the second hit does half as much chip damage.

-Flame Kick’s damage has been revised.

Weak: 120 -> 110
Medium: 140 -> 120
Heavy: 160 -> 150
EX: 200 -> 190

Also, if you FADC a Flame Kick (any version) after the first hit, on block it is now -1.

-Heavy version of Chicken Wing’s damage has been revised. It is now 35+35+30 for a total of 100.

Further, they’ve modified the hitboxes of all Chicken Wings in a way that they’re less likely to cross-up (TL note: but still possible).
Apparently previously you could perform “half a loop combo” (TL note: Fei players explain?) against certain characters by doing close standing MP -> EX Chicken Wing. That won’t be possible anymore.

-For both close standing and far standing LP, hitstun has been decreased by 1 frame. On hit it is now +5, so you can’t combo into certain moves now.

-Crouching MP’s damage has been reduced from 65 to 55.

-Fei does have one buff, however. Damage for his overhead (forward+MK) has been increased from 60 to 70.

Not bad. I wonder if you can still do it with ex rekkas.

Aww shitt


No way!

Charge spirit bomb for five episodes.


Basically all of the 3rd rekkas have a longer startup.

LP 3rd hit went from 8F startup to 9
MP 3rd hit went from 9F to 10
and HP 3rd hit went from 9F to 12.

This means if you block the first 2 rekkas you have more time to try and counter hit the 3rd rekka when coming out of block stun.

EDIT Ignore the above I was mistaken.