SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Yun can’t be that bad now…can he?

i dont think so. mid tier.

That’s the thing, noone knows. On paper he’s been nerfed to shit, but in reality maybe all the nerfs did was to normalize him, so maybe he’s just like the rest now and good players might still be able to win with him. He’ll still have his dumb resets and whatever, but he just won’t be braindead any more.

Sagat was heavily nerfed from vanilla and just look how strong he turned out to be anyway. Yun may wind up in the same boat.

Going to be funny to see the twin forums turn into ghost towns just like sagat’s did though.

Keep hating and posting almost nothing useful. It only is funny how the guy who complains the most had contributed the least.

The top 5 or 6 getting nerfed moves the tiers around at lot but we will have to see where things stand after release when everyone has a chance to examine the changes in trainin mode.

Vulpes is a moron and/or a troll. Just ignore him. Guy came to the conclusion that Rose is a good rushdown character because no other character can force Guile to come at them. Yeah.

Sagat was not “strong” in Super. He was mid tier. Solid pick. In AE his buffs with other chars nerfs made him better.

… Go directly to elementary school. Do not pass Go, do not collect 200$.

Or if you get the PC version you can do it now thanks to yeb!

Why care about the top ONE, when between 1 and 5 or 1 and 10 won’t be that much of a difference.

I think he’ll be similar to Fei in '12. Won’t play fancy with mixups and whatnot but will be strong thru fundamental play of zoning/footsies. In other words “boring.”

It’s a nice way to get a slight feel for it but it isn’t absolute.

Of course not, but still great work and well worth the time. :tup:

Which is why PC players may get the feel for it earlier than Console Players, however complete it is… Arcade players will always get it first, but at the end of the game’s life, everyone (serious enough to go on and stick with it) should be able to, at the least, understand the game at a certain level and play well, as like with ST, although that game is SOOOOOOOOOOOO reliant on the bare minimum mechanics that is reliant on skill and knowledge of the player instead of shenanigans. XP

I think that Fei will be dropping and will probably be in the top 5-10 range. His ground game, speed are insane and so was his damage output.
I wonder what hitbox adjustments are being made. I notice that the hitbox adjustment on his rekka’s in AE made them really a pain to deal with.

It’s nice of him to put the work into releasing an unofficial patch for PC, but history tells us that most of the time Capcom doesn’t post the full changelog. We have to play the game for a while to make sure there are no additional buff/nerfs. I 'd wait.

Regarding Cody. I think he is going to be the beast. Yes he’s bad on wake up. The problem is, how the hell do you get that knockdown in the first place? He has like 1 million anti airs, now good walkspeed and depending on your char, you might be busy in blockstun state during the whole match.

it’s a valid point, but i (personally) think it doesn’t drag her down when every bad match up she has didn’t get buffed enough to give her more trouble. it doesn’t look like any of her even match ups have gotten better or worse, and none of her good match ups have became even or bad. when the rest of the top tier gets nerfed, she seems like she’ll be on top because she got hurt the least. she lost a derp tool and some damage, which is less than the rest can say they lost. agree to disagree i guess.

anyway, some of these posts are interesting.

fei losing damage is a big deal to me, because compared to everyone else in the top, he isn’t a mix up threat at his core. he’ll have to do a lot more work. and what he does have with mix up gets hit pretty hard with the loss of a combo into sweep. nobody really makes a big deal out of that here for some reason, but that kd is huge for anyone that has access to it. on top of this, one of his biggest tools is less of a threat and plenty of his previously bad mus have been buffed. fei got hit hard, both relatively and as a stand alone character.

i don’t know why people want to move sagat up that much, but he is going to move up a little bit. the reasoning is pretty simple - all three of his worst match ups have been nerfed and sagat didn’t get any.

it startles me that ilitirit thinks that people (including myself) are “talking out of their ass” by thinking they can call the top. there are many variables…and there are tons of variables that haven’t changed. if you want to look at it that way, everyone might as well be talking out of their ass by thinking up any tiers, because this series is still relatively new. calling a top ten after a month is ridiculous if you’re thinking in that mind set as well. shit, most of the time people are calling tiers in here without a clue anyway. experience is great, but once you take into account that most people don’t actually know shit even after experiencing it kind of nullifies the argument that nobody has enough of a feel yet. a good example of this is yun. yun looks like shit on paper now? that’s pretty much wrong, straight up. there literally has to be two times the amount of stealth nerfs for yun to move out of the top tier (which is possible.) looks like he still has retarded strings, retarded normals, retarded damage, retarded stun. still extremely hard to keep him out. still more health/stun than akuma and seth. i guess what i’m getting at here is that everyone is talking out of their ass to begin with, so it seems kind of silly to point out the obvious.

cody is still pretty good and all but i don’t think he’ll move too much (where i have him, anyway.) if anything he’ll probably be put where he should have been to begin with. character’s been slept on for a while.

also, random note, most people moving seth up a bunch probably don’t jump enough (sounds strange, i know.) definitely top 10 with that ultra 1 buff though. maybe top 5 if they didn’t mistranslate the fireball invincibility buff (is it splash or stomps they’re changing…?)

i think i’m driving this in a thread it doesn’t belong in so i’ll shut up

lol… people who talk about tiers even before the final release is out… this is so stupid it’s even fun :smiley: may I ask about the top tiers in SFxT, too?

yeah, nobody has fun theory fighting about a game they have been playing with balance changes. really stupid.
heck, i bet someone would look really stupid trying to look clever in here. asking about the top tiers in SFxT since that is an entirely new game while this is a balance patch … oh shit

ah, right, it’s called “theory fighting”… lol, sorry, I forgot about this branch of video games. I’ll let you enjoy it while I go back playing the real game.

after 70 pages you realize this ?
Damn I hope it doesn’t take that long to learn the real game heh ?