SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I’d take makoto’s U2 over cody’s ex zonk any day of the week as a wake up get the fuck off me move.

Anyways, let’s talk a bit about the next top tiers:

PREMISE No, i’m not bitching about akuma, i’ll still play him and I don’t even care much about the nerfs any more

Ok so after the first 2 patch notes came out everyone on these forums was like “yeah, Akuma is still gonna be really good, just not top 3 or top 5 any more. He’ll be high tier, somewhere around top 10 bla bla bla”

Now that Daigo picked him up, and Tokido and Mago said that he’s gonna be the strongest character in the game (the same guy who said that Seth was the worst character in AE btw…) everyone in here is putting him as #1 or #2.

How comes?

Personally, I think he’ll be top 5 for sure, but best character in the game seems kinda stretched for me.


Exactly. How many matches have been won just because of that ? A lot, at every level of play including evo finals and japanese tournaments.
So she lost one of the easiest, most convenient and damaging ultra setup in the game, how does it not drag her down at least a little ?
And I’m not saying it should stay, I think the char deserves better play than random ex seismic to U1.

Anyone who’s talking about who the top character is gonna be in a game they haven’t played yet is talking out of their ass. It’s not out of the question though that certain top players did get a chance to spend time with the game, and that that’s what they based their decision on. I think Gouki stands a decent chance of being the best pick in terms of tournament viability now that the twins are out of the picture.

In the US though, tiers or tourney viability didn’t matter when it comes to AE. The same people who got top 8 in Super got top 8 in AE, with the same characters. JWong, Krone, Latif, Ricky, FChamp, Mike Ross, Dieminion, Valle, PR Rog… etc. The only “newcomers” into top 8s used top tier chars. In fact, you could probably say the same about all other regions beside Japan. I don’t see any of this changing in v2012. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Not sure about that one. Top players have a keen eye for top characters, Mago was saying Fei was great 6-8 months before anyone took any notice. My theory on Akuma being high now is that now most characters seem a little dumbed down, it’s almost like if your character had an edge in some way that kept them strong, Capcom have just buffed the edges right off. Even Akuma’s had his edge taken away a little, although he’s still got another 8 as back up.

Everyone just seems a bit…meh? now. If you play Cody or Guy, or your the one bloke picking up Hakan, it probably seems pretty cool.

There’s a difference between talking about a top character and the top character.

Read: If you played anything other than YYF and are none of the Akuma bitches either, everything is great.

Yup. Even Makoto players who got nerfed are like “fuck yeah, 3 of our worst matchups got nerfed too. This is great.”

Trying to isolate THE single best character in the game is always gonna be tough. The characters are looking to be quite even this time around, all things considered. Well, there will always be a bottom tier obviously but I don’t think anyone is gonna be unplayably bad this time around, which is about all we could hope for.

Fei wasn’t the top character in Super, not by miles or am I reading your comment wrong? Either way I think listening to multiple time tournament winners has some merit.

Maybe I guess. I like the fact that there are differences in characters, they don’t have to be as massive as Yun. Every fighting game usually has a bunch of good characters. I’m not a big fan of taking away things that got added for a reason, giving X character something in one version then immediately removing it doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe V2012 will be the best version, time will tell.

I think alot of makoto’s players got used to her health and the ex grab range saving there ass’s alot of the time. Now that those two things are toned down they are going to be losing close matchs instead of winning them.

Also it seemed like everyone’s hot on sagat right now why such a big jump? He was right in the middle in ae nothing special.

…my thoughts are that I am watching YouTube videos of Daigo playing Akuma and using empty flip palm into low attack, forward throw into double dash setups, and standing roundhouse pressure. I have yet to see him do anything that looks like AE 2012 other than shoryus and air fireballs.

Yes. Basically noone can tell who the best character in the game is going to be. You can say who’s going to be strong, or who might be a contender for top 10 or even top 5, but not top 1.

akuma was like 4th or 5th best in AE. the 3 in front got hit a lot harder than he did. addition by subtraction. top 2 akuma

unless a few characters he was even with got buffed up a bunch to give him new bad mtches, he should be right there.

how about top 2? certainly akuma and sagat were in the group right behind the 3. viper got her group of nerfs. so who’s left? makoto? she got nerfed too.

The ability to combo into 40 - 50% in a footsie battle is a pretty neat.

Fei wasn’t really hit harder than gouki just for starter.

I see 2 things. First, no nerf/meaningless buffs for a char that was already good. Secondly, recent good results in tournaments (Canada cup mainly, let’s not talk about the Classic thing where all Sagat’s bad and difficult matchups were conveniently out).
The char has a clear shot at the top, yet keeps his bad (akuma, viper, fei) and difficult (ibuki, juri, dudley) matchups. Though bandwagoners may be in for a surprise if they expect to play Vanilla Sagat.

you saw all the damage nerfs fei took right? and this was practical dmg. not land one more mixup type shit. then all those charge characters who fei normally would struggle against just got good again. so even if you dont buy the dmg being an issue, he gets new (to 2012) bad matchups.

and personally, i think the damage is actually pretty big. removing a practical 400 dmg combo from a command grab and replacing that same instance with 250 is pretty big. 9 characters or not. i ran his new dmg values thru the scaling calculator, i can post the comparisons if you like

then theres the jab into sweep combo. shit was like a mini vortex. fei lost things that were actually critical to his AE meta game. his ground control will still be top tier, but he dosent have any more round stealing comeback factor, which was the other part of him being S tier

People weren’t in 100% agreement about the best characters after YYF in AE.

Infilitration says:
Akuma, Viper, Seth, Makoto, Cammy, Sagat

Kindevu says:
Viper, Sagat, Ken, Akuma, Makoto, Cammy

Arcadia says:
Viper, Sagat, Akuma, Cammy, Makoto

I’ll put off calling off anything more than top 10 until after the game is out for a month or so.

they listed the same characters with one wild card

akuma, sagat, viper, makoto, cammy, +1.

i forgot about cammy. sleeper top 3. no nerfs for her either.

besides, we arent writing this in stone. its just pre release speculation. i think we can make educated guesses based on the changes or lack thereof

If I were to hazard a guess at a random top 5 it would be Abel, Akuma, Boxer, Sagat… maybe Ibuki/Ken/Viper/Sim/Ryu.

Meh. Too many variables. I can’t choose.