SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Am I missing something here? The conversation between LoyalSol and Ninicism was pretty informative on Akuma’s DF Kick whiff as far as I’m concerned… Isn’t the whole point of SRK to find new tactics/see what works or doesn’t work? Why are people complaining about it?

…Some people here need to know how to conduct a proper debate lol…

I think that the pissing contest was informative. If people would read inbetween and around the insults and asshole moments, people could really learn something

Yeah its informative, but on topic? hmm

that’s the problem, this isn’t the thread for that type of debate, and it’s actually a hassle to read the “good parts” between all the jibes insults etc…

I actually read a lot about akuma and come here whenever I have problems, but if you wanna truly be fair and beneficial to SRK, then a proper thread should have been made or directed too. Still, it’s all good, as you say there are very informative pieces in the debate, but it does con volute this thread a bit.

btw–I’m gonna start practicing again online a bit with my Ken/Ryu. I’m still pretty free to good Ibuki’s though. How do you read where she’s gonna hit you after a KD, does the Kunai not matter at all? Gonna do some training with a player who spanked me with his Ibuki/Rose soon, but man, I’m lost in this match.


this isnt the thread for telling us about who youre going to practice or to talk about matchups. please stay on topic.

on topic, cant wait for those changes…!!!

I’m pretty excited myself. I’m hoping there are actual new changes though as opposed to a finalization of what they want to keep/modify/revert from the 1st and second lists of changes.

I’m just kind of worried since there is no loctest for this that it may just be a finalization of the first two lists.

Someone at gfaqs posted Lupinko has revealed that Hugo, Poison, Rolento and Elena will be added for v.2012. Free to play against, 5$ to use them.

If that’s true I guess these 4 characters are the only new SF characters in SFxT.

Someone said that Lupinko said that? I don’t believe it unless it’s from lupinko himself.


AE were 4 new characters and a bad balance patch as a 15$ DLC Pack
v2012 is supposed to be 4 new characters and a good balance patch, balance patch coming for free, playing against new characters coming for free, playing them yourself for 5$

… I highly doubt that. And even if it was true, why exactly would this be “Cashcom”?

That quote were supposedly Lupinko’s own words. If it’s true I don’t agree with “Cashcom” either - 5$ for 4 new characters would be quite generous. Maybe it will be only 5$ to build up hype for SFxT and/or lure people back from Skyrim, KoF13 and CoD:MW3.

New characters are coming out in AE 2012? News to me. Thought it was just a balance patch.

Not confirmed yet.

Doubt it. Doesn’t seem like they would put THAT much effort into a game thats already so old by gaming standards.

My thoughts as well, and if they were really including 4 new characters, I’m sure they would have announced it sooner to build hype.

Bullshit no way.


Capcoms too bad at keeping secrets for this.

That is almost definitely not Lupinko.
Not enough random, gibberish crap written down to act as red herrings and mislead all of us from being able to dissect the actual meaning of the message.
Lupinko likes to make his posts a challenge to analyse, he’s uually not one to straight out tell people about developments in games, preferring to hint about them and see if people catch on.
This along with the fact that Capcom would have to adjust the models as well as animations for the art shift from SFxT to SFIV, that Capcom would also have to create a balanced gameplay styles for all of these cast members and that Lupinko would have just flat out revealed a character he has only been making small hints about in his posts currently, shows that this being a post by Lupinko is extremely unlikely.

Would I be surprised if the “new” SF characters in SFxT found their way over to SSF4 eventually? No.
Do I believe it will happen as described here? Absolutely not.

lol, i heard gamefaqs then shut off :stuck_out_tongue: