SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

SRK: The best forum on Earth.

It could be worse. It could be capcom unity.

I thought Live and PSN were suppose to do that? Online makes me so miserable.

There’s also another ver2012 tournament on the 4th Dec, its a singles tournament and since its in Shinjuku (club sega) maybe more top players might show up there… not sure about streaming, but im sure they will record the matches… if not i might go and record em myself…

9 days until AE 2012 blog changes.
11 days until AE 2012 hits Japan arcades
22 days until AE 2012 DLC.

9 days and 50 seconds till forums explode with whining.

Can’t fucking wait.

The whining stopped? Could’ve fooled me.

I’ll put the kettle on.

ill snap the condom on

I find it funny that people were complaining about the argument, but as soon as it stops no one posts anything significant in this thread lol.

are you saying your posts are significant? lol

anyway people will start posting when the final changelog is released, no need to force thread activity…

no one was forcing thread activity. they were having a discussion and people started moaning about them having a discussion. now we have a countdown to a change log and shitty jokes being posted. oh good job.

Until new information is added there is nothing to discuss. Just because the thread exists does not mean it is required to stay active at all times.

No just saying it is funny how people were complaining about our posts as if we were deatroyingthe thread and as soon as we stop you can hear the crickets

I can go in here with a good friend of mine and we fill another 60 pages talking about Friedrich Nietzsche and the overall concepts of his philosophy. Nobody posts anything anyways, so it’s totally not derailing the thread, right? And that would actually be an intelligent discussion rather than a duckload of senseless bitching.

Please don’t act like you were actually contributing anything significant besides more bitching.

The new AE 2012 Tear list is as follows:

1)Characters you dont play --are top tier and unfair.
2)Your Character(s) --still suck and need more buffs.

There you have it folks.
But have no fear, you are just THAT GOOD that you can still play and win with all those “low tier” characters.


There doesn’t ever need to be another tier list again.

You two guys are obviously knowledgable about the game, IMO, it just seems a waste of energy to quote each other like that instead of actually going into a chat where you can converse freely. From my perspective it looks like a “who as the biggest E-penis” contest…but I don’t care that much.

If anyone gets to play the new version or sees it anywhere etc…please let me know if Ken’s new Target Combo actually works now! I really am excited for that one move, been wanting Target Combo to be Ken’s BnB since Vanilla.