SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I predict a lot of salt from Gouken forums where people broke their Joysticks while trying to do Denjin Hadoken.

2012 will be balanced to the point of tier lists being based mostly on opinion and character bias/whining.

I know near my area theres gonna be a capcom official tournament on the 3rd of Dec for AE 2012, yeah im joining

Team or singles? Is it gonna be streamed?

The philosophy 101 is strong with this one, I am vanquished…


But seriously, you really really want to say that you in no way implied or insinuated a parallel between yourself and Copernicus? You really want to just say that he was a sort of happenstance example you used? lol. Ok. Whatever floats your boat. But we both know exactly why he was picked as an example.

I am dropping this, because it is off topic and rather stupid; and I am going to retreat to my island and hide my horrible nose because I am the Tyco Brahe of SRK.

They buffed our lever spins lol so it wont be as bad. Plus im good at spinning my stick :rofl: :looney:

I sure hope so…

From what I heard its 2on2 starting at 8pm onwards, but 4pm onwards for beginners level.

Im not sure about streaming yet but the last tournament held at the arcade was streamed/recorded on ustream…

So far I couldnt find a site with the official news, my sources are my friends who frequent that arcade (its 4 stations away from where i live) plus I was out of Japan for 3 weeks and just got back… My area is Kanagawa though, i doubt Tokyo players are going to come down.

You can set it up so that if you do down mk it doesn’t cross up and if you don’t do it you do cross up. It’s 50/50 a the right spacing, very hard to block. You still seem to not understand that I never said it crosses up ever. Dive kick mix ups are a completely different category of mix up from just a regular safe jump.

No, because poongko expected either empty palm throw, which hits the ground faster. That’s why he pressed the button so fast. I show you that something works in high level play and all you do is deny it. If Poongko truly read that and wanted a punish he would have done cr. lp > st. fp xx legs > stomps in the corner. That was a bait and Infiltration was immediately ready with a punish.

Ok, so either he baited the throw and didn’t get it, or he fucked up his spacing. Yea, so what? It’s going to happen. Next are you going to show me a video of Tokido getting his sweep whiff punished and say that sweeping is a gimmick because of one failed read? Horrible reasoning.

So, so far I’ve shown you everything I’ve talked about working against top level Japanese competition. You don’t even respond to -6 doing empy palm cross up st. fp mix up and tokido using cr. mp in his empty jump mix up. You don’t even understand how the down mk works because you apparently still think I’m claiming it crosses up, and your only argument against empty df cross up kick baiting throw is that Poongko read it but he did it too early (even though if he did really read it and waited for the kick to land that would have opened him up to empty cross up palm mix ups). Basically, this argument has been over for a while now.

Again, dumb week one vanilla mentality. It’s called being not terrible and teaching your opponent to not dp. It’s really easy to do that against Ryu too.

Yea, not solid mix ups and work against some of the best players in the world. Ok. And you do have shit competition in Louisiana.

They are jump ins that are safe. Safe jumps. These aren’t Yun or Rufus style dive kicks, they are slow starting and not that hard to read. When you use the DF dive kick you are basically telling the other guy “I am going to shove this your face and you have to block it.” In other words it is a tool to train someone to block more than a mix up. So for all practical purposes dive kicks serve the exact same purpose that regular safe jumps do. They just tend to be more useful against Shotos style uppercuts.

As far as what Akuma uses his dive kicks for it is in exactly the same category especially the d.MK dive kick because that is a safe jump! It literally is used in a way that you will land and have time to block before your opponent’s reversal comes out. If that isn’t a safe jump then really I don’t know what is.

It’s a gimmick because I punish that all the time in the Akuma mirror like I said. Usually if an Akuma player whiffs the dive kick it is because they screw up their timing just like in the video of Tokido I posted.

I know from experience of playing the character for 2 years that whiffing the dive kick puts you in a seriously disadvantaged situation. That hasn’t changed from day 1. It’s a gimmick because any self-respecting Akuma knows that ain’t safe.

You can even just throw out a normal and punish it before it even hits the ground. It is that unsafe.

I love it when someone in an argument proclaims the argument over.

sigh And once again you didn’t read jack that I wrote either. Because if you had you may have noticed I had said that c.MP is fine against large opponents (Notice how I said skinny opponents?). Seth = Large opponent and Adon also has a large hit box. It is characters like Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Viper, Chun, Yang, Yun, Cammy, Ibuki, Blanka, Vega, Rose etc that c.MP isn’t the best option because there are situations where c.MP connects, but pushes the opponent just far enough away to cause the follow up to whiff. In fact you can see Tokido several times in other videos realize the LK Tatsu is going to whiff and instead cancels into HK Tatsu which does significantly worse at that range.

And no I understand what you are saying (Although again you called it a fake cross up when Tokido wasn’t using it for that purpose) and I am saying that d.MK is usually used as a safe jump in the exact sense of the term because it is great for safe jumping 4 frame reversals such as the Blanka Ball, Deejay’s up kicks, Guy’s Tatsu, Guile’s flash kick, or in this case Adon’s Rising Jaguar. Tokido isn’t using it as a mix up as much as a way to get Adon to block because the normal set ups don’t work against Adon. That is why he uses it like that. d.MK can be used to stuff SRK moves, but usually it isn’t as easy to use as the DF kick in this situation because of the height restrictions. You can block both dive kicks the same way and generally if you play one of the characters I listed you can expect the dive kick to come because it is the easiest way to safe jump those characters.

Oh can you just shut the fuck up? Akuma is fucking strong and after the Patch he will still be fucking strong. End of Story.

Safe jump, no safe jump. I don’t give a fuck. Now you’re just running from the argument. It fakes a cross up. Apparently you didn’t know this and that’s the whole point. You should have listed them as two types of safe jumps because they have different uses and different damage. Either you’re ignorant of it, or you purposely left it out.

Your argument boils down to they failed to read the throw, it doesn’t work 100 of the time, therefore it’s worthless.

I whiff punish sweeps all the time, therefore sweeping against me is a gimmick. This is your reasoning and it’s incredibly stupid.

They only put you in a disadvantaged position if you’re being predictable. You apparently don’t understand the factor that reading player tendencies has in fighting games as you’ve shown all throughout this discussion.

Except you fervently argued otherwise even though I kept saying, “use it on the characters it works,” over and over again. If you had agreed with me, then you should have responded once with, “it’s not viable on the whole cast, but yes you can use it,” and it would have been over, next point.

Are you willfully ignorant? Let me make this simple for the 50th time now. Let’s say you tatsu sweep and then you jump, normally for the regular jump you would just cross up, but instead you can change the angle of your jump with down and mk to cause it to not cross up and hit in the front. It’s hard to block a lot of the time and you get a fat combo. What does df kick have to do with this? Seriously, apparently you just genuinely don’t know about this. Go into training mode and try it, then come on here and thank me for teaching you something.

They are discussing something that has nothing to do with the nerfs…and you appear to be foaming at the mouth. :rofl:

I think you are missing the point that he is trying to make with the d.Mk.

He is saying that you can use d.Mk to create a scenario where it looks like you are going for a crossup but you actually aren’t.

In other words, you can make it look like you are going for a normal j.Mk crossup but you actually perform a d.Mk instead. Your opponent blocks in the wrong direction because he/she thought that you were going to do a j.Mk crossup.

The damage is identical or actually smaller than a normal safe jump (Dive kicks do 60 or 70 damage compared to 100). I included it in the same category because it is the same family. It is what starts your mix ups, but at the same time those are the hits you land the least.

They only put you in a disadvantaged position if you’re being predictable. You apparently don’t understand the factor that reading player tendencies has in fighting games as you’ve shown all throughout this discussion.

What you described isn’t even the same. If I were you use your example it would be more like intentionally whiffing sweep and punishing your opponent’s failed attempt to punish you. That’s what you are suggesting with the dive kick whiff. Seriously just go online and try it. It really isn’t hard to punish it if you realize it whiffed.

The dive kick is the root tool against those characters and the cross up is what stems from it. You generally don’t fake the cross up, you fake the dive kick. Call it semantics, but I usually reserve the term fake for the branch tool.

It doesn’t change the fact it is a safe jump like I keep trying to tell you which goes back to why we are even arguing about this in the first place. Because you said I was dishonest because I didn’t include it. The reason I didn’t include it is because it is no different from any other safe jump. You use it in the same sense that you use a safe jump. Once they are comfortable blocking there are options like cross up tatsu, but the dive kick is not the mix up part of the mix up.

I can’t believe I even have to make this video to show you how unsafe the dive kick is on whiff.


I do it all the time in the Akuma mirror. It just takes practice.

The few jabs at the end to show the dummy was set to block after landing.

ahhh. the magic of the akuma forum has graced its presence on the 2012 changes thread

multi page, multi quote battling at its finest

Hey you guys talk about Akuma even when I haven’t posted for days. So don’t act like you don’t like it. :wink:

I can’t see how that isn’t a compliment. :tup:

You have to scale the dive kick combo with a cr. jab because of the lack of hit stun. Unless your ballsy and just do st. hp. And it does do 60. 40 damage is a huge difference. Along the added scaling it does less then a normal safe jump. They are two different options, which different purposes even though they both have the similarity of being a safe jump.

Actually intentionally whiffing something to bait shit out is one of the oldest of the oldest tricks in the book. In ST it’s perfectly viable, in the highest level play, to whiff an uppercut right outside of poke range like your trying to dp a poke or something and then immediately sweep your opponents attempt to punish the dp. Or maybe you read that your opponent is furiously looking for a whiff punish so you whiff a fast normal maybe a light normal or medium, make it hard to punish with spacing and the quickness of the normal, and then sweep your opponents attempt to whiff punish. These are tactics that have been around forever. ST is rife with this kind of shit. There’s no reason you can’t apply that idea to SF4. In fact, it has already. Because people have been whiffing df kicks to bait throws for a long time and still use it. It’s just not a common mix up, so most people don’t know about it. It’s ok to take a risk if you are certain about what your opponent is going to do. It’s a perfectly valid mix up.

Go online and try it? I don’t play online, breh. I play offline and it works just fine there, no need to test it against horrible players who are impossible to read in the first place.

It’s a mix up and you see both regular cross ups and down mk being used all the time.

It’s a different option, under the category of safe jump, which should have been listed. Or in the very least you should have put the range of damage you can get from a safe jump. Instead you just put 290, which is below the damage of any safe jump combo other than down mk. It should have been listed as a unique option, because it is one. But since you’re biased you didn’t. Have to justify your wins by down playing your characters abilities.

You can make it ambiguous enough to where your opponent will have to make a read, especially after a long range sweep like a whiff punish or something. Not to mention, they are still delaying the hit which opens them up to empty palm mix ups. Which was the original point. What happens when he presses those buttons and you nail him right on his head with a df kick? If you have two bars, then they have to risk a little under half their health bar to press a button. Again your assuming that the people you’re playing are psychic. No one will see it 100% of the time or even that much at all if you’re actually good at this game.

anyone else even reading these quote fights at this point