SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

How long is left for them to squeeze in a few more changes?
I’d love to see Zangief get a couple of goodies. His changelist seems quite short.


Silly me, just found this on the blog.

Eh it’s the final changelog on the 30th, nothing about a loctest.

ah my bad, only the change log

Be careful! You are messing with the Copernicus of SRK.

Still going with that straw man? I mean not only did you take my comment out of context you distorted what I meant by it which is argument by numbers and argument by authority is a logical fallacy. Copernicus happened to be a real life example. But hey I guess logic isn’t allowed on the internet.

Here tell you what. Prove me wrong, since you seem to claim you know what you are talking about. Go into training mode. Set up an Akuma dummy, and show me this cross up MK dive kick into a full combo. Put it on video and post it to youtube.

If you really know what you are talking about should be a snap right? Put your money where your mouth is. I’ll be waiting. I’ll give you bonus points if you can give me a safe consistent set up that works against any character.


I’m not going to prove that, but I’ll prove that you’re retarded.

By the way, in this match with poongko and infiltration at 4:55 is an example of baiting a throw with cross up empty demon flip kick. Not viable against people who know what they’re doing right? Apparently Poongko is ass guys, watch out, LoyalSol to win next years evo.

And j. down mk being used by Tokido as a fake cross up at 6:45. And at 8:20.

AND in the very same match Tokido uses cr. mp in the empty jump combo at 7:30.

Of course, finally the empty palm cross up into st. hp that apparently doesn’t exist in high level play either. -6 uses the mix up after a forward throw at 0:43.

Really, this wasn’t even hard to find. Just went to OHgregs channel and searched akuma.

No. No you don’t.

Those are safe jump set ups as I said and they aren’t hard to block because they almost never cross up. Dive kicks fall under the same category as safe jumps which was listed in my original post (Damage from d.MK > c.LP > s.HP > Tatsu > sweep = 273 meterless so I actually overestimated it.). So again it is not my fault you don’t understand that.

And lol baiting the throw? Poongko read that whiff all the way but pushed the throw button too early. Hell he pushed it when infiltration was still above his head. If he pressed it in time he would have grabbed. That’s an error not a set up.


While we are showing videos. Here is a case of where Tokido didn’t get truly get punished, but because he whiffed the dive kick he was put in a disadvantaged position.

Stuff that freeze you in the air for a few frames is throw tech bait. Poongko didn’t read the whiff, he instinctively did a late standing tech. It came out too early because the dive kick delayed Infiltration’s landing. It’s the same as when Viper does empty jump into air burn kick right before she lands.

The past page and a half ot this thread.

[details=Spoiler]“You don’t understand your own character’s options!”
“Oh yeah?! I say YOU don’t understand YOUR character’s options!”

Isn’t that more like the past 60 pages?

so the 30th will be the last change log.

a few days before japan gets it right? like it releases to japan on dec 3rd or something?

December 13

Does XBL include the PC version or is there yet a release date for that to come?

arcade gets it early

yeah they were saying japan gets it like a week or something before the 13th

It’s honestly a gimmicky set up because I punish dive kick whiffs all the time in the Akuma mirror match up in addition to having my own screw ups punished. Whiffed dive kicks are the least safe air options.

In fact you can hit Akuma before he even touched the ground, you don’t need to use a throw. Ryu players have SRK > Ultra me for misspacing dive kicks.

It is the equivalent to Ken’s trick of whiffing a LP.SRK from mid screen in hopes to mash out another one or the gimmicky demon set up of whiff j.HK into demon. Can it work? Sure. Should I do it without expecting to get punished once in a while? Nope. They aren’t solid mix ups which is why I never bothered to list them in the first place. Because they are gimmicks that are dependent on your opponents ignorance or dependent on your opponent making a big mistake. Sometimes they work, but in a tournement match where money (or in my case a free trip to final round) I would rather not try to use gimmicks too often especially considering I don’t have crap competition down here. There is a certain someone named Happy Medicine who is most likely going to be at said tournament tonight.

Cool. Any word on Japanese tourneys happening around that time?

In any case, any bets on which is going to be the saltiest forum on the 30th?

I would’ve said Yun, but since all Yun players only play him since they liked him in 3S, this is unlikely.

I’d guess Dan now. He got too many buffs; this will make beating people with him far less tasty.

This is going to be between Cammy/Akuma/Rose
I’m pretty sure because of it I will write around 100-150 more messages
I seriously have no hope for my character lol