SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )


I’m sorry I’m still laughing over Graphf challenging someone to online matches after getting called an online warrior

I have never seen a point so missed

On topic: I think these upcoming changes for AE that Ono didn’t mention until now are going to be the most important. I remember how no one knew that Ken’s low forward was nerfed in AE until like a week in. Keep your eyes open

I love how the guy who says that to defend against Ibuki vortex is to “flip a coin” is gathering support from people here.

Its a sad time for SRK when people support others because of clever comments they make and not their ability to play the game. This is so rich.

Is online as good as offline? No, of course not. Yet, with even a little research it is easy to find that many players have used online for the the tool that it is and have become excellent players. Look at the history of GGPO or Supercade.

To so frivolously reject the out come of a match offline or on is nothing but more meaningless typing on this forum. It seems as if its the most many of you can do.

WE PLAY FIGHTING GAMES for christs sake or at least most of claim to considering this is a forum centered around fighting games. What better way to settle disputes then by PLAYING the game that everyone here is talking about? Jesus it’s like playing against someone can’t compare to writing messages to them. I don’t know what could possibly qualify as a more scrubby mentality.

lol, keep typing guys and keep lol being clever.

this is just a case in point, but nearly all of you are guilty.

lol, yes, I am so sorry that I don’t have the extra money to fly to where ever my opponent lives and play them in person. Geez, I guess my lack of thousands of dollars to do this makes me a scrub.
Oh wait… there is online and while not perfect it can suffice and is an extremely cheap option in comparison. additionally, it has the advantage of being able to let people, you know, PLAY the game.

Are you guys for real or is this just some SRK scrubs trying to act superior?

Alright how about this. Both of you, save up some money, go to EVO next year and play there. Make it a hyped-ass ft10 grudge match for $100 or whatever. Then, having done that, both of you go home, sit the fuck down, and post in this thread about something that isn’t stupid.

Like how crazy it is that Fei Long still doesn’t have a way to combo into full ultra.

yeah, i wish fei long can combo into his full ultra in AE.

bar the last two posts, I feel like this single page is pretty much SRK in a nutshell.

He can however do his command grab directly into super for full damage >.> with no scaling since command grab does no damage

How are you going to say Ibuki is trash and then in the same breath say Abel is decent?

Ibuki is… good. I’ve said many times I hate the vortex design where one knockdown = ur ded, but I know she’s neither terrible nor great.

Idk why I imagined everything you said was in E. Honda’s voice. Must be the avatar. But yeah I won’t say that Ibuki is trash. Her best stuff comes from a knockdown which can be tough to get when playing at a high level. And even then when fighting someone who knows how to block it the fight will be even tougher to win because, as an Ibuki player, you’ll really have to get creative with mixing up your crossup kunai setups. You’ll also have to work your reset game a lot more as well. If you can make everything look as confusing as possible then you can win. Takes a lot of work and thought to make that happen though. Ibuki to me is a character that you only use certain setups once or twice per match. Anymore than that and your opponent will have you figured out.

I think Abel is pretty decent too. He seems to pretty much be the same outside of roll invinciblity frames. When he gets a knockdown he’s still same ol’ Abel. TT just doesn’t hurt as much.

to add to this, you can use the extremely large hit box and land further away from the opponent but still hit them, thus shaving a few frames. it’s a very useful thing to do.

Bison’s U2 startup is always 22…

This thread is hilarious…if anyone cares here’s my 2 cents on recent things discussed

-I don’t like pure vortex characters (Elf, Ibuiki, Viper) and find them slightly cheezy. Characters like Viper do take time to learn and require strict dexterity for certain setups, but I do feel it requires less thought and both the offender and defender go on auto-pilot. I have learned to defend decently against Viper/Ibuki but good elfs catch me U2 too often for my liking. For the sake of character diversity, I wouldn’t want them removed, but I do wish they would receive more well-rounded tool-sets. Those matches just aren’t fun, and I’m not sure how fulfilling getting someone into your vortex is. Mix-ups one the other hand is very fulfilling.

-Online is very different from off, even with a solid connection. and for certain characters one-frame links, your entire off-line strategy and play style can change up. So understand if players don’t view playing online as a true test of skill, however, if the connection if fully stable, there is no harm is seeing who is generally the better player. Still, people challenging others to FT10 online as a measure of skill should remember this fact, and not take it so personally if players reject. For myself personally though, I don’t really care that much, a challenge is a challenge and I have no problem admitting if I feel someone is superior to me.

-I’m surprised by how negative the changes are for Ken, I’m kinda excited by his new faster normal and Fake Thunder kick as well as hopefully being FINALLY able to use Target combo. Slower sweep is a loss, but it shouldn’t change up Ken’s game that much.

-that’s all for now till I think of something else :wink:

this was always the dumbest thing in the world. bison is a charge character with powerful anti-air tools, and stupid fucking retarded air control. allowing him to have a fireball ultra was so idiotic, i don’t know what else to say. if bison ever gets that back, then dee jay should get fireball motion ultra 1(do you know how broken and cheap that would be?).

I agree 150% I honestly cannot stand fighting viper. Her crossup game is just way too cheap IMO. Yes she requires alot skill I understand tbat but once you get past her learning curve shes cheezy as hell. Don’t get me started on EX siesmo lol. So glad thats getting nerfed in AE 2012 and we will be able to atleast grab her out of it.

^^ if you cant already figure out that you can just jab her out of it youre certainly not going to be able to react and grab her out of it.

also shes not a pure vortex character. a lot of her game involves zoning with seismos and feints and forcing your opp to make mistakes but its whatev

Actually it is the fact that Viper players mash it out when they expect you to go for the throw and get a free ultra out of it if it connects. If it doesn’t hit they can jump cancel into something safer on block. Overall for 1 bar it is currently really good for Viper. The throw nerf makes it harder to use in place of a throw tech.

I would agree though she isn’t a vortex character as much as a “HOLY **** WHAT’S WITH ALL THE FLASHING LIGHTS!” character. She does most of her work on a standing character.

They need to give her Frank Wests’ camera attack from TvC/UMvC3

You can’t mash out EX Seismo because you’ll get a feint on multiple button presses. The safer option is lk burn kick, which doesn’t lead to anything. In any case, EX Seismo will lose throw invincibility in v2012, and it’s not really that big of a deal. It was dumb that she could get thrown out of HP TK in the first place.

Nitpick much? What I meant is they would throw it out when you would go for a throw attempt. For one bar it was the “best throw” tech in the game.

You don’t have to physically “mash it” in order to throw it out in those situations.

THIS! It is considered even by the japanese ONE THE BEST EX MOVES IN THE GAME for a reason.

safe, leads into HUGE damage and stun, invincible for both, throws AND hit damage, chip damage

2012 can’t come any faster! BRING THEM GOUKEN BUFFS!!!