SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I disagree.

Certain characters have an easier time dealing damage, creating openings, or controlling space. These are the characters that end up getting listed as high tier. Those that don’t have those tools are at a disadvantage. Could a player still win with them? Yes of course. But, that is not really the question here, the focus is on the viability of the characters and the lower tier characters simply don’t have the same viability. They are going to have to rely on their opponent making mistakes and have to work harder overall to land the same amount of damage.

Player skill is always a factor but so it the tool set that is available to you. This is why characters like Ibuki and Elf are ranked low. At low level play I could run the vortex all day on people, and I have. But once the level of skill between players begins to rise Ibuki (read: her tool set) starts to become ineffective. A good player is going to stop your vortex from happening. This is not very hard to do with a little practice. From there she has to start working really hard since her gimmicks are gone and have been figured out.

This is all in the context of having 2 skilled players playing against each other. Once the skill disparity goes away, i.e. a skilled player vs a non-skilled player, the it won’t really matter who the skilled player is using since his innate skill at the game is so much higher and the non-skilled player will be making many mistakes. In the skilled vs skilled situation this is simply not the case and a lack of certain tools now becomes a factor that has to be taken into account.

Actually no. Maybe not 30% for all sitautions, but it isn’t too far off. There are some trades into Ultra and Super that still exist.

That isn’t what he said though.

And outside of a rare SRK - Ultra/Super trade? You need the SRK to do at least 280 damage to be 30%. SRKs on average are around 140-180 depending on strength, character, if it is anti air (most characters do significantly LESS on an anti air SRK. Sagat I think is the only one that actually does more damage, might need to double check.)

Actually yes it is exactly what he is saying because many of the characters where the dive kick set ups are useful against can trade into some heavy damage if you are off.

It isn’t as bad as back in Vanillia where everyone could trade into Ultra, but you still can eat a lot of damage for being just a little off.

Besides 30% for Akuma isn’t a ton of damage. It is only about 255 which isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Hell Sagat almost gets that off of TU > f.HK after a trade.

If he wanted to say SRK into Ultra he could have said that. Also 283 is 30% of 850

If you wanted to nitpick you could have done that…oh wait you did.

No it isn’t. That is a third of 850 or 33.33333%.

And if we are talking about Ultras (Let’s say Viper for instance) we are talking more on the order of 60% for screwing up your spacing.

My mistake, thank you. Still, I dunno any characters that can regularly do 255 damage off an anti air SRK. Hell, there is only a handful of characters with a DP to begin with. Ryu/Ken/Oni/Seth/Sagat/Dan/Akuma/Fei/E Ryu. Remove the characters that Akuma isn’t really going to be worrying about: Dan/E Ryu/Oni and you are left with Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Seth/Fei and how many of them can trade DP into ultra? I think only Ryu and Sagat right? (not 100% sure)

It isn’t just DP, but rather any reversal that can trade into a juggle. Even without Ultra or Super there are still juggles that do a reasonable amount. The point being that there isn’t a lot of room for error in the dive kick set ups. If you hit it right they work great, but you screw up you can pay for it.

In general that is Akuma’s vortex. When you time everything perfectly it is devastating, but when you screw up even once it can be for a ton of damage.

Seth is the same, oh wait… Seth is even more unsafe than Akuma overall.

And that makes my point any less true how?

The real question is why are certain characters rewarded heavily for mistiming their own anti-air options with trades? The fact people can forcefully trade their AA DP just to land a free ultra or an even larger AA punish without meter use is not the best design to me.

I would agree with that. If you screw up you shouldn’t get any reward.

Agreed. I feel kind of bad when I’m using Sagat and I get a lucky trade TU>fw.Roundhouse>Ultra.

I don’t lose to vortex characters any more than I lose to others. Even if I win all the time it doesn’t make the vortex any less retarded. I mained Abel for a long time and have played Akuma since Vanilla. I fully understand how the vortex works and it’s dumb as shit. Suck my sweaty nuts, beyatch.

Remember Hsien Chang, you know the best Yun in the US? First day, I played him over a year ago (When I was not even very good). I beat him with Abel 3 games to 1. Just guess how I won, bro. Just guess.

Vortex is a fucking crutch for idiots. I’m trolling, but real talk vortex can be kinda stupid when a character is based around only it. Aka Elf and Viper especially. It’s not fun to play against and requires less thought then a more conventional SF character.

10 characters.

Dude why don’t you just use quotes like a normal person?

How about them balance changes?

The final set can’t come fast enough.

i hear you. I wonder what changes they are going to use in the final version. Will there be more?

Ono said that they were compiling the list and still deving stuff so there will def be some changes from Beta to Final. No one can say for sure how much will be changed but there will be SOMETHING. Probably more trolling. “Dan can now cancel his personal action into a taunt.”