SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

well if you’re so pro-mixups can I have TKCS back? Unnerf Yun/Yang while you’re at it plz.

god some people here sure have a problem with sf4 huh :wink:

actually, i’m more pro-shutthefuckup. tkcs is nice. i’d welcome it back but too bad its not coming back.

No, only a handfull of characters are truly dumb in SF4. Ibuki, Viper, Elf, and Abel. Basically the characters that base a lot of their game around being designed for down syndrome patients.

did you just insult my waifu juicebox

I let my tournament record speak for itself

It’s not uncommon for people to misrepresent the strength of characters they’ve never played before. Justin thought Adon was terrible in a pre-build because, and I quote, “He doesn’t have any combos”. So… he was either WAY wrong, or he was playing an early build of the character which clearly doesn’t represent the current Adon. Either way, it was a character no one had ever played before. Mago was basing his low-tier characterization of Seth similarly, since Japan didn’t play vanilla console. Let’s not forget that Mago insisted Fei was super high tier when everyone in America disagreed. How did that end up? Nobody remembers how often people are right, just the one time they were wrong. If the world actually worked like this, nobody would be making any money in the stock market.

Mago’s record on assessing characters is way better than 50%, so I’ll trust him. They’re also judging Akuma’s 2012 potential on a character they KNOW a lot about, and they can much more accurately extrapolate how he’ll play than taking a stab in the dark. Why should we, the noobs who don’t play Akuma, trust people in the SRK thread who’ve never made waves at any tournament vs. the 3 best players in the world (one of them an Akuma player)? Your arguments would have to be incredibly strong to convince me that Tokido doesn’t know what he’s talking about…

I had to laugh at this… is that really your definition of precise? I tried my hardest to find your tongue planted firmly in your cheek in the rest of your post, but I couldn’t find it.

(Btw, this is also straight up wrong, Akuma’s ultra is pretty mashable on wakeup)

It also shows how weak the average American player is at fighting games if we think OSes started with SF4. They’re easier to set up in SF4 because you have untechable knockdowns in spades (throws, etc), and in the Youtube era, information on this type of thing spreads like wildfire, but… that’s all. OSes have existed forever and were a major part of high level play in games like 3rd Strike (for instance). And before someone says it, no I’m not just talking about buffering cr.MK xx super.

This is what needs to happen to Ryu if they buff him anymore. kinda lame when you have (Daigo) throwing a million and one Hados at you in one fight

Precision and the ultra are independent of one-another, the ultra was merely an example of the fact that Akuma is NOT a n00b-friendly character (that was the point). The precision in his game comes from properly aiming dive kicks, properly positioning air fireballs, and using context-sensitive tools such as tatsu-sweep. The consequences for being even a hair off means you’re probably eating an SRK for 30% damage.
Now, as for the ultra itself. Aside from Dee-Jay’s U2, its one of the hardest ultras to land. My whole point is that the character is not casual-friendly.

Sometimes I think I am the only man who likes this game :frowning:

@Noriega You can dash ultra 2 with Deejay after EX MGU, I have not played that many Deejays but ex mgu seems to be very possible to integrate into combos.

I hate mashing and I think Viper and El Fuerte doesn’t belong in SF4. Does that make me a scrub?

You act like you know so much, that people only complain because they’re bad, and you call ABEL and VIPER characters for handicapped people? /frank miller


Thou mad?

Why do you capitalize abel like he’s the epitome of intelligent play? Even when I was watching that big Japanese 5v5, when Nekojita Abel was up against RF’s sagat, the commentators compared it to Janken (rock paper scissors).

I typed Abel first, then added C. Viper later and didn’t bother with caps. Now it’s better, I suppose.

Man, Nekojita is soooo smart, what he does with Abel is insane. Watching him play Abel is a treat.

Well, the ultra IS mashable and it has relatively fast startup, so I think you used a bad example to prove your point. The other points you used for precision basically sound like “Akuma has to play footsies to win”, which is cool… all characters do. Akuma has good footsies tools, so he naturally has to have a bit lower health to compensate. If you’re uncomfortable losing lots of health for your bad reads, it sounds like you’re playing the wrong character? Also, pretty sure missing tatsu-sweep doesn’t mean you eat SRK, even if the opponent quickrises, though in general SRKs hurt Akuma, yes.

As for “casual friendly”… I don’t know what that means. I see lots of Akumas online… many of them suck, but they must enjoy the character enough to keep picking him, and they probably get wins against other bad players with jump-back fireball and stuff. Is this not casual friendly? If you’re talking about “skill required to win at high level”, then I’d say pretty much every character requires massive dedication to do that, and Akuma players in particular are rewarded for the time they put in.

Elf is trash, Ibuki is trash, Abel is decent, Viper is good. lol, I guess we know what characters YOU have problems with.

I recently stopped maining Ibuki. You want to know why? Because when I play against people like *you * I can mix you up and vortex you all day. But I don’t really care about people like you. I want to fight strong opponents who use everything the game has to offer. The problem is that against a good player, Ibuki vortex is not going to work. She becomes almost trash without it. (poor normals, low damage) There is a reason she was listed as C tier and now I fully understand why and I agree. Against an opponent who knows the match up there is not much she can do, the vortex is like one big gimmick.

Could I still win? Sure. But I had to work maybe 2 to 3 times are hard as my opponent and that gets lame really quick. So, I picked a better character. and am now training with him. This all applies to Elf as well, you need to know how to escape their “minx ups” and up your game not blame the characters.

Finally, you said:
*“Basically the characters that base a lot of their game around being designed for down syndrome patients” - *well what does that make YOU? If you can’t get around something that was designed for down syndrome patients…that doesn’t make you look very good now does it?

No character is trash, only trashy players that complain about their character being trash :annoy:.

Abel for top tier in v2012

I always forget that Akuma is the Raging Martyr. The only way you are eating 30% damage from an SRK is if it is a Angry Scar, Anti Air, Counterhit, EX-Tiger Uppercut that connects all 5 hits (I.E. VERY deep). And that is only BARELY 30% (30.035% to be precise) everything else is far below 30%.