SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Option selects have been around, yes, but they were never as prevalent as they are here. OS’es dominate strategy in SF4, whereas in ST they existed but were not vital to gameplay. What can you tell about me? Well, that’s all irrelevant to me; you can be as civil or not as you like, man. I’m merely pointing out what I think are legitimate criticisms of the game (and, yes, I play AE semi-regularly). If you told me that I’m debating this in the wrong thread then you’d be right. Otherwise…

I don’t really have that hard of a time online tbh.

Then again I only play green connection. I think if more people started to play online with people in their own geographic area it would help their personal online experience out a lot.

Mind you, I am in no way implying that Online is equivalent to offline. Offline is superior with out a doubt. This goes with out saying. Yet, if you are going to play online, try to set up the conditions so they favor smooth play. I consistently perform s.jc and frame traps online.

having a good connection will go along way. Look for people here, or hell even on eventhubs to play with that live relatively close to you - northwest players playing other northwest players, or so-cal players playing other so-cal players.

you say:

"Its not a problem for me personally, I know how to properly bait reversals and pokes. I just don’t like that it happens sometimes very randomly. I also don’t like that it still exists."

if you knew what you were doing you wouldn’t be saying that things happen “randomly”, i.e. without reason or cause. lol.

you say:

“What I meant was that I’ve seen high rank players be able to pull insane combos, but then they lacked core fundamentals.”

huh? Who? What does high rank player mean here anyway? If you are talking about some of the pro players that are out there, I beg to differ, you are flat out wrong.

you said:

“Gootecks is still a professional player. I didn’t argue anything against Viper’s execution, I’m aware that she requires firm execution. However, her mixups and super jump do not fit in SF. She’s better of becoming a permanent MvC character. Same thing with Fuerte: I am not arguing how viable he is or was. I am simply saying this his skillset does not fit within the realm of a Street Fighter game.”

Gootecks does a lot for the community and for that I commend him. His play though, is pretty weak in comparison to the field that is out there.

****Mix ups are a part of SF. and Rolento had a super jump in the alpha series. Also there were super jumps in CvS series as well. They fit in fine. It helps to differentiate the characters.

Explain what you mean when you say this "Same thing with Fuerte: I am not arguing how viable he is or was. I am simply saying this his skillset does not fit within the realm of a Street Fighter game." seriously, I have no idea what you are trying to say here. got any examples?****

Actually this is a perfect time to point out something. You complain about Viper and Fuerte and mixups. I would bet money that you are horrible at reading peoples mixups and you lose often to both Viper and Fuerte. ****

you said:
**“Take the Cammy v. Ryu match in ST. Neutral-jumping is the KEY to Cammy being able to win at all. However, you can still screw up on a jump if your opponent varies his fireball speeds. In SF4 the neutral jump is too high and the stages are too big, thus giving you enough space and time to easily neutral-jump any projectile. I’d be willing to run a comparison test on this. **”

What does stage size have to do with n.j. a projectile? Also, Opponents can vary their projectile speeds in SF4 as well. You go ahead and run that test buddy. Even pro players get hit from time to time in SF4 trying to n.j. projectiles.

you said:
“Option selects have been around, yes, but they were never as prevalent as they are here. OS’es dominate strategy in SF4, whereas in ST they existed but were not vital to gameplay. What can you tell about me? Well, that’s all irrelevant to me; you can be as civil or not as you like, man. I’m merely pointing out what I think are legitimate criticisms of the game (and, yes, I play AE semi-regularly). If you told me that I’m debating this in the wrong thread then you’d be right. Otherwise…”

You mean they were never as prevalent TO YOU. Since the internet was around back then to explain to you what they were. and again, OS punish escape and reversal attempts by design. You can just block dude.

In addition to not being able to read peoples mix ups, and losing often to Viper and Fuerte, I also think that you have very poor defensive habits. Why else would be complaining about this? If it never hurt you and you understood how to get around it then you would never complain but you are complaining about them, which means, logically, that they are a problem for YOU.


They are not legitimate criticisms of the game, They are your salty tears physically manifested into words which you puked out onto the computer. **

Option selects exist in all games. It’s just that they’re easiest to see in the SF4 series.

new srk slogan:

“Welcome to SRK, where your salty tears are physically manifested into words which you puked out onto the computer.**”

10 characters.

…so uhm…who the fuck are you?

lol, what a joke

I’m thinking new sig. lol.

anyway, Norieagasaid:

“Explain how I get srk’ed from linking cr. jabs”

You are missing your links. If you weren’t missing your links you wouldn’t be getting hit. I went over this in my first response to you. What else could it possibly be? Seriously. If this is happening to you, you simply have poor execution.

It’s not random and it’s not a mystery dude but you make it sound like one.

** “This is a game where you can get away without having fundamentals from time to time. I’d know, I’ve won matches before spamming lariat with Zangief just for fun.”**

If you are winning matches by spamming lariat all this proves is that you were playing against bad players. It has nothing to do with there not being fundamental skills in this game. It’s that you won against a bad player and so no skill was needed. Do that against a good player. Hell, try to do it to me. Shit like that doesn’t even work against me and I’m not even that good. PSN ID: Graphf (i can record the matches too!)

To be honest I’ve actually rarely played against Viper and Fuerte. Every match I see with them involved involves a ton of jumping all over the place. Much different from a match where opponents are grounded and pacing back-and-forth for positioning. Why do that when you can have a chef running around making chicken noises?

in particular -
"In a disappointing development, it seems we have a new wave of scrubs announcing theyre not only too stupid to play well, but too stupid even to watch a video.
"Because your scrubby motive is to always think the best of yourself, rather than understand the truth, a favorite evaluation trick is to pull some sequence entirely out of context.

But of course Latiff, Wolfkrone and others who play Viper are just jumping around all over the place with out thinking of positioning which can only be done on the ground…

Seriously read the article and,

Before you post, take a moment to reflect. Collect yourself, breathe deeply, look in the mirror, and seriously consider: Am I a complete fcking moron? Thanks in advance.*”

Couldn’t even wait for my post to be on a different page could you?

haha. i like when people complain about mashing.

For your health.

It’s inarguable that SF4 is more beginner friendly than other installments. It’s still a highly competitive and high quality fighting game overall though. If it wasn’t, it’d have went the way of Capcom Fighting Evolution. If you haven’t adjusted to the mash-friendly and “random” environment almost three years in it’s not the game’s fault.

ya me too. I remember when VANILLA came out in 2009. The first couple months I admit, I was hella salty about it. So i did something about it. I Trained.

Now I just see those moments as an opening for me to tighten up my game. No one gets mashed out unless they missed da link. Plus the wonders of frame traps have really opened my eyes as well the past few months. amazing shit.

I nearly died when I read this post. Dem Brules’ Rules.

why dont viper and fuerte fit in street fighter? if anything, vipers burn kick mixups are a lot like vegas wall dive mixup in st.

i guess to fit in street fighter, you need another shoto clone.:rolleyes:

and you need to stop comparing st to sf4. EVERY street fighter is drastically different from st.

At least Vega had to play footsies at least in that game. Still, he’s kinda stupid in that game. Viper’s even more dumb though.

yeah every character in every game not named ryu and ken are dumb.

in sf5, the only characters that should be selectable are ryu and ken with akuma as a secret character when you enter the code, u, u, l, r, l, r, b, a, start at the character select screen.

I’d buy 100copies.

Pretty hilarious that you bring up Mike Ross for an Ibuki defense. Considering his opinion on the character, it isn’t much different from Gootecks’ views. I guess he’s not an authority either? lol

No, this is a misinterpretation. If someone where to ask either one of them about anything related to SF4 series Mike Ross would be the one to ask. This was not in reference to Ibuki in particular. He is certainly the better player out of the 2 of them and thus I value the things he has to say more.