SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Yea and Justin Wong said Adon was terrible. Even pros are human. No one can see all ends and everyone is entitled to their opinions.

And the thing many of you don’t understand is many of the higher level Akuma players aren’t worried that Akuma will be trash. They are worried with the nerfs Akuma will be too frustrating to play or have to resort to a lame style of play. In other words why play Akuma when you can get similar production with less headaches from other characters?

Akuma has a design that can cause the character to lose viability not because he doesn’t have tools to compete. Rather it is on the grounds that the benifits don’t outweight the drawbacks. So many are worried that unless you have Tokido level execution the character will largely become a nightmare to play.

Justin Wong said Adon was terrible during an earlier build of the game before the final version. The character was modified after that and released and Wong never brought it up again afaik.

Generally people who are bitching about Akumas changes/nerfs never really played him at a high level. the just derped and vortexed all day. they’re mad cause now theyll actually have to DO stuff instead of auto piloting him and that scares them.

“Derped and vortexed all day.”

Haha, wow.

Enough about Akuma already, jeez. I enjoy salt as much as the next guy but this salt is going on month-old french fries at this point. They’ll all calm down, we’ll all move on to 2012, and it’ll be old news, just like every other time a character got nerfed somehow.

did you really just say akuma vortex is auto pilot and derpy? man, no wonder there were alot of akumas top 32 at evo.

Im just saying his nerfs aren’t nearly as bad as everybody is making him out to be.

Vortex is difficult at high level, but come on, we’re 3 years into the game. Every online akuma can throw and sweep without thinking, then demon flip into mixup.
High level players will find new setups, the others will suffer.

yeah, im thinking its like a 20/80 split.

with the 80 going -shut the fuck up/youre ignorant/nobody knows my pain/2012sucks- or some variation of that thru massive walls o text, and page long multi quote battles

its not just “pros”. its 3 of the worlds best, and basiclly the rest of the world saying dont worry, while the majority of that forum sticks their collective head in the sand

The most amazing thing that was learned during the Akuma wars was that people who don’t actually play the character understand how he works better than people who do. SRK has some really smart posters. I am not surprised that you guys have to handicap yourselves by not using OP characters like Akuma. :tup:

sarcasm aside a lot of people who post on srk bitching don’t even get close to top 8 in their local tournaments let alone anything worth anything.

If they knew how to play their characters to the extent that they say they wouldn’t be losing so much

It is a valid point. Some of the negative reaction to the Akuma changes is that they represent hard getting harder. I think that it is part of the reason why Tokido doesn’t care (he wasn’t fully erect yet :rofl:). A lot of the players using Akuma were already struggling with the character.

On an unrelated note, I didn’t interpret the Mago and Tokido interviews as them saying that Akuma is the best character in the game. I think that they were just listing the top tier as a group. The Mago translation used the word “potential” to describe Akuma. I agree with him that the character continues to have the most potential; the question is whether or not anyone can actually achieve it (and there is nothing wrong with that, imo).

I don’t think they meant that Akuma was going to be the BEST character either. However I think that they believe he will be very close to the best even if they didn’t flat out say so, that is why the character so quickly jumped to the forefront of their minds when listing the good characters of 2012. He stands out as the most obviously good character as he was already top 4-6th character in the game and got more mild nerfs than the top 3. I also think it is telling of their beliefs in the characters potential that Akuma comes to mind first before even Sagat.

Most of the time you can make that case, but in this situation even some of the better players are upset about the changes.

Daigo and Tokido even said they felt the changes were disappointing, but both still feels Akuma will be good. Akuma will probally still be played and good in the right hands. I feel the throw nerf was a lazy attempt by Capcom to fix unblockables that did absolutely nothing for balance and the players are the ones who are going to have to suffer through it for a couple months.

The s.HK and overhead nerfs were the more significant nerfs. To be honest the overhead one is the one I am concerned the most about because now it is going to be a pain in the butt to actually hit your opponent with the palm on wake up.

-Capcom makes flip palm no longer an overhead
-Secretly chages the dive kick to an overhead

Oh the hilarity that would ensue.

There would be a riot in the Gouken forum.

Hilarious. There wouldn’t be. Not from me anyway. Actually, yeah, half the people in there probably would riot with no cause whatsoever.

“Akuma is hard to use, no one understands our pain in using him. No one understands him”

Seriously, the only thing Akuma players havent done yet is cut themselves.

Are you sure about that???

Still going on about Akuma, this thread is dull as shit. Come on Capcom give us something else to talk about.