SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

That sort of doesn’t matter. All metagames evolve to be balanced. A good game has a balanced and diverse metagame.

Let’s talk about Street Fighter IV.

Most people I’ve talked to before I seen that sfxt thing didnt like mirror matches, but I do like them in SF4 since it is so equal, and you can also learn stuff from them that you can use.

Its the type of match where losing(learning) is most to your benefit.

i wish for 2012 they just went back to Super for the base. nerffed e.hondas damage a little. buffed all the other weak characters. and maybe gave more fireball invincible properties to characters that had problems with zoning instead of nerfing guile, ryu and dhalsim. the changes listed for 2012 look alot better then AE but i think Super will still be the best sfiv version

Even if the gem system was balanced and embraced by the community (lol) the downtime it will create for tournaments will really suck.

This whole forum is off topic thanks to all you guys discussing SFxT. I came here looking for SF4 discussion. seems like no cares, rather complain about sfxt in MULTIPLE threads.

Yeah so I saw a video of Daigo’s Akuma. I wasn’t particularly impressed to say the least. I’ve definitely seen better Akumas in my day. Anyways, Capcom needs to come on with the final changes for AE 2012. That’s probably why this thread has gotten derailed. No new info to discuss.

The practice video? he’s just fucking around with combo’s?. Unless there’s some of him playing matches?

Yeah there’s one with him playing in a match against a Balrog player in Kuwait. Thing is the Rog player wasn’t all that great either, but Daigo lost to him. People in the comments said he was on a 15 win streak with Akuma, but seeing the Rog he lost to really makes me wonder how good the rest of the people he beat were. Here’s the vid nonetheless.


Apparently he played Akuma occasionally during the tournament in Kuwait, and during casuals.

If he plans on switching to Akuma for 2012 he needs to practice him some more, he is obviously not fully confident with the character yet given his average performance there.

As for new info on the change list. I’m guessing they are going to wait till early-mid november to release it. I don’t think there are any major conventions in november and so they will probably try and use that to keep media attention and fan attention on their games during a strong release month for big titles.

Yeah, hopefully everything goes well for Daigo with Akuma. Yeah that sounds like they may wait til mid-late November to release the new info since UMVC3 is coming out and all that. I just can’t wait to see it. I like seeing all the different changes made to characters. Hopefully it’s the WHOLE list this time and not part of it with some stealth buffs. I hate that because unless you’re Desk you’re not gonna really know what to be looking for half the time.

Vega (CLAW)
• cr.HK damage increased to 110, same as Super.
• +1 more frame of hitstun on the opponent after cosmic heel, making it -3 at worst.
• Sky High Claw causes blowback when it hits a grounded opponent (same words as the blanka ball change)
• U1 hitbox after it hits on the way up increased drastically so that it doesn’t unexpectedly miss.
• U2 startup changed to 8f.
• Bloody High Claw Hit properties have been adjusted. For example, the Ultra will now combo properly after a [Cosmic Heel] (df+HK).
• EX Sky High Claw : Hit box has been enlarged downwards, making it easier to connect the whole thing.

The bolded are the reason why I dropped AE until the patch.

Good shit Capcom. :wink:

I think he will move to Akuma, or E-Ryu(if he is trying to keep his choice unknown) in 2012.

Well there is one advantage players have now over the Super - AE or Vanilla - Super changes.

PC version is out and will be getting the patch as well. Thus PC modders can examine the files for changes and compile a list of what was changed.

Hmmm this is true. Well that’s good news then as I hate being left totally in the dark.

I didn’t say that they would share their findings with you. ;D

I feel the same way you do. Heck I recently just read through all the changes again for every character for fun lol. Stealth changes are retarded and should never be done. We as the fighting game community need to know EVERY change to our characters. EVERY ONE!

The wait for the final patch list is killing me. I want to know if gouken or bison are getting anything new more so gouken. The buffs Gouken have received are Nice but are not dealing with the many many issues he have. Im looking for the final patch list to fix and buff area’s that will ACTUALLY help him greatly. I however love ultra 2 buff! We have a useful ultra 2 now :slight_smile:

Keeps waiting

Yeah, I don’t want or need any more changes, I just want a final definitive list just so I know if anythings been taken out. Don’t you be trollin’ me Capcom…

Any Ryu players around? I would have thought looking at the change list, Ryu looks at least as handy as he was in Super for a player of Daigo’s calibre. I’m still trying to get my head around the Akuma comments. Surely he will still be good, but top?

Top? Pfft…

Seriously though, I think what stops Ryu from going top is the fact that he relies so much on fundamental gameplay to be good, but that limits so much of what he can do, especially his Vanilla form, where most of his corner shenanigans are nonexistant unless he spends meter until Super which gave him his 2 hit SRK. His GENERAL playstyle will mean that most people who play SFIV long enough to know what can be expected of him, ie. zoning with fireball, AA with DP and get closer with tatsu and handle him. Which means that many players will need to work to win with Ryu if the skill levels are similar.

That said though, his nerfs from AE besides what has been changed in AE 2012, will remain: He still loses LP SRK > Super, Damage on SPS, his hitbox for CR.MK still is punishable, air tatsu will still be bad against corner situations and other stuff that escapes me for some reason. He is, was and always be a strong character, it just takes sometime to adapt to his changes and realise that his core gameplan hasn’t changed much. Just that most of his matchups got worse is why he is considered “weaker”.

Yeah…Well if they would be so kind as to share that would be most greatly appreciated.

In other news, I’m crossing my fingers for some good DeeJay buffs. That list of nonsense we got from the alpha and beta lists is pure garbage. Hell I’ll say screw buffing his damage if I can just have the GDLK hitboxes his normals had in ST, a 3 cr frame jab, and at least +1 more frame advantage on hit and block for all of his normals that matter, and lk Rolling Sobat being at least -2 on block. Gimme em Capcom!