SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

She’s already a solid enough character that this buff isn’t an insult, like the first round of Dudley or Vega changes were. Why is it so important?

I don’t think anyone is arguing that it’s really a big deal, just that this change (among many others) seems to serve no discernible purpose. It doesn’t make Makoto better or worse…hell, it barely even qualifies as a useful gimmick. They just did it for no reason. Kind of like buffing Dudley’s jumping jab or whatever the fuck.

Precisely, she’ll still be fine as a character. Its more of a “wtf. Why even bother?”

42 to be precise. btw. to get the 170dmg you need to do HP Hayate (84F) which is already -2 on block and wont be any safer in 2012 (-2 on block is only affecting MP and LP which are -3 and -4 respectively)

You could however go with Oroshi which is almost as safe (-4 on block but is an overhead) builds more meter on block, and does 37chip and is only 24F startup (1/3rd of a HP Hayate.)

There is nothing stoping Makoto players from using HP hayate in the exact situations they will be able to in 2012. It doesn’t have any frame difference.


[INDENT=2]We have tried to increase his total potential by revising his moves and attributes.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][HK]: Gives +7 frame advantage on counter hit. So now if you counter hit with [HK] and cancel into [L. Duck], you will be at +4 frame advantage.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Vertical j.LP]: Active frames and hit box has been increased.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Vertical j.HP]: Startup changed to 6 frames, and active frames and hit box has been increased.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Diagonal j.LP] & [Diagonal j.MP]: Active frames have been lengthened.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Focus Attack Level 1]: Opponent gains an extra +1 stun after hit or guard. So Dudley will be at -3 frames after canceling into a forward dash after a blocked Focus Attack.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Short Swing Blow]: Medium and Heavy versions of the move have had the lower body hittable area shrunk, and also made easier to connect against a crouching opponent.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Thunder Bolt]: All strengths of the move (including EX) will no longer lose easily when trying to hit an airborne opponent, and a hit opponent cannot tech roll afterwards. For the EX version, the light flash and sound follow a bit later after the move comes out.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Victory Rose]: Can now be Super Canceled, or EX Focus Canceled.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Rolling Thunder]: All hits before the final locked animation sequence will connect on an airborne opponent. Similar to Ibuki, if you connect with [Focus Attack Level 2] and follow up with [Rolling Thunder] while they are in the air, all the hits up until the locked animation will land.[/INDENT]

[INDENT=2][Jet Upper]: Startup of light and medium versions changed from 6F to 5F, heavy version changed from 4F to 3F.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Short Swing Blow]: On hit, medium and heavy versions do additional 2F of hit stun, giving Dudley +2F total.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Ducking Upper]: Startup changed back to what it is in existing SSFIV AE.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][cr.MK]: Startup changed from 10F->8F and active frames lengthened from 5F->6F, making it a better poking tool.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][Rolling Thunder]: First hit will not connect against airborne opponents, but from 2nd hit onwards there is additional hit detection against airborne opponents.[/INDENT]

[SIZE=3]IDK what you guys are talking about but we Dudley players have been trolling Capcom for these changes since the game came out. Especially the buffs to his already GDLK Thunderbolt.[/SIZE]

*On a side note I will say that the 3f hp.JU is pretty nice. Even if it still isn’t invincible. It’d be cool if the ex version got this buff too. And the crouching mk buff is nice too.

the devs dont actually play this game
they just make stuffs
so that it sounds like they did something
to keep the game fresh
dont worry dudley will be top tier in the next 4 revisions

Yeah if this isn’t really gonna be the last one. Which apparently someone somewhere said there was going to be another patch after 2012. Not sure how true that is. May have been a misunderstanding. I would imagine that came about when they said they had another round of changes after the Alpha changes. I wanna know the FINAL changes already so I can go cry myself to sleep when I see Dudley got no good buffs/nerfs, which he did receive a couple coming over from SSF4 to AE. (CH combo). I wanna know what the Ducking-Upper start up change was for it to be changed back. It must have been OP as fuck if it got changed back. Then again this is Dudley we’re talking about. He’s a hardworking gentleman.

I lol’d so hard at this.

I imagine if they plan to keep SF4 as the competitive standard for SF for quite a while before releasing a SF5 then yearly patches might not be something you should write off right away. RTS games like Starcraft are constantly gettng updated and patched, and while we may not be used to that sort of thing here in the FGC, it seems to be the wave of the future. Not saying I even necessarily want it to happen but it may be coming.

I agree, RTS and FPS games are currently as large (or larger) than FGs in terms of the size of their competitive scenes. Both game types receive updates to their respective games a lot more often than FGs do. However there is something to be said for finding a “standard” in terms of a game that never is really changed.

For example CS 1.6, Starcraft Brood War (AFAIK hasn’t received any major changes in a long time.), and Super Turbo. However another issue for updates in terms of fighting games vs FPS and RTS titles is the size and frequency of the updates. RTS updates tend to be larger but more spaced out due to the intricacies of the game, however the changes in an RTS are usually closer to the surface of the games mechanics than a FG is. For example build times, resource usage, or health are all fairly obvious how they will affect the overall game to some extent. Frame data and hitbox changes for a FG are a lot harder to visualize and also a lot harder to see how they interact with characters and other moves since these are more hidden attributes than t hings like Damage, stun, and health which are often not quite as important of a change.

I think figuring out if very small updates every 5-6months would be better than large updates every 1 - 1 1/2 years would be better or worse is one of the first things they need to figure out. The statement that “not everything will be discovered” and the metagame will still be shifting, is valid to some extent. However the rise of online play, replay systems, youtube, and forums has GREATLY sped up how quickly the metagame settles and how fast things are discovered and spread amongst the community (which is very important for american/euro players due to the lack of arcades like japan has.)

Another obvious factor is the simplicity of updating. It was a lot more difficult to update an arcade game or console game during even the Marvel vs Capcom 2 days due to the hardware limitations. With high speed internet, and improved hardware it is much easier for companies to update an arcade cabinet with new software and easier to release updates to home consoles. The difficulty of updating was one of the main reasons games were so rarely updated. Technology has caught up with developers wishes (no developer is ever fully happy with a product they release.) and the ability to update easily can be a good thing for gamers and developers.

Looking forward I believe that we will start to see gamers discovering and spreading as much information in 1year as would have taken 5years in the Super Turbo days. And this needs to be taken into consideration when thinking about updating games.

this is not the final update (imo). ono just said, teasingly, in a nycc interview that “if we do 2013,2014…” in reference to questions about extra characters, and balance changes. guess that’s why it’s called 2012 edition. imo, they will have annual updates for every tournament season until 2015 or 2016 when ps4 hits the market, whereupon, sf5 will probably be announced. so the final ver. of ssf4 a.e. probably won’t surface for another 2 years.

go to 5:37


I wonder that too, but I think if its not profitable, then we may get no more balance updates - since they do take time(that they can be spending on another project)

edit: …if it keeps people into their game(s), then that can be the motivation for them to keep updating it.

I can’t imagine balance changes taking up much budget or man power. Not at the stage the games at now.

1 round of costume packs probably makes enough profit to do whatever they like.

I’d love to know how much it costs them to make a costume pack and how much they net off of it.

I wouldn’t be surprised to know they made more money off costumes then the original games themselves.

Costumes on XBL alone probably made more money than AE pc

I know I’d eat up another round of alts if they were good. I think alts are a fun little diversion. Unless they cause hitbox issues like that one Cody thing or they’re just plain distracting (looking at you Blanka Alt 3).

I like my alts also. I would rather they sold per character as opposed to the batches they sell them in now. The Shoto grouping is the only one that really makes sense. Either that or for your cash you get a hand picked choice of 3 or 4.

I’d like to see skins also, I get sick of looking at the same set up screens. They could really pimp out the game with some different music options, skins, colours. I know if anyone’s like me, I only really spend my MS points on SF, so I always have spare. Evenif you could purchase some classic stages, that would be a great edition.

If the PC guy’s can rumble shit up in their own bedrooms, you’d think Capcom would cash in on the zombie’s like me who just want everything new no matter how much it costs.

Dude I would spend so much money to get Indestructible back.

Shit yeah, I liked the original commentary too. :tup:

Or how about a troll pack? I’d love to bust out a tiger uppercut and on the way up Sagat say’s " How does it feel to have your body torn by my fist" . Imagine the LIVE messages after that one…

Okay since the final version was announced to be arriving Dec.13th 2011 I made the FINAL changes to the 1st and 2nd post.Both Alpha and Beta changes added together and alphabetically arranged. I hope I got everything right, if not let me know.