SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

It was a higher hitbox version of her st. hk that went a tiny bit farther. It was safe and stuffed pre-emptive jumpins.

It was fairly good.

I can just feel the anxiety of the people who are taking the time to carefully translate the changes racing to finish before we all try to figure out individual character changes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why nerf Akuma…at all?

my fear came true. T-Hawk, first word, Minor adjustment and I knew this update was BS. Again, guys who suck, don’t need minor, but MAJOR adjustment.

Rose still isn’t where she was at super, her duck mid punch isn’t back, soul sattelite isnt’ as good, soul piede revert is ok, but nothing special, and since she wasn’t even that great in super, with everyone getting buffs, she’ll still be low mid tier.

That means the double dash/st.HK setup after f.throw might not work anymore.

WOOOOOOOOW why would they not make Demon Flip Palm an overhead?

What the fuck man. Seriously.

This must be why I thought it was an overhead for the longest time, haha.

Awesome! I get frustrated at how often i mess up the input for that move!

It means that they decided to remove a character that couldn’t qualify for SBO from the game.

SF4 Akuma:

  • 2009/02/12
    ┼ 2011/08/24

cammy heavy spiral arrow back how it was

2F recovery on demon flip throw. Probably can still vortex but not as effectively. My guess is that some techniques will no longer work but I’m sure some will.

Which imo is just about all she really needed too. I like seeing precise and needed adjustments.

Eh, I’m not thrilled about DF palm not being an overhead, but I feel like the vast majority of the time I hit people with DF palm it’s because they’re trying to jump away (either in general or from DF throw) and it’ll still hit in those situations.

And I’ve never used scripted vortex setups, so I’m not too worried about the throw recovery.

With the nerfs Fei got and Yun is sure to receive, Akuma will probably be even better in 2012 than he is now :slight_smile:

Gouken hasn’t had an overhead out of demon flip since Vanilla. Fucking serves Akuma right.


So like I guess all of srk translators are playing 3so or something

Looks like Gouken got some serious buffs.

I’m hoping he shows up more in the tournament scene. I would love to see him actually be competitive. Love his play-style.

From Abelity on the front page:

this is for abel

  1. Cr.HP is back to how it was in Super.
  2. TT Damage up +10: LP 160 MP 180 HP 200
  3. Breathless : from startup till active, hit invulnerable. (LOL. People will start trolling with U2, again.)
  4. Second Low Hit Stun improved,
    So when you do 2nd Low FADC, you’ll be at +9 at most.
    Meaning that, you can do 2nd Low FADC Cr.HP U1.

You realise I didnt type that, you dumb ass? It was translated that way. I copied and pasted it.

I understand some of you are not very bright, but lets not shine a flashlight on our stupidity ok?