SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I wish I understood this.


Ken tashi
Character is one of the biggest adjustments we went.

I’m happy for the old man aka Shen Long

Ah, Abel changes. I’ll wait for translation but at least his are somewhat easier to read than others except for the last section.

Gen maybe, which would be funny as hell

Fei Long

Feilong boasts top class performance and the strength of the performance down the next, but
Furnished, this time by considering the entire balance adjustment.

[Burning fist], weak, medium, and if the guard is the second edition of
To readjust your opponents side stiffness.
When the guard is specifically
Less than 8 F, 10 of F, strong 12 F Fei long side and disadvantage.
In addition for short distance ガードバック
Caution is required if the mistake of putting up the second stage to fight back are prone to.
In addition, is weak and in the first stage, second stage Sharpener damage comes down to about half so far.

[熾 flaming leg] has reviewed the damage,
Weak: 120-110 while: 140 → 120 strong: 160 → 150 billion 190 → EX:200.
In addition, immediately after the guards that first row with all strength
[EX saving]-> [front dash] favor frames when you review
Fei long side 1 F disadvantage has become.

[Yul empty leg] is reviewed strong damage is 35 + 35 + 30 total 100.
In addition, addition adjustment fewer cases to hit the turn at full strength.
For a specific character
[Standing in near-Punch] → [EX burst empty leg]
The half-ループコンボ and what not have added to the adjustment.

Typically in science and technology [standing near weak Punch] [standing far weak Punch] of favor frames when hit
Advantageous to decrease 1 F, making F + 5 and
Some tricks to getting 繋がらなく combo.
[While Crouching Punch] of damage was down 55-65 >.

The only improvements are special science and technology [straight decline heel] of damage are up 60-70.

What was it like in Vanilla?

While the enthusiasm is great, I have to say the google-translate posts are kind of confusing. I’d rather just wait until someone who understands both languages takes care of business.

Here are Akuma’s changes.
(I’ll update this post as I translate the other characters)


-Demon-flip punch no longer an overhead (TL note: this was one of the few buffs in AE I think), so you can now block low for that.

-Forward throw now has 2 more recovery frames.

-As for buffs, when you cancel a teleport into U2, the damage has been increased to 421.

They want to keep the status quo for Cammy. So the only change here was:

-Heavy Spiral Arrow’s hit properties are back to how they were in SSF4 console (TL note: in AE when you combo into heavy Spiral Arrow, sometimes Cammy will go under your opponent and switch… which is especially bad when you’ve successfully pushed him into the corner).

There are more concrete details to this but I’ll touch up on that later. Too technical for me to understand.

Fei Long

-Recovery frames for the second hit of Rekkas (weak, medium, and heavy… EX not affected) have been changed.

On block,
Weak = -8 frames
Medium = -10 frames
Heavy = -12 frames

Also, second-hit Rekkas have less pushback now, so it’s easier to punish on block.

Lastly, for weak and medium versions, the second hit does half as much chip damage.

-Flame Kick’s damage has been revised.

Weak: 120 -> 110
Medium: 140 -> 120
Heavy: 160 -> 150
EX: 200 -> 190

Also, if you FADC a Flame Kick (any version) after the first hit, on block it is now -1.

-Heavy version of Chicken Wing’s damage has been revised. It is now 35+35+30 for a total of 100.

Further, they’ve modified the hitboxes of all Chicken Wings in a way that they’re less likely to cross-up (TL note: but still possible).
Apparently previously you could perform “half a loop combo” (TL note: Fei players explain?) against certain characters by doing close standing MP -> EX Chicken Wing. That won’t be possible anymore.

-For both close standing and far standing LP, hitstun has been decreased by 1 frame. On hit it is now +5, so you can’t combo into certain moves now.

-Crouching MP’s damage has been reduced from 65 to 55.

-Fei does have one buff, however. Damage for his overhead (forward+MK) has been increased from 60 to 70.

-EX Hurricane Kick
Many Sakura players were unhappy that when you do
Crouching LK -> crouching LP -> crouching HP -> EX Hurricane,
on certain characters the last hit would not connect. They’ve rectified this so it now works on all characters.

-EX Hadouken’s damage has been changed as follows,
Lv1: 100 -> 120
Lv2: 120 -> 130
EDIT: Sorry! I missed the EX Hadouken part earlier!


-(KKK stance) crouching HP’s damage on counter-hit has been corrected to 1.25x the regular amount. (TL note: previously it wasn’t? What was it in AE?)

-(KKK stance) crouching HK now has 5 active frames (up from 3).

-If the last hit of medium/heavy Gekirou (dragon kick) came out, Gen gets a bonus +10 to super meter.

-The final hit of heavy Gekirou will put your opponent in untechable knockdown state. So use it as an opportunity to okizeme/apply pressure on wake-up.

-EX Snake Strikes’ properties will now differ depending on which buttons you activate it with (light+medium, light+heavy, or medium+heavy). The distance Gen travels during this move, and the number of hits vary.

Also, from 1st frame all the way till the end of active frames, EX Snake Strikes are now projectile-invincible.

-All versions of Snake Strikes will have 4 extra hit/blockstun as long as you don’t end with the final strike.

So if you FADC Snake Strike before the final hit it’s +6 on hit, +2 on block.

-(PPP/Mantis style) U2’s start-up is now 7-frame on start-up, down from 9 frames.

Strongest Dan ever, in a way.

-Pushback for close standing HK on hit has been reduced greatly. To the extent that you will now be able to combo into something else, if Dan were right next to the opponent when he did the HK.

-Close standing MP’s start-up is now 5-frames (6 in AE).

-Crouching HK’s start-up has been changed to 10 frames (down from 12).

-Because various normals have shorter recovery, the following combos are now possible:

  1. Close standing HK -> close standing MP -> crouching MK -> EX Dankukyaku

  2. After a counter-hit with close standing MP, you can combo into crouching HK for an untechable knockdown.

-EX Dankukyaku’s height restriction is now more lenient. You can now do them beginning from the 7th frame of a jump.

-When performing the following combo,
Shoryuken -> FADC forward -> EX aerial Dankukyaku,
all hits of the Dankukyaku will connect. Stun value has been tweaked mildly too. It’s now 100+75+75 for a total of 250.

-Heavy aerial Dankukyaku’s damage is now 50x3 for a total of 150.

-Heavy Dankukyaku’s damage has been increased to 50+40+40 for a total of 130.

-If you manage to hit your opponent with crouching taunt or jump taunt, you get a bonus +70 to super combo gauge. On guard the bonus is +30.

-As for Hissho Buraiken (super), if done right next to your opponent all hits will definitely connect now, as opposed to previously when it didn’t with specific characters.

However, if Dan is not right next to the opponent on start-up, all the hits might not connect still.

Minor changes that have to do with his match-ups.

-The first hit of crouching HK on block has more blockstun, by 2 frames. Opponents who try to jump away after blocking the first hit will now be caught with the second hit due to this adjustment.

Also, T.Hawk’s head-area hurtbox is projectile-invincible during this animation. So for instance, Sagat’s high Tiger Shots will no longer hit Hawk out of his crouching HK.

-(Diagonal jump) down+HP can now be performed with neutral jumps.

-Down-forward+LP on hit is now -2 frame disadvantage. Down from -5 in AE.

-Medium Tomahawk Buster is throw-invincible from start-up to the frame T.Hawk leaves the ground.

-Condor Spire’s shortcut motion has been revised, so it should be easier to activate with that now.

Note: (At this point, I have not got to the changes for Rose, Gouken or any characters before Akuma. Doing them from bottom-to-top fashion.)

I think it is more fun confusing everyone.

For Akuma, maybe something with his overhead? Canceling into ultra 1 or 2? The first sentence sounds like damage nerfs, but they don’t list any numbers, so I feel like that can’t be it. I guess I’ll be sitting here waiting for someone who knows more than kindergarten Japanese to take a crack at it haha

Edit - thanks Kirby :slight_smile:

wow. akuma is getting shafted if demon flip palm isnt overhead

looks like abel got his old crouch fierce and tornado throw damage back.

It had a further reaching hitbox. It was definitely further horizontally, not sure about the vertical range. (AE and Super)

Right? I don’t play him but that sucks for him if he lost it… that’s such a huge part of the mix-up game.

can some1 please translate seth changes?

and done as of this post


Confirmed: Akuma cheerleader outfit.

“In just fine, adjust the commands simple - Condor Spire]
[LEFT]以前よりも発動しやすくしました。[/LEFT] Making them easier to fire than before.”

condor spire motion changed? maybe they got it right for once?

If akuma has more recovery on his forward throw does this mean he cannot vortex you anymore when thrown? Or not as many setups as right now maybe?