SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

W-what? Get lost? Why are you mad bro, unless you somehow thought it was directed towards you, calm down.

I never said that he was easy to master, most characters actually require a certain degree of effort to get truly good with. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s easier for scrubs to win with than Yun. Unless you’re going to tell me that ‘scrubs’ don’t exist, which I doubt the entire shoryuken board would want to agree with you, I really don’t see what’s up with this. We cool man, take a chill pill.

I think how easy it is for scrubs to beat other (mediocre) players with a certain character is kind of irrelevant. That’s probably more along the lines of what he was getting at.

Sometimes I focus on the worst things, hahaha, my bad. But he definitely is right about the last part.

yeah thats more like it

there are many scrubs rogs, blanka, gief, etc, but thats the point they are scrubs not the characters

How is the “Ryu needs work” argument relevant? Every character needs work. That’s practically a contradiction to say “friendly” and “needs work” in the same sentence. No shit, you can’t pick up a character and compete at top level, the balance isn’t that atrocious. But what you said is a poorly-worded argument (and it’s not due to your English), and I doubt any of the vanilla C. Vipers, Fei Longs, Abels, or Gens will be the least bit convinced by it.

Vanilla had serious issues, and I have higher hope for AE than Ryu Rufus Sagat Fighter 4.

i dont want to write a wall-o-text neither… but in short fuck off

hell no, i dont think so i think yun would put a good ass fight. Nothing matches the terror of cvs2 sagat vs yun, sagat completely destroys yun in that game

sounds fun right? I think capcom should consider it, and for 2012 they should make all the low tier/mid tier characters really really good so they could put up a fight for the vanilla characters. Like give all these dudley players the shit they want and rose too etc etc

Heck yea sounds fun, mix it up a little and stop being so paranoid about every little change here and there, if you want to play 2012 only, great go for it.

If you want have some fun playing your vanilla dan vs some scrubby ae yun, then go for it. Not for tourneys or official, 2012 can be for that, but lets relax and have some fun with all these versions already out there.

NO it wont be balanced
NO it wont be "fair"
YES it will be fun.

up to 4 versions of your fave character to pick from

You WILL get better fighting Vanilla Sagat alone. Welcome the challenge instead of complaining about it.


and in fact a compilation of all 4 games would make for a more strategic game. Counter picking, knowing more match ups, knowing which small changes will swing a match in your favor. Im sure if they brought it back though, Ultra’s are going to do a universal set of damage.

And no, not all characters are going to be limited to only one version. You deliberately fool yourself if you think that is going to be the case.

Besides, it will be nice to see the full development of a characters

And no, Vanilla Sagat won’t shit on everybodyy

SF is supposed to be a balanced mix of zoning and rushdown. We don’t need AE to represent SF because we already have games like Tekken for our close-range fighting. IMO, vanilla was the only playable version of the 4 series.

Vanilla Sagat would crush several of the Super chars and the AE chars. He ALREADY beats the twins. The fuck is gonna happen with Vanilla Tiger Knee and Vanilla damage in the mix? Duds will lose now. So will Fei, Twins lose harder. Gouki still wins and so does Viper and Ibuki. That’s basically it.

How many matchups would you have to know if you combined everything?

nevermind that’s a dumb question because there’s no way you’re picking AE ryu over SF4 ryu

when I said that, I was implying the assumption that Ultra damage would be universal for each individual character no matter the version. Yes O.Sagat would still win a lot of matches, but it won’t be this shit fest consisting of who can Sagat shit on even harder becasue of a 500 damage Ultra. EX, He will crush Vega, but he wont shit on him anymore if im not using O.Vega. the same could be said about anybody really.

look at it this way. We now have characters that can zone again. You have your zoners, and you have your roll your face on the controller because im next to you characters. Isnt that what people want? to play certain playstyles?

And of course no one would pick AE 2012 Ryu over O Ryu, but the same cannot be said about everybody.
There isn’t some magical rule that dictates that people have to choose AE Ryu. Besides, your aren’t giving enough credit to low tier hero’s.

People REALLY don’t remember 610 damage of HP TU > FADC > f.rh > Ultra do hey? That’s 61 percent fucking damage to a full health 1000 life character people. And that shit is mad easy and mashable to boot. Do we REALLY wanna be going back to those days? How’s about trade DP/TU into Ultras? + frames on lk Tiger Knees? You people are batshit insane.

Their favorite character got nerfed. That’s all you need to know.

Gee I wonder why he prefers Vanilla.

I do this all the time when I play Sagat, it just does less damage now.

Also 610 damage is not 61% because of guts scaling.

Okay, it becomes like what, 55 percent damage at worst? Still fucking retarded.

Lets talk about 2012 changes

Sagat still has advantage on lk knees.

Jesus christ do you people play this fucking game? And yeah Sagat will still bust your ass if gets a trade.