SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

It kills crossups thats why. Safejumps are the only real way to go about beating it because its very unsafe on block

This is from ono’s twitter 3 minutes ago Looks like we may be getting new information on AE2012 soon

No,I’ll be for SFxTK’s new thing and AE’12! ;D RT [S]@[/S]KTrigger43: So Ono your making a new game announcement at NYC!??

Chun’s HP FB has less recovery time than Oni’s
And Cody’s stone is even +frame on block

you can beat juri’s ex pinwheel just meaty jump in or cross up. Good players do it to me all the time, if you wake up EX counter into cross up is always a nice surprise, land a neutral HK when you land (crossing up) and go into ultra 2.

It is a great reversal (pinwheel EX) as an (anti-air or anti-air cross up which lugnes opp into other side of the screen causing little damage but keeping juri safe, just not on wakeup)

It doesn’t fool people who are looking for it. It isn’t hard to AA at all.

Like I said, I was reacting to posts that were actually weeks old, lol. Sorry to stir that Akuma pot again, I thought it was still being discussed. My bad.

i wonder if they changed this? it doesn’t have a lot of competitive implications but it’s pretty weird.


Actually I could see that being used. Anything you can do to get something to whiff is always a plus.

I thought that was just a Vega specific thing. LOL, so stupid

I’ve actually had the lower body invincibility used on me. Got punished with command grab.

Good job Capcom. Can we go back to playing Vanilla?

Vanilla had so much dumb stuff, there would be way more hate for that game than there is for AE if it had stuck around.

I doubt it, but they really should. The whole thing is counterintuitive and from both a gameplay and graphical perspective it makes no sense.

Yea ok, but atleast vanilla was street fighter. Fuck viper, fuck dive kicks, and fuck command grabs. Sure, it’s ok that these elements are in these games, but AE has really lost what street fighter is really about.

Vanilla was easily the best version of this game.

Yang palm whiff is so good against Viper seismos

Well, Rufus was just below the godly 3 (sagat, akuma and ryu) and Viper was just below him. So dive kicks and burn kicks were already present and powerful.

I agree that it was the best version of this game tho…are at least the one closer to ST (if we can say that SF4 is in any way similar to ST, but you got my point) in the sense that it had huge damage and stun output compared to Super and AE

Lol, Viper was much stronger in Vanilla. Only difference was that noone knew how to play her back then.

Vanilla/AE Burn kicks on block:
Ground lk: +0/-2
Ground mk: +1/-1
Ground mk: +2/+0

Air lk: +8/+6
Air mk: +6/+4
Air mk: +4/+2

If she was still like like her Vanilla incarnation she’d be borderline broken.

Edit: Haha, nevermind Gouki and Seth. They were fucking ridiculous in Vanilla. At least you could legitimately outplay Sagat. Gouki and Seth could kill you with basically one knockdown.

Dhalseth, Ryu, Rufus, and Sagat? Yeah, that was just fantastic.

The only thing I miss about vanilla is LordAborigine. No one else has so many matches organized so well.

Yea, exactly why I preferred Vanilla. Nobody knew how to play her. You’re reading too much into what I said, I’m basically just saying I preferred it when Ryu, Gouki, and Sagat were the best characters.

Shit was awesome. Now this game is boring.